Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 184

Good Saturday evening! I've had a wonderful day here in Central Texas with the clear blue skies, slight wind and 70 degree temperature! A BEAUTIFUL day. I hope you're having a great day wherever you are. I was taking a look at the forecast and the skies are staying clear and it will be mostly sunny for the next week. High temps will be in the 60's and lows in the upper 30's/lower 40's. That's winter for the most part in Central Texas. We have a day or so of really cold temps and then it turns off like this. I'll take it! Stick around though, I'm sure we're in for more of a bumpy ride ahead, weather wise.

Well, I was going to go out this afternoon and have some of my hair chopped off, but decided to wait until next week when my sister is here. That is, if she can still be here. She is sick, poor thing, with that awful flu that's going around. I'm real concerned for her. She is well taken care of, but I can't get to her very quickly and this flu is bad news; so I'm told. As for hair, I'm considering a longer shag haircut. My hair is quite thick and wavy or at least full of texture. At the moment it is all one length. When it dries it's like a wedge shaped mop on the top of my head. Since I'm losing lots of my color to my birth certificate (read: I'm old and grey headed) my hair is looking dull and just very unbecoming. Now, people (read: men) don't want me to cut my hair. I want it longer because I feel I can do more with it and at my current size, I need bit of hair to balance me out. Otherwise, I look like a pencil head! The last time I had my hair cut short the stylist cut it SO short that I looked ridiculous. Well, never again. I want a longer shag that I can wear down, but still have the ability to put some clips in if I want to put my hair somewhat up. I just need my hair to be less trouble and stop falling out!! I hope I can figure it out soon.

Today being Saturday, means it is 52 Things day! That's right!! You get to hear about what I completed off my list of 52 Things this week. The item I completed from the list this week is:

39.  Rethink my shoe and handbag storage.

There were pretty simple solutions for this. I had been using an over the door rack for shoes and that had become tiresome. I've moved all but three pairs to a new under bed storage container and that's working out great! Handbags had been on hooks in my closet and made it difficult for me to be in the closet along with the bags (my closet is kind of tiny). Now, they are tucked nicely into a fabric box on the shelf in my closet. All of the solutions were purchased from The Container Store and can be found online! The fabric box in my closet for handbags has a metal frame hidden inside and is decorated with a nice damask print. The top has a zipper on each side and a flap with velcro to keep things nicely closed. The under bed shoe storage container has a zippered top and clear plastic so I can easily see the shoes. I'm so glad I thought this through and took these steps to organize my bags and shoes. They are out of the way now, but I can get to everything easily. Here is what it all looks like!
I spent about $40 for the two pieces but both of them have really given me back a lot of space so they were well worth the investment. Plus, the shoe storage gave me room for more pairs of shoes and the bag storage is no where near full! So, I can have a new handbag (just bought a new Classic Mini The Sak bag) and new shoes (coming up next!). 

I'm committed to keeping up with the 52 Things list this year.  I just want to have a year where I get all 52 things done and I know this year I can do it! Writing the blog each Saturday keeps me on track. Now, what will I do next week? Hmmmm...I have to think about that...hmmmm. For now, I think I'll rush off and cook some supper (Steak and something on the side...salad maybe...we'll see) and do something productive. Who knows night maybe? I don't know. Have a lovely evening and join me back here on Sunday when I'll share a new YouTube video or web content that supports my goals. Until then, have a great Saturday night and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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