Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 185

Welcome to Sunday! The weather app that I use on my computer is Weather 5 Days + and it says that it is sunny right now and it isn't. Although it is a cool 63 degrees, it is by no means sunny and is in fact, raining! I checked all of my weather apps on my phone. All but two show the temperature higher and sunny!?! Really?? I don't think so. Android Weather and The Weather Channel apps are both very accurate. Guess who's going to get used and who's going to be deleted???

This week my goals are simple, move my a**! I'm liking the C3 Workouts that I see on the website. There is a 12 week program which works on different parts of the body each day. You workout 6 days per week and the routines don't appear to exceed an hour in length. My goal is to start the Week 1/Day 1 routine tonight at 6pm and have scheduled the sessions on my calendar for the 12 weeks. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that I can keep up with Coach Arial from day 1, but I do know that I will do my best and everyday I'll get better and stronger. Be sure to go check out

Most of today has been cooking and laundry. A friend of our son's dropped by with his parents and there was an incident. Life is just never easy, is it. Lets just say that dropping by, unannounced and then sliding a thumb drive into one of our computers without asking permission from Dad, is a mistake. Yes, the "friend" did this dastardly thing and now there is upset-ness everywhere and a son calling himself, "an idiot." Okay, this was a mistake, but after the scene Dad has made, son will never allow anyone within a hundred yards of his computer with a thumb drive again! The friend did it before our son realized that he had done it. Now we're trying to figure out exactly what he did do...from the command line...YIKES!! Please, PLEASE, do not EVER put a thumb drive into a computer that is not yours or that you do not have permission to do that with. There is a reason companies don't allow those stinking things around their computers!

The cooking ahead and sandwich ahead making that I did last week was very successful, so I've done it again. I made Persian dishes again that my husband likes and have frozen a bit of it now so there is some already in the freezer for later. The sandwiches worked so well, I made them a bit larger (added another slice of deli meat) and made not only HEB Ham, but Boar's Head Pastrami, as well. Also, this week, I'm not having the chips, but am substituting baby carrots instead and I'm having fruit instead of cupcakes. I'll do a picture of breakfast, lunch and supper tomorrow so you can see how it goes. Also, I made breakfast tacos with sausage, potatoes, peppers, onions, egg and cheese. I cooked until the egg was almost done and then made nice tacos using corn tortillas. I placed two tacos in sandwich zip-lock bags and froze those, as well. So, now I have tacos for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and Persian food for dinner, already made and ready to go for the week!! That makes me very happy!!

Now its getting close to time for exercise. Send me good thoughts as I get my a** moving!! I hope I can do the whole 40 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. So, until tomorrow when I'll share some nuggets from life in my sandbox, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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