Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 175

Is everyone else's life as goofy as mine is? I mean honestly, after 54 years of up and down weight there has to be a place of rest for me on this earth where my BMI isn't rivaling the national debt!!  Okay, that was a mini rant of the rhetorical nature and requires nothing other than perhaps a pat on the cheek and a suggestion whispered in my ear about maybe taking a pill.  So, on to other things! Time stands still for no one, especially me! As you can see in my photo, I'm aging rapidly. The brown spots on my face are multiplying as if they were bunnies!! STOP!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! Nope, that didn't work. I just saw another one pop-up out of nowhere. Back to the dermatologist for me!!

Today was literally the first day of the rest of my life. I cannot conquer food, this is clear, but I can surely conquer exercise. I actually am a member of that rare group of people who really like exercise. My problem is carving out time to do it. When I lost a bunch of weight back in 2008, I did it through eating a reduced calorie diet and exercise. I couldn't keep up the reduced calorie part forever and as soon as a few pounds came on me, I caved. Additionally, I started doing exercises that I couldn't keep up with (i.e. trying to learn to run and lifting weights). The weightlifting led to a ruptured hernia and before I knew it I was recovering from major emergency surgery and the weight FLEW back on me. Lesson learned:  Stick to what works; go slowly; eat a balance diet that doesn't deprive you; move your a**. This time, the weight will come off slower, but should stay off. I know what exercise works and I know what foods to limit to only a few times a year. I'll still have my cake, but I won't eat it every day.  *smile*  My exercise of choice is walking. For me, the Walk-Away the Pounds videos by Leslie Sansone, work great. I use her 3 Complete Workouts videos right now as there are 1, 2 and 3 mile options, which make it easy to work up to more miles as I become stronger and more fit. Here is what the DVD looks like:
Ms. Sansone has many other video options. I have others that are harder to do, but the 1 mile video in this collection is the best starting point for any beginner. Although I've done these videos and harder ones, I'm back to square one, so I did the 1 mile walk this evening at 6pm. Yippie!! It was great!!! At some point in my life I might change and do something else, but honestly I'm taking this a day at a time. With these videos there is no excuse for not completing at least a one mile walk every day. I feel so good, too!! These videos are easily available on Regardless of whether you use a video or just go outside for a walk, remember that the best way to lose weight, increase stamina, improve fitness and lift your spirits, is with exercise.

Now it's time for me to go and have some supper and get myself ready for the final work day of the week. I'm working a little later tomorrow, so I don't have to go in as early in the morning. That means I can stay up a little later tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll share more about a goofy life with Nancy, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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