Monday, February 3, 2014

Days 204, 205, 206 and 207

Vegan? Really?? Really!!
Wow! I've had a mini sabbatical and it was great! Three days off, but I've been busy, because as of day 205, I am officially a Vegan. You read me right! I'm a full-fledged, card carrying (okay not really since I don't think there are cards available and if there are, I want one!) Vegan. Not because I love animals so much, although I do,  but because it is the healthiest way to eat and I know it is and I'm incredibly stupid if I don't make the change now to a super-charged plant based diet. So...I'm here...I'm with it!!

For the next couple of weeks, I'm working on learning what makes sense to my diet and what things are out there to help me along the way. To me, it's simple: If there are meat products in the ingredient list, the food item is out! I have to be a bit more conscious about food for a while until I learn the ropes, but every bit of the research I've read says that cancer is tied to meat and meat based products consumption and I NEVER want cancer in my life again. Also, I have a son that I want to be healthy and he is going to be a Vegan, too! Yea for support at home!! I love it!! I am the cold-turkey kind of girl. As of Saturday, I no longer eat meat or meat products. Simple and enough said.

Before I get into my Nuggets from Nancy (for this is Monday, you know) I wanted to share an experience that I've had recently with ELF ( Now this is a personal experience and may not be the same for everyone, but I think it's good to know what others have gone through. So, if you're looking for information before you make your first order on, here is what I am going through. I like many of the ELF products and usually purchase them at Target.  But recently one of my favorite YouTubers was raving about new products that are available only online (since my Target never has any of them). So, I made an order online and waited patiently for the items to arrive. When the big box got here 11 days later, I was so excited! It was like Christmas!! I do like many of their products and wanted to try some new things. As I went through the box I noticed that two items were circled on the packing list and were not included in the order. The bottom of the receipt said that these items were out of stock and that they were deducted from my total before the order was shipped. I checked my credit card and no, the items were not deducted from the total. So, I emailed them and they emailed back, very quickly, that they were sorry and were shipping the two items out immediately.  Great!! I waited 11 more days for the package to get here and it got here today. Minus one of the items. Again, the packing receipt shows that one item is out of stock but they say I was not charged for it. However, I was charged the first time around. I have now asked for an immediate credit for the item. I am no longer interested in the item and I will not order from them again. I have shopped successfully online with many other companies. Although ELF has been quick to respond, they have not followed through as promised and I cannot trust them, so they will not get another online order from me. I will continue to purchase products from Target, but no more online ordering with these guys. If you've already ordered from them, please check your charge and make certain it was correct, especially if items were not delivered. Buyer beware!

So, here are my Nuggets for this Monday, Day 207:

  • The best way to lose a customer is to fail to do as you promise.
  • Have you ever noticed how happy people are naturally more attractive?
  • I read that if you keep your total cholesterol under 198 in your 40's, you'll be 50% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those with a score of over 249. Interesting!!
  • Another fact read in the Prevention magazine:  Regular cardio can slow your body's aging process by up to 12 years. Okay, count me in!
  • Laughing is reported to boost immunity, improve mood, ease aches, relieve stress and improve personal outlook. It also just feels really good to laugh! Try it!!
Okay, so that's it for today. Yes, I'm a firm believer in laughter and I do it every day. Much like stretching in the morning, a good chuckle at something (usually myself) is always part of my day. Even when I don't feel great there is usually something to laugh about. You when you experience the guy in the fancy car who drives like a maniac to get past you when you're driving the speed limit...and then you pass him later as he is pulled over on the side of the road by the Texas State Highway patrol where he's getting his latest speeding/reckless driving ticket!  That one always makes me laugh big!!  So, until the next time I write, find something to laugh at in a big way today and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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