Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 199

What a lovely Sunday! It was much like Saturday, weather wise, but since I don't generally leave home on Sundays for ANYTHING, I was able to enjoy the day outside. I love being outdoors most of all. It has always been that way for me. I don't know why, but it is where I am happiest of all.

During this lovely day I enjoyed watching the squirrels fight over the corn we leave for them. They have really been fun to watch. I took a short video and shared it on YouTube. Here it is:
That's right! I watched squirrels today. It was a great use of my Sunday morning; enjoying all that God has created. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know you probably don't believe in God. Well, I do and so that means I think he created everything. Yes, I know you think there was magic involved or voodoo or some other force. Nope, not me...all God...actually Jesus, but I won't try to explain. Read the Bible and you'll know the WHOLE truth.

The upcoming week will likely be busy. We should have more cold weather with possible freezing precipitation on Tuesday. I just take the days on at a time. So, until tomorrow when it will be time for nuggets again, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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