Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 287

I learned today that if you delete photos from your phone you WILL be deleting them from your blog, as well! I thought I was making room on my phone for more stuff, but what I was doing was deleting all of the photos in my blog postings. Holy COW!! Thank the Lord above, Google has a "restore" feature just for people like me!! Thank you, Google!!

Everyday I read about people who have found some way to win the battle over weight, but what I don't read are articles about people who battle to just be healthy. I too want to lose weight, but that isn't my focus. I've come full circle on this subject (yes, I'm a project). I've lost weight before and I know that I have the ability to do that, but I've learned that what I really want is to be fit, healthy and comfortable in my own skin. I'll be 55 years old soon and it's about time that I actually figured myself out! I'll NEVER be a size 6 and I am no longer fixated that kind of result or number. I stand here today, finally, focused on how I feel and the life I want to experience.
The first climbing rose of
the season, just because
I love it!!

Over the past year I've been working on 5 different things, but underneath it all, I've been trying to figure out the one thing that I really want. Why? Because I'm all over the place trying to fix 55 years of bad decisions...and that's what it is: BAD DECISIONS! I believe that if I could just nail down the one thing I really want, all of the decisions I need to make will be easier and make more sense.

So, the work goes on to figure me out and nail down the one thing I want so I can focus on that. Thanks for dropping by to check out the progress. Until tomorrow when I hope to share some more from the world of Nancy! Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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