Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 190 and 191

Good Saturday evening! Yes, I know...I skipped Friday. No problem!! I'm making up for it with this posting that covers both Friday and Saturday.

For Reflection Friday, all I can say is the week zipped past me at the speed of light. I was busy with work but I don't believe I would categorize the week as a success in the world of Personal Renovation. I had really wanted to enjoy a week of exercise every day and it just didn't happen. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble getting my walking sessions in. My schedule is really difficult, but only because I make it so. (I'd explain but it would make the blog posting WAY long.) I know it is me who has to figure this out, but the bottom line is: I need to exercise. My goal for the coming week is to put the exercise in the middle of the day before I allow myself to eat my lunch. I think this will work. I have a private office and can easily pop my video into my personal computer or use my iPad and walk for 20-30 minutes without a problem. We'll see how this works and I'll report on it next Friday.
Above is a 1 mile walk with Leslie Sansone that was on Exercise TV and is now on YouTube. I think Leslie has the best, easiest, no-excuses workouts ever! If you can't see the link above to the video, just go to YouTube and search for "Leslie Sansone" and you'll find may options to review.

Saturday is the day I update you on what I completed from the 52 things list. This week it was:

45.  Cook the meals for a full week on Saturday and package/freeze for the next week.

Last weekend I cooked three Persian Sauces for Rice and packed half for the refrigerator and half for the freezer. These were for supper each night. For lunches, I prepared and froze a dozen sandwiches which were easy to pop into my lunch bag with carrot sticks and an orange. For breakfast, I made breakfast tacos with sausage, eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions and peppers. I used corn tortillas and froze portioned packages with 2 tacos each. These worked perfectly for everyone. I'm actually one of those people who doesn't mind eating the same thing every day, as long as it's good and has a definite end date in the future. All of the meals were well received by the family, but my son was not happy with the Persian dishes (too much vegetables for him). So, although I'll be doing the same thing this week there will be a difference. Here is what I'm preparing for the this week:
  1. Breakfasts - Bean and Cheese Tacos in Flour Tortillas or Cereal and Milk (hot or cold).
  2. Lunch - Sandwiches (Ham and Manchago, Roast Beef and Butter-Kase or Lemon Pepper Chicken and Butter-Kase), Crackers and Fruit.
  3. Supper - Grilled Steak, Chicken Breasts or Hamburger Steaks and Salad.
After finding that my son didn't want to eat any of the suppers last week, I asked him what would make him happy and he said simply, "Can I just have some grilled meat and salad? Would that be okay?" Okay!?! Absolutely!!!  It's actually easier for me. I am pre-grilling the meat and freezing in portions. Then all anyone has to do is select their meat and warm it up, grab the salad, plate it up and Bob's Your Uncle (read: "There you go!").

Everyone can do what they like, but sandwiches are always available; already made in the freezer. Breakfast and supper are ready to go, too. Breakfast is in the freezer, but cereal is sometimes preferred and is available, as are fresh eggs if that's what is desired. The thing to know is that this is easy and portion controlled, which is a big deal for me.

So, the next week will focus on exercise at mid-day, continuing to take lunch to work and eating the great bounty that is in the freezer. I would really like to be able to show my cancer doctor that I'm making progress with my weight problem on my next check-in, February 28. It's been a busy Saturday with all of the errands. Supper of Pan-Broiled Salmon with Salad was really simple and delicious. I had a glass of Malbec along side and am very relaxed now. This is where I think I'll sit back and enjoy myself. So, until tomorrow when we'll start the new week off with a thrilling ride through the land of dirty laundry, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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