Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 196

Welcome to the final few hours of Thirsty Thursday! Yes, we are at another Thursday and I just can't believe how quickly January is flying by. I've been enjoying the cooler weather, but this evening we have sleet and freezing rain. Not my favorite, but it's different anyway and we like that!

On Thirsty Thursdays I want to talk beverages! The beverage I'd like to talk about today is one I'd describe as my favorite on earth. I love this beverage so much that I drink it daily, mostly iced, but will also have it hot when the temperatures are as they are right now: COLD! What's the beverage? Tea!! And not just any tea. The tea I speak of is special. A Super Ceylon Earl Grey blend called Do Ghazal Tea. The pictures below are of the package. One side is printed in English the other side is in Farsi. Hands down, this is the best tea on the face of the earth. I do not take this lightly. There is only one other tea that I will drink regularly and that is the Shaken Black Iced Tea from Starbucks.
Do Ghazal Tea is available in my area at a couple of Middle Eastern and Indian markets. Online I've seen the tea available on, along with its sister tea Alghazaleen. If you like tea that actually tastes like tea, you'll like this. Other teas, such as Lipton are insipid and not worth the effort it takes to brew. When I drink this I want it strong and iced with a little stevia for sweetness. Drinking it hot, I like a classic cream tea, again with a little stevia. Gosh! I'm thirsty!!

The day was interesting, busy and long. The week will wrap up tomorrow and no telling what the roads will be like with all this freezing rain falling at the moment. For now, it's time for bed and rest. So, until tomorrow when I'll attempt to charm you with a Friday capsule of words, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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