Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 186

Good Monday evening! What a wild ride it was today. Nice weather and all, but I was so busy at work, I could only view the day from my office window. I actually love days like this, where I'm busy and the time files, but I'm hoping the rest of the week is just productive without being crazy.

Today is the last day this week that I'll just relax each evening. Since my sister arrives on Friday, I have cleaning to do each night in preparation for her arrival. Nothing big, but things need general tidying, dusting, vacuuming and such. That's what I'll be doing each evening. Don't you wish you were me?

This morning, I watched a YouTube video and recreated the makeup look for the office that I think everyone who loves makeup needs to try. I think the look was great for the office and was so easy to do. I adjusted slightly for my coloring, but I love the idea of minimal products and a pink or rosy finish. I'll most likely be doing a version of this every day this week. Lisa Eldridge is the makeup artist and she is my all time favorite. Check her out at
I could go on and on about why I think Lisa Eldridge is the most fantastic makeup artist ever born, but you should decide these things yourself. She seems so genuine to me and lovely. I'm certain she is great to work with. I know I'm no model, but I'd love to have my makeup done by her! Since that is unlikely to happen, I watch her videos on my iPad via YouTube while I'm putting on my makeup every morning. She's fantastic and I always learn something new. Thanks, Lisa!!

Being that it's Monday, that means its time for Nancy's Nuggets. Here is what I have to say this week:

  • It's amazing how a kind and genuine word of appreciation can lift up a person who is struggling with a decision that affects you personally.
  • A woman can face any problem as long as she's wearing a beautiful shade of lipstick.
  • Some of the best things I ever learned about life, I learned from movies made in 1939.
  • In the words of a minor character from one of my all-time favorite movies, "Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!" (It's a Wonderful Life, (1946))
  • Writers of television drama are always pulling a fast one on you and doing terrible things to characters you love. (i.e. Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 2) I'm having a bit of a fume over this episode right now.
Don't watch Downton Abbey? To each, his own!! I watch very little television and Downton Abbey is a favorite. I love everything about this program. The only thing I don't love is the waiting MONTHS for seasons and then only having 8 episodes. I'm fascinated by the early 20th century in general, since some of my favorite people of all times lived young lives then. Anyway, that's it for today. It's time for me to take off my face, freshen up and get to bed. Maybe I will sleep better tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll fascinate you with my Tuesday ramblings, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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