Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 221

Milani Rose Hip lipstick! Pretty!!
What a lovely Monday! It may not have been so for everyone, but it was great for me. I got the things  done that were important to me and was able to look out the window briefly and see the day. Maybe not as great as being able to go out and actually experience the day, but I did appreciate it all the same.

So, is there something wrong with a woman who reaches her hand into her purse and pulls out 13 lip products? I mean seriously! I think I may have a lip product issue here on my end. Okay, so I really like to have an assortment of options, but I carry a smallish handbag and lately I've been thinking, "Why is there no room in here for my multiple cell phones and such?" Yes, I carry two (2) cell phones. One is personal and the other is work related. Per company policy I can't use the work phone for more than 20% of the calls made, so in order to be compliant and know I'm being compliant, I must have my own phone. Thus, I carry two cell phones. Anyway, back to the lip product problem. When I needed to touch-up my lips today here is what I found lurking in my handbag:

How many lip products in your handbag would be considered enough?
From left to right - 2 Josie Maran Argan Color Sticks in the colors Coral and Beautiful, 1 NYX Butter Lipstick in Sugar Wafer, 1 Urban Decay lipstick in Lovelight, 1 Revlon Super Lustrous Shine lipstick in Pink Cognito, 1 Milani lipstick in Orange Gina, 1 Milani lipstick in Rose Hip, 1 NYX lipstick in Pure Nude, 1 Buxom lip gloss in (I think) Leslie, 1 NYX Butter Gloss in Creme Brûlée, 1 Revlon Lip Gloss in Sugar Violet, 1 Nars Lip Gloss in Bare Pink and across the top a very old tube of Wet n' Wild clear lip gloss! Now, the real question is, "Do I have enough?" Oh, wait a minute! You probably thought the question might be something like, "Is she crazy?" No, I'm not and yes, I think this is enough. Okay, I'll concede that it is probably too much, but only because my handbag is small.

The Vegan-ness continues and I'm learning new things all the time. The Eggless Egg Salad was GREAT! I'm looking forward to another sandwich of it tomorrow for lunch. I think it would be great with soup, but I don't have any Vegan soup available so it will probably be eaten with chips again. One thing I might do is include a posting each week of something that I find is Surprisingly Vegan! Today, that would be Baco-s! Did you know that Baco-s are Vegan? Well, they are. I didn't say that they are all natural, but they are crunchy and have a taste a little like bacon, so I'm excited! Soy beans are wonderful!

Okay, so that's it for today. I'm really tired and have a bit of a headache, so it's time to remove my makeup and hit the sack. I've promised myself that I would take 12 of the 13 lip products back to my makeup table on the way to bed tonight. Tomorrow I'm sure at least one will make its way back to my handbag. I love being a girl! So, until tomorrow when something new will be learned and shared, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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