Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 189

Oh, boy! It's Thirsty Thursday! But before we get to the drink of the week, let me just say that I'm having a great week, but am bummed that my sister can't visit me this weekend. She has that nasty flu that is going around and thus will not be doing anything fun for a long time. That is, if she wants to ever be able to work again. What a mess!! I feel so bad for her and me being so far away, I can't even properly check on her except via phone. When you're sick, you don't really feel much like talking on the phone. Anyway, I send her all my best thoughts and prayers that she recovers very quickly and becomes well enough for when I go to visit her on February 21.

Now, on with the fun. This week, I thought I'd share a simple beverage that isn't wine. I'm not much of a drinker, but I've wanted to try some of these things for a long time. Although so far I've shared wine and now a cocktail, I will of course, share non-alcoholic drinks in the future, as well. Tonight I dedicate the blog to the humble Gin and Orange. Typically served in a
Rocks glass, the Gin and Orange is considered a 'light' party drink. The conversation I had about this drink tonight went a little like this:
Gin and Orange in the
wrong kind of glass with my
favorite Gin, Bombay Sapphire

He:  Isn't it just like a Screwdriver?
Me:  No, that has Vodka and Orange juice. This is Gin and Orange juice. So they call it a 'Gin and Orange.'
He:  That doesn't seem fair! Why should Vodka be special?
Me:  Well...that's what they call it.
He:  I think we should rename it. How about since the Vodka and Orange juice is a plain 'Screwdriver' we call the Gin and Orange juice a 'Phillips' after a phillips head screwdriver?
Me:  ...(Staring at him with the, "Why are we having this conversation?" look on my face)...

I'd still be staring at him but he stuck his lip out to one side and crossed his eyes and I started laughing and that was the end of that! To the right is my version of a Gin and Orange (mostly orange juice, mind you) made with my favorite Gin, Bombay Sapphire. If I'm going to have a cocktail, it probably will be one made with Gin. Oh, and by the way, as I'm quite unconventional, I'll likely shock you with the fact that I frequently put drinks in the wrong kind of glass. If this bothers you, please just remember that no blood was shed, the drink tasted the same and I'm an adult and can do whatever the heck I like with my Dollar Store goblet! Forgive me, I've had a cocktail!! *smile*

The day was a busy one and started at 4 AM with me getting ready and at work before 6 AM preparing for a 7 AM meeting. I had wanted to leave by 3 PM, but was delayed until 4 PM...12 hours after getting up I was on my way home and enjoying the ride. My car was serviced today so I had an alternate set of wheels. Now I'm home, have eaten supper and am drinking the cocktail (lightly ginned) you see above. Next I think I'll enjoy some mindless entertainment in the form of a movie or a book or something...we'll see. So, until tomorrow when I'll sum up the week on my planet, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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