Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 286

Another day in Nancy-land and although I don't like feeling this way, I was glad to see it go. I woke in not the best of shape this morning and actually had a hard time getting out the door, but out the door, I did get! Work being that...work...I put in my time, did my best, but just wasn't anything remarkable. It was, however, proof that sometimes if you're not feeling well, but you get up and just get going, you will be okay and make something of the day.

Today I walked on the treadmill and learned about a new standing abs workout from FitnessBlender.com. I'm going to add this to my week and do this set (about 10 minutes worth of core strengthening exercises) about 3 times per week. Here is a link to the video!
The RunKeeper app is continuing to help me along. It sends me email messages and encourages me as well as updates me on my stats. I like that as I am interested in seeing progress on all levels.
Tonight I cooked the famous and well loved Skillet Pasta and Meatballs for supper. Be sure to click the link and check out this great, time-saving way of cooking pasta. It makes 8 nice servings so there's plenty for everyone!
As I arrived home from work this afternoon, I was greeted with growth in the garden. It made me so happy to see God's handy work. As I shared in my last posting the potted plants are new, but the roses are all in the ground since the last season. The hot pink roses get as big as your hand! This will be the first year for the climbing roses to bloom and it was a huge surprise to learn they are yellow! I love spring!  

I'll share snaps in a collage later this week, but to the left is a good photo of the hot pink roses, with it's dozen buds and blossoms just beginning to show. That's it for today! Thanks for dropping by and checking out the blog. Until later when you're likely to find me cooking, exercising and living life to its fullest, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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