Sunday, April 13, 2014

Days 275 - 277

Here we are on Sunday with Friday and Saturday only memories now. My how they flew by! I enjoyed Saturday with my sister so very much. It was a long day of driving, but the 9 hours with her were really fun (3 hours there/3 hours back/9 hours sounds like a nursery Peas Porridge! Never mind!!). We made firm plans for time together in May, when she will visit us here. Her turn to drive!! As usual, we shopped and I did purchase some warm weather casual wear to allow me to toss out some very worn out items that I've been holding onto. I was able to stay within budget and thus, I'm happy with my purchases.

As you've read in previous postings, I'm learning to become a bit more selective in my activities to allow me the ability to comfortably accomplish exercise, daily. I'm a person who really likes to be busy and I have many interests, which makes it doubly hard to do what I tend to put off to the very last thing: Exercise. Here is the short list (oh, goody!) of the three questions I'm asking myself about activities these days, before I launch into action:

  1. Will there be bloodshed, loss of life or life difficulties if the activity is not completed?
    1. No.  The activity is officially off my plate. Game over!!
    2. Yes. Okay on to the next question!
  2. Could the activity be completed on my behalf, by another person?
    1. Yes. Find that person and get them on it!!  Game over!!
    2. No.  Okay on to the next question!
  3. Is there a more efficient way of completing the activity?
    1. There is no 'yes/no' here, only me opening my mind to the idea that there are options and possibilities for getting every task completed!  Get on it and GAME OVER!!
I'm taping video and making still shots of the laundry process, which will all go into the lesson discussed above. The rest of the day will be devoted to laundry and making my grocery list. Since I took tomorrow (Monday) off, I've shifted my usual Saturday grocery shopping to that day. There should be fewer people in the store, which makes for a much more enjoyable shopping experience. The rest of this day (Sunday) will be spent relaxing and getting ready for the week ahead. I hope you're having a fun time living your life! Check back soon for more about life with The HumbleVoyager. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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