Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 183

Me today, hair down, taken
with LGMS769 phone
(oooh...soft focus nice!)
Hello and welcome to the end of the work week!! If you aren't saying, "Yippie!!" and doing a happy dance, then your week wasn't like mine. By the time I finished sifting through 9,594 lines of data trying to find a needle in the haystack, my brain was scrambled eggs! I must say though, I did find several needles and am well on my way to meeting my goals with that data before the end of the month. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Since this is Reflection Friday, I need to share how the week has gone for me in the area of personal renovation. My work this week was to become most consistent with taking my lunch to work and exercising. I did a pretty good job! I didn't share with you earlier, but I tried something this week that my mother used to do when I was a kid and I must say, it worked out pretty nicely. My challenge is that I need to take my breakfast and lunch with me to work and I need to be able to put it into my bag in 5 minutes in the morning. Also, I don't want to have to remember or find the time to prepare it each night. So, the solution I decided to try this week was to make my sandwiches (which I happen to love for lunch and even breakfast!) ahead and freeze them. You heard me right...I froze them...already made...well, to a point anyway. All I did was have the deli slice me 12 slices (these were big slices) of HEB Old Fashioned Ham, a bit on the thick side and 6 thin slices of Boar's Head Gold Metal Swiss Cheese (it's the size of two slices). Then I took a loaf of sandwich white and a loaf of sandwich wheat bread and I used a slice of bread from each loaf, one slice of ham folded over and a half slice of the cheese, to make a each sandwich. I wrapped each sandwich in plastic wrap and then slid 4 sandwiches into a large freezer Zip-Lock bag and put them into the freezer. Each morning I took out a sandwich and made a little container of mayo/mustard mixed, tossed them into my lunch bag with a pickle, a handful of lettuce, a lunch sized bag of chips and a banana. Most of the mornings I also took along a second sandwich to use as my breakfast. It worked perfectly! By lunch the sandwich was defrosted and I could easily eat right at my desk. The breakfast sandwich I took to the break room, put the bread portion in the toaster and heated the ham and cheese in the microwave for a couple of seconds and voila, I had a toasted ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast! It worked so great, I'm going to do it again this week with Pastrami. My husband and son both ate some of the sandwiches and although they were a bit skeptical, they both said they worked great for them, too! So, if you are looking for a way to make lunch ahead and would prefer something like a sandwich, just put it together and freeze. Just remember not to freeze the mayo! add it to the lunch bag in a little container and spread it on when ready to eat! Honestly, it worked great! I remember as a kid making the sandwiches and putting them into the freezer so that everyone could just grab and go on the way to school. Plus, the sandwiches stayed fresher and cold in our lockers since they started out the day frozen. Cool trick!! *wink*

The exercise part was better this week, but not perfect. I lost momentum about Wednesday. I'll be better next week. So this week I did Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. My goal for next week is to complete Sunday through Wednesday, at the very least. My stretch goal is to get through to Friday! Oh, we love those stretch goals!!

This is a good time to share my favorite song and video (for the moment). So, here it is,
"Happy" by Pharrell Williams
If you can't see the link above, go to YouTube and search for "Happy Pharrell" and play the video and be HAPPY!!

That is the best song on earth and is exactly how I feel. Thank you, Pharrell. I love you for writing and singing this song. You're my kind of guy! I'm happy and ain't nothin gonna bring me down!! Not health, fat, war nor pestilence! I'm happy because I decided it to be so. Really, it's that easy.

That's it for Reflection Friday this week! I hope you've had a great week and are ready for a beautiful weekend. It's time for me to start thinking about bed and rest. So, until tomorrow, when I'll share what I completed this week from the list of 52 Things, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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