Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Days 290 - 293

As I inch ever closer to the close of my year, I'm trying so hard to use the rest of the time in the year to be better prepared to get it right in the next year. Isn't that what life is all about? Working to make each day better than the one before. In order to do that, I need knowledge. So, I'm asking lots of questions of myself and looking deep at what is getting in my way or leading to such failure.

First of all, I think the most important thing going on is that I have not been very clear about what I want. I have to KNOW exactly what it is I'm trying to achieve; what end results I want. Without something specific identified, I can't really be sure that the actions I'm taking are correct. Identifying this is harder than one would think! It's actually hard to stop being afraid of what I'm doing. When I've looked back over the years at my successes, I've noticed that I was very focused on a specific result, that I had pre-planned how I would handle situations where people did things like offer me cake (i.e. the standard answer? "No, thank you!") and kept myself honest by documenting the actions I was taking to get me to my end results.

So, why did things fall apart? I don't want to rehash old stuff, but illness in my family and my own serious issues, really devastated me. Never underestimate the effect life can have on your plans. Thankfully, I'm better and from the ashes of my failure, I can still spot the important teaching moments and can use all of the knowledge to help me in the future.

What's next? I'll let you know. For now, I walk every day except Sunday for up to 30 minutes. Call it a goal or whatever you like, the point is I just do it. The idea for now is that I'm just working to build the exercise habit back into my day. I like walking in the evening after everything is done, and so that's what I'm doing. I set an alarm on my phone and so far, that's helping me stay on track. The treadmill is best for me, since there are less excuses to get in the way of getting the walk in. Just so you know, I really do love this exercise and I really cannot explain why I have been letting life squeeze it out of my day!

That's it for now! Be sure to check back to see what's going on as I work to recreate myself. This is major work and I'm really enjoying every minute of it!  Until tomorrow when I'll do my best to share helpful information and more spring (like below), Godspeed, Voyagers!!
The climbing rose

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