Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Days 208 and 209

The world spins on while Nancy reads. I am one greatly distracted person when it comes to pretty words on a tempting page (be it physical or virtual). If you're scratching your head, that's okay. I simply mean that time slips swiftly away from me when there is something nice to read and there is always something nice to read. I may need to cook meals, handle laundry, solve work problems or take care of myself, but if there is something fun to read, all of that somehow dissolves into obscurity. Man! I love me a good read.

This week I'm somewhat off my routine, as I'm very focused on getting it right as a new Vegan. Vegan-ology is tough when you've been an omnivore most of your life. Although there are lots of "Vegan Friendly" foods out there, much of what is available is processed in some way. That means we Vegans have to be big time readers. Also, these food processors are sneaky and keep sticking things in their products that don't sound off-limits, but really are milk/meat/egg derivatives. What? The food industry is trying to pull a fast-one on us!??!  Really???? Okay, that was me kind of being, "Duh!" about the food industry. Yes, they are always trying to put something over on us! If they aren't hiding sugar in the spaghetti sauce, they are sticking milk derivatives in bread where it isn't even necessary! So, while everyone else is blogging about their great life, I'm over here reading label, after label, after label...well, you get the picture. Mind you, I'm not upset. "Bring on your worst, Mr. Food Industry!! I'm an eternal optimist with BIG plans, baby! And I can take whatever you throw at me!!" Except maybe sugar, milk, eggs, meat...

That was really me making lots of noise so people wouldn't notice that I didn't give you any news about the list of 52 Things this week or an update on Office Essentials or etc. This week if it's not about being Vegan, it probably isn't going to be in here. I really feel good about this decision and I've got lots to learn, so pardon me while I read! So, until tomorrow when I'll share something new about being Vegan, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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