Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 200

Good Monday evening! Another day has been chipped off the block of my 365 day personal renovation. If this were a race, I'd have to characterize myself as the tortoise: slow, slower and slowest may be my speed, but steady wins the race. In life, I'm probably a mixture of the tortoise and the hare. At times, I'm fast and then there are the methodical, calculated slow moments. I have situational awareness and thus, can change approaches as needed.

I've really been thinking a lot about my eating issues and recent life experiences has led me to learn more about Diabetes. Don't worry, I'm not dealing with that, but I could in the future if I don't solve my problems now. To learn more about how people are successfully controlling this disease, I downloaded some material and a few recent issues of the magazine Diabetic Living. Everything I've read is very positive and there was lots of helpful information. Very simply, the eating plan is balanced and targets between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day. Some people use what is called exchanges to calculate how much they should eat, but honestly what I read just made me realize that the key is to eat a balance of quality protein, vegetables, fruit, whole grains and fats.  Since it's so simple, why can't I get it right? Why am I so hungry, or think I'm so hungry all the time? Why do I eat when I'm really not hungry at all? These are all questions I have to answer for myself. The other thing is exercise. I know what to do, but I'm not doing it. Why? Will any excuse do? This is not who I am! I want to get my exercise. So, what is preventing me from doing it? All questions I have to answer!

More than anything this is a Monday full of questions. Thankfully there is great information available. I am motivated, but obviously there needs to be more than that for me to be successful. As it is Monday, it's time for a few Nuggets from Nancy. Here are this week's installment:
  • The concept of right and wrong was not created for the so called 'inferior' man.
  • Nothing is ever truly simple.
  • Some of the best advice I ever got was to talk less and listen more.
  • No matter what happens during a relationship, it's being together at the end that really counts.
  • Life is what happens when you were planning to do something else.
That's it for today. Thanks for dropping by! It's time for me to get some rest and finish watching the classic movie Rope that I've been watching this evening. So, until tomorrow when I'll share my weekly Office Essentials, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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