Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 179 and Monday Nancy's Nuggets

The first thing to know about today is it was the coldest day of the season so far. It was a great day with lots of work and it started for me at 4:15 AM this morning. It will be a similar day tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it being about 20 degrees when I leave the house tomorrow morning. Brrrrrrr--frisky!!

The cold temperatures are making me want to write a list (okay...any excuse will do)! So here is my list of the top 10 things I experienced today:

10.  Enjoyed effortless food due to advance cooking, baking and good preparations.
  9.  Had a great walking exercise session using Leslie Sansone Walk-Away the Pounds video.
  8.  Worked at what I loved all day.
  7.  Was able to leave the office on time.
  6.  Experienced little traffic during all of my drives today.
  5.  Watched is cold...what can I say?
  4.  Decided that if I wanted to learn from the wisest a most wealth man who ever lived, then I need to
       study King Solomon via the Proverbs in the Bible.  I'll be doing that.
  3.  Learned that some people gain knowledge and improve their lot in life and some people never
  2.  Freedom.
  1.  The joy of family who really love me no matter how stupid I am.

So that was my day. My nuggets are included in the list above. The only thing I would add is that life is easy to love when you just decide that it is.  I'm off to bed so until tomorrow when God only knows what will happen, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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