Sunday, July 13, 2014

The End of the $27 Grocery Challenge

I've given myself many challenges over the years and this not the last, but I must say that this one was as difficult as it was short. Thank goodness it's over and of what was learned. In order to make the challenge wrap-up easier to read, I've put the details into bulleted lists (Ah, lists...the stuff of great joy).

The Challenge

  • Feed myself with healthy foods for $27 US$ or less in groceries for one week
  • The food must accommodate 3 meals per day and a snack
  • The groceries must be made up of healthy foods
  • I had to make sure there was at least one item that could be considered a pantry item
  • One item had to be considered a 'treat'
To read what I came up with at the grocery store and how I planned the meals, be sure to read the other postings in this series.

What I Learned

  1. It is completely possible to purchase healthy foods on a very limited budget.
  2. The variety will be as limited as the budget. (i.e. The lower the budget the more likely the same foods will have to be eaten more frequently.)
  3. Part of the joy of life is being able to eat the foods you love.
  4. I never think about food once I am in bed. (This is very significant, because I now know I have a tool for stopping the thought of food when it becomes burdensome.)
  5. Adding a volume (say, 1 quart) of water to a meal will definitely cut down on the ability to consume more food than is needed.
  6. A person can feed themselves on as little as $27 US per week.
  7. I'm absolutely thankful for work that allows me to be able to afford a larger grocery budget.
  8. A lower budget for groceries can lead to greater food creativity.
  9. The human spirit wears thin when foods desired cannot be obtained.
  10. A unsatisfied appetite definitely motivates working hard.
  11. The kindness of friends is a beautiful thing and should lead one to be a better friend in return.

The Benefits of the Challenge

  • I lost 6 lbs.
  • I successfully endured the pain of eliminating caffeine from my diet.
  • I proved a person can eat healthily on a budget of $27 US per week.
  • I endured the test, making me stronger.
  • I learned new things about myself.
  • I'm more thankful than ever for the ability to work and earn a living that supports the ability to have foods I like.
  • I'll never again take for granted what God provides.
Challenges are just tests and the tested is most successful when they are prepared. My favorite saying on this is, "Don't be scared. Be prepared!" I don't know who said it first, but I know it rings true. I'm not only prepared to live on less money, I have the opportunity, God given, I believe, to be prepared for a time when food or money may be scarce. During the challenge I had to not only eat on less and less variety, but I had to be creative and resourceful. I'm thankful for the knowledge that I can be both.

Now, on to the next challenge. We'll see what materializes. For now, I just want to enjoy this beautiful Sunday! As a celebration of the new week and a larger grocery budget, I made pickles!
I missed things like pickles during the challenge and so I made these pickles from a recipe I found on of Refrigerator Pickles. The recipe is really simple. I don't know how they taste yet, but it seemed like a fine recipe to me. These jars are equivalent to 1 pint + 1 half pint or 24 oz. I liked them for this application better than quart jars because of the wide mouth design. It made packing the vegetables in more easy. In these jars I pickled:
  • Cucumbers (Baby Seedless)
  • Mini Bell Peppers
  • Green Beans
  • Green Onions
  • JalapeƱo Peppers
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Garlic
I know I could have just bought some pickles at the store, but what I really wanted was something I made myself. I have no idea if these pkcles will be any good, but you have to start somewhere. From here I'll make tweaks until the recipe is just like I like it! I hope you give it a try. Thanks to for providing the inspiration!!

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and checking in on the challenge. We'll just have to see what challenges me most next. Until then, keep your chin up and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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