Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 220

Sunday is just about the best day of the week for me. Some people love Friday because it ends the work week, but I love Sunday. It's the one day each week that I do not leave home unless I have to. For instance, I've adjusted my trips to see my sister to end on Saturdays from now on, just so I can be home Saturday night and therefore, not have to be away on Sunday. I may not always be successful, but I have my goals.

Lemony Eggless Egg Salad (Vegan and made by ME!!)
Today my focus was on creating a good eggless Egg Salad for some great sandwiches in the week ahead. I think I did a pretty good job using the recipe Lemony Eggless Egg Salad from  The salad turned out good and I'm looking forward to having it for lunch at least Monday and Tuesday this week. The plan is to have the sandwich, chips and an orange for lunch each day. Snack on Monday will be Guacamole and baked corn chips. Breakfast continues to be Oatmeal with Golden Raisins and Walnuts, while dinner is a surprise!

Since I'm visiting my sister this week, I have an additional challenge of what to take with me to eat during that trip. The nice thing about this trip is I'm staying at a hotel that has microwaves and refrigerators in the guest rooms. This means I can travel with some items and that I really don't have to worry about the availability of appropriate food. I know that we're planning to eat at a Vegan restaurant for lunch on Friday, but I will need something on hand for Friday night. I'll have Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, chips and fruit and that will do for Friday night. Planning ahead is what will help me be successful in the end.

The day has been a great restful one. I'm now off to fold clothes and get ready for the weekly television event that is Downton Abbey. I love that show and I can't wait to see what's up this week. Thanks for stopping by and checking in. Try the eggless egg salad soon! It really is a winner! Until next time when I'll share more about life as a Vegan, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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