Thursday, January 30, 2014

Days 202 and 203

Good Thursday evening!! It's been a nice day here in Central Texas and I have exciting news for everyone. I've made a decision to participate in the 28 day Engine 2 Challenge that my local Whole Foods is doing from February 3 - March 3. If you've never heard about the Engine 2 Diet, then you should read about it. Click here to visit the Engine 2 Diet website. I read the book several years ago and successfully lost over 100 lbs. following a modified version (mostly vegetarian, but I would eat a little fish now and then). Back then, I wasn't ready to be a Vegan (which is what Engine 2 is...a Vegan diet) but I am now. I should have done this a long time ago, but I haven't. Now that Whole Foods is putting on this challenge, I'd be crazy not to participate. They are holding lots of events and are offering up TONS of support, up to and including 1-on-1 time! I'm excited!!  I've never been more ready to make this lifestyle change than I am today. I'll update everyone as I go along. Although the official start is Monday, February 3, I will be starting on Saturday, February 1. I need the weekend to get myself going and preparing foods for the next week so that I don't sabotage myself by not being prepared.

Since yesterday was Wednesday, that means I skipped a great day to say, "Did you know...?" to everyone! I'd like to take this moment to make that right!! So, without further ado, Did you know that eating green bell peppers can keep your mind sharp? It seems that Luteolin, a plant compound found abundantly in green peppers can prevent inflammation in the brain linked with aging and diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. This according to researchers a the University of Illinois. It seems that scientists have studied the effects on human brain cells in a test tube and on mice, and in both cases there was decreased inflammation. Prevention magazine suggests dipping green bell pepper slices in hummus (my favorite way to eat raw bell pepper). It tastes good while it's keeping you sharp! Excellent!!

Today, being Thirsty Thursday, I have a beverage to discuss. This beverage will be a staple over the next month as I participate in the Engine 2 Challenge. That beverage? WATER! I need more of it and will be drinking lots. I hope you find a way to get more of this essential beverage into your own lovely body!!

That's it for today! I hope you've had a lovely couple of days. For me, it is always lovely when I face the day. I'm looking forward to Friday and the weekend. So, until tomorrow when I'll likely share something of a review, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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