Friday, April 25, 2014

Days 288 and 289

Howdy folks! So, I'm using Runkeeper on my cell phone (an app) to track my exercise now. It's helpful, but it crashes frequently and is one of those apps where they want you to buy 'monthly/annual' services in order to use all the tools. Okay, so I'm not interested in purchasing services.  Although I'll probably use the app to get my general stats, I'm now also adding them to my own walking spreadsheet log. I've been walking and tracking things for about a week now and building up slowly, so as not to cause myself any mischief. I'm breakable, you know! So, here are the results so far:

Yes, this is just one week, but it's a measure of consistency that shows some steady improvements. The current plan is to walk 6 days per week (Monday-Saturday). Each week the goals will be slightly different. The past week I wanted to complete at least 3 miles and I've already done 3.70 miles with one more day to go in the week! I'm glad I was able to meet the challenge of exercising with purpose again. I don't want to stop and will need all of God's help to keep well and not miss out on training. That's what this is: Training! I'm in training to save my life. At almost 300 lbs. I'll die if I don't get fit and I've got no time for death!! I have a son of 15. I'm not ready to be dead and have people standing over my coffin saying things like, "It was all her fault..." Actually, I'd prefer to be raptured!

That's it for today. I'm breathing easier about the exercise, but I CANNOT ever become complacent about daily exercise, ever again. It's necessary and I know that. Thanks for stopping by to see what's going on in the HumbleVoyager world. Here's a song from Mr. Harry Connick, Jr. that I found on YouTube to give you an idea of how I look at things in general (tune by Charlie Chaplin, Lyrics by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons)...enjoy...

...and SMILE! Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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