Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Days 194 and 195

Good Wednesday evening! I'm just a series of skipped days now. That's right...I'm an adult. So, Tuesday was skipped because it was a VERY hard day at work and I was so tired I fell asleep in the wing back recliner in my bedroom, even before I'd had supper. I was able to eat a little something later on and watched a little of the American Masters piece on PBS on J. D. Salinger, but I was very tired. I have never read any of J. D. Salinger's work. His book, The Catcher in the Rye was banned back when I was in High School. One day, I'll read the book, but honestly, from what I've heard, the central character is a whining teenager and since I have no patience for whining any-agers, I may just skip it. J. D.'s dead now, so he won't mind.

Tuesday was Office Essentials day and I enjoyed using the following to look my best all day. First, I
Nancy using the Office Essentials for January 21, 2014
used the Clinique Almost Powder in Light along with my favorite NYX Wonder Pencil in light to keep my skin looking even. Today was Revlon day and I used one of my favorite Sheer lipsticks in Pink Cognito along with lip gloss in Peach. To give my lips a little bit of a depth of interest, I also used NYX lipstick in Blush and this also serves as 'blush' for my cheeks on the go! My eyelashes are kept looking nice with Lancome Definicils Mascara in Black. Finally, what is a winter day in the office without hand cream? This small tube of L'Occitane Shea Butter hand cream is always in my handbag! My hair is really getting back to normal. Less and less of the dark color is visible (mostly in the back and on the ends) and my hair is finally slowing down its retreat from my head (read: It's stopped falling out so much!). At 54 years old, I may not be a beauty queen, but I'm happy with myself and as my little sister says, "I think I'm fantastic!" At the moment I'm working through clearing out the makeup that has gone past its usable date and am replacing some items with new. Powders I don't worry about so much, as I use clean makeup brushes and sponges and sanitize regularly. What I do have to let go of are liquid foundations and mascara that can easily cause problems when they are old. That means I get to buy replacements!! Yippie!!! More makeup!!! The foundation I used for the above look is the new Miracle Worker Foundation from Philosophy in Shade 5. Not bad, but not my favorite either. It seems to really settle and show off the lines that are forming in my face. Great!! My hooded eyes prevent you from really seeing the eye look, but I went old-school today and used the Shimmering Sands eyeshadow trio from Cover Girl! Pretty!!

On to Wednesday!! This day of the week is my "Did you know..." day. Last week I was focused on lowering blood pressure and that will continue to be something I think about. This week, I've been thinking about how I can tackle my cravings for sugar. I know that the more sugar I eat, the more I want. But it's a vicious circle trying to stop using sugar. The cravings are so strong and you get it out of one food, only to find it in something else. Sugar is in EVERYTHING these days! Did you know that drinking Club Soda with Bitters added to it can reduce your cravings for sugar? So says Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, the author of Life Is Your Best Medicine. In the recent edition of Prevention Magazine, she suggests shaking a few drops of Angostura bitters into either Club Soda or plain water to counteract the craving for sweets. I'm going to give it a try! Thanks, Dr. Low Dog!!

So, that's it for the last couple of days. I'm still working on me and I'm still meeting rocks in my path, daily. That's okay, because I'm not going anywhere and have nothing better to do than make a happy life for myself, so onward and upward is where I'm going!  Now it's time for me to eat some supper and do some resting. So, until tomorrow when it will once again be Thirsty Thursday, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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