Sunday, January 26, 2014

Days 197 and 198

Just when you thought I might be getting a little too perfect, I skip a day. Never fear! I will NOT EVER be perfect. I am perhaps the most imperfect person on earth. That being confessed, I didn't mean to skip blogging yesterday, but I did it nonetheless. See, not perfect. The last couple of days have been another roller coaster of weather. Starting Thursday night we began to get sleet, freezing rain and light snow; weather that is difficult for us to deal with here. I worked from home on Friday due to the poor weather conditions and I'm glad that I did. Between Thursday evening and Friday mid-day, there were 278 car accidents in the area! I could have easily been one of them, had I gotten out on the road. Here is what it looked like here early Friday morning:
As you can see, it doesn't really look bad, but that thin sheet of ice was pure treachery! Being a person capable of tripping over puffs of smoke and blades of grass, you can imagine how cautiously I approach slippery surfaces!

Yesterday being Friday, it is the day that I try to reflect on the success and failures of the week. I need to say that recently all my weeks are failures when it comes to my physical fitness and weight. I don't know why, but I can't seem to get a grip on myself. I'm not hungry, but I keep eating like I am. I have a plan for the next week though. One thing that seems to be an issue for me is the fact that I like to chew. No, I say that incorrectly. I LOVE to chew. I need to suppress that desire and one way I'm going to do it and shrink my stomach at the same time is to reduce some of my meals to a liquid form. (i.e. smoothy, soup, juice, broth, etc.) For the next week, I'm going to have a breakfast smoothy, broth for a morning snack, soup and sandwich for lunch with fruit, juice for an afternoon snack and soup and a smoothy for supper.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. I really do want to lose weight, but I now know I have to stop wanting to chew to make this a reality.

Today is the day that I share what I've done this week from the 52 Things list. This week my work was on:

     41.  Go through all of the linens and discard or repurpose worn out items.

There are several items that are so worn out that I can practically see through them. We'll call them well loved. Oddly enough, when a towel becomes very thin, it also becomes very useful for tying up my longish, wet hair. However, there does come a day when a towel ceases to be useful and there were several of these taking up space. Some have been made into cleaning cloths and some have simply become rubbish. I also retired some well loved bathroom rugs and other linens. 

So, these were the last couple of days. It has been an interesting week and I'm looking forward to the next one coming up. Now, it is time for me to get some rest. So, until tomorrow when I will share the fun that is laundry, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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