Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Days 180 and 181

Good evening!! Yes, yes, I know...I skipped a day again. I was going to try to avoid that in 2014, but hey! Life is what happens when you were planning to do something else. Tuesday was a good day, but cold. I just wanted to get home, change my clothes and do some exercise to get my body temperature up. Oh, yes, and I wanted to feel great! Exercise really does lift my spirits.

Office Essentials 01/07/14
Tuesday (day 180) was also Office Essentials day. That's where I share what I used that day to keep myself looking my best on the job Tuesday. All I can say is some days it takes a lot to keep me looking decent. On this particular day I used a sample of Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Foundation Powder to keep my base looking good. It tucks nicely into a mini tools pouch I have from Sephora (the large flat brush in that kit is so soft and ideal for applying the LM powder). I used a combination of Revlon's Super Lustrous Shine Lipstick in #805 Kissable Pink and NYX Butter Gloss in Creme Brûlée, on my lips. I touched up my bad spots with my new favorite touch-up wonder the NYX Wonder Pencil in light (if you haven't picked up this little gem you're falling down on the job!!) and kept myself blushing a sweet shade of pink all day with Sephora's blush in Rose Diaphane Pink Flush #07. Lancome Dfincils in Dark Brown is my favorite mascara and I wouldn't be caught dead without that. To top it all off I smelled delicious in Cartier's Declaration via a sample from the excellent folks at Sephora.  (Oh, yes...I love Sephora!) Some people think it takes a village to do different things. I think it takes great makeup!!

Wednesday, (day 181) which just happens to be today, is really, 'Did you know?' day! So, here keeping with the makeup theme...Did you know that you can freshen makeup without starting from scratch? Well, you can!! knew that!! I learned from Bobbie Brown that the best place to start is by removing excess oil and smoothing out foundation and eye shadow with an oil-blotting sheet (I keep some at my desk at work from Hello Kitty). Then spot apply stick foundation where ever your base has worn away (I prefer touching up with a powder foundation instead, but stick is also a good option depending on your skin type). To brighten the face, sweep a shimmery multi-tonal highlighting powder on your cheeks. Those kaleidoscopes of color contain light-reflecting pigments that boost radiance and make you look well rested! Who knew!?!  Your last step for vibrance: Slick on a medium-toned pink or berry lipstick. Voila!! You're gorgeous!!! Blow yourself a kiss! *wink, wink* I think Bobbie forgot the mascara, but I don't think she'll mind if we add that part in. Tote your favorite for best results.

I love freshening my makeup about mid way through the work day. It makes me feel good to know I'm putting my best face forward. For so many years I didn't wear makeup. I had my reasons, but I came to learn that when people see a woman without any makeup, they immediately think she doesn't care, which is the last thing I want people to think about me. I use a combination of drug store and high end makeup and I believe you should always just do whatever you like. It's your face, you should make it up however makes you happy.

Well, that's it for yesterday and today. I've had a great couple of days and now we're on the downward side of the week. I'm looking forward to the weekend. This is the last one before my sister Gena comes to visit and I CANNOT WAIT!! I'm so excited to see her. Here is a picture of her so you can know how fun she is!
First of all, she's GORGEOUS with a big smile and personality to match. Everyone she meets immediately falls in love with her. She's got zing like no other person on earth and she's my sister and best friend. In this shot, we were enjoying the down town area of Boulder City, Nevada. If you've never been there, you're really missing a great trip. When you go, be sure and get some of Grandma Daisy's candy and ride the pink poke-a-dotted cow! Oh, and by the way, be sure and take your best friend and if that's your sister, all the better!! Now, until tomorrow when I'll amaze you with my ability to translate life in to a blog, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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