Saturday, July 12, 2014

Please Step Away from the Cupcake

The title says it all, but it's also the name of my new blog! I'm still trying to change my physique and so I'm now writing about that voyage on the new blog:

Phew! That's a mouthful!! A mouthful is right and just exactly what will you find there? A weekly posting of what my weight is (in comparison to the last week), what I'm doing to exercise my old body and a brief account of the kinds of foods I'm eating. I'll also share tips, what I'm learning and anything new about the work to lose a person from my body, that might be interesting. The postings there are planned for Sundays, but they could adjust due to life! Be sure to check out the site!

Today, I wanted to share just a few truths about Cupcakes that you may not be aware of. In fact, these are the top 10 reasons you should not make friends with cupcakes.

Top 10 Reasons To Stop Befriending Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes are pretty faces with evil intent. That's right, cupcakes have that pretty shape and sweet nature, but their objective is unwholesome and dare I say it, diabolical! Why do you think they call those chocolate ones "Devil's Food"?
  2. Cupcakes are not smart. Go ahead! Ask a cupcake some simple questions. Just see what you get!! Nothing!! Stupid cupcake!
  3. Cupcakes take you high and then drop you, splat, on the ground. Eat a cupcake and your vitality skyrockets for a few minutes only to then be hurled to the ground with zero energy. That cupcake is probably laughing maniacally as you slam into the pavement. Bad cupcake!!
  4. Cupcakes have no morals. They work to get you hooked. Then they put pressure on you to eat one more, then one more until you're addicted and have to start a twelve-step program to escape their clutches! Bad, BAD cupcake!
  5. Cupcakes are shameless. You can try to tell them how bad they are, but they just stare at you with that frosting, glistening in the sunlight. Outrageous!!
  6. Cupcakes lie. They tell you they are wholesome and made with 'real' ingredients, but they lie. They aren't nutritious at all, they are just calories that stick to your gut and make you fat!
  7. Cupcakes can't solve problems. Eating cupcakes only creates new problems. The solutions to life's problems cannot be found at the bottom of a cupcake cup!
  8. Cupcakes aren't strong. Go ahead, try to get your cupcake friend to bench press 10 lbs.! Your friend will be crumbs! Weakling!!
  9. Cupcakes are malicious. They look so sweet, but really their only intent is to get you to think they are the last cupcake on earth. When you do, you're hooked and soon you're inviting all the cupcake friends over. Once they're in the door, they are so hard to evict!
  10. Cupcakes have no soul. They could care less about your soul either. Cupcakes try to make you treasure them, but since they have no soul you quickly find they are just trying to steal yours! Don't let them do it! Please, just step away from the cupcakes!
That's my take on cupcakes. Yes, they are pretty and tasty. I've eaten my fair share of them over the years, but I know their evil truth now. Don't let those varmints try their evil ways on you. Just step away and remember, they are not to be trusted.

That's my fun for today. Until tomorrow when I'll share more about life in the land of The HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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