Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 231

Color me passionate about life
Do you ever worry that you've lost your passion? I honestly can't say that I've consciously thought about my passions lately. I've been so busy trying to figure me out, just in general, that I'm not sure I know what I'm passionate about. I wish that I could say that I have a life-long passion for X or the other thing, but I can't really put my finger on my passion any more. I'll have to think through that in writing here. I wouldn't go as far as to say I've lost my passion, but I think I've been neglectful of my passion and it may have simply walked away from me out of disappointment.

Life has a way of shaking you up and making you rethink your goals. What are Nancy's goals? I guess it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is and list my goals; short and long-term for the world to see. Besides, who doesn't love a good list? (Wait! Is that a passion I hear calling my name??) Don't worry, the list will be short. I will get to that in a minute, but first let me just say this about goals and passions. Everyone has them. Some are grand and exciting and some are more calm and maybe even mundane. I'm not here to judge. All I want to do is share and maybe rekindle some passions I've had over the years. Who knows! Maybe I'll learning something new about myself.

Nancy's Goals List

Short-Term (this year)

My short-term goals are simple:
  1. Complete as many of the 52 Things list items as possible.
  2. Get healthy and stop making myself sick with food.
  3. Discover an exercise routine that I can really enjoy and be involved in, daily.
  4. Be a successful and useful employee to my company.
  5. Show the people around me that I love them and that they are the world to me.
Long-Term (Forever)
  1. Be a good steward of whatever wealth God brings into my life.
  2. Make sure I've prepared properly for the day when I no longer wish to earn an income in the conventional way that I always have.
  3. Be a smart, loving and good parent.
  4. See my son properly educated and happy in the life of his own design.
  5. Vanquish cancer.
  6. Take good care of myself and anyone who is in my care.
When I read through my list of goals, I think about how others probably have more specific things outlined for themselves. I do have some specific goals that are inappropriate to share. For instance, I have a figure that I want to have in savings for when I retire. That amount is on a need-to-know basis and you don't need to know that. Out of all the goals I have in life, only a couple of them involve money. I'm not a wealthy person. I did not grow up in a wealthy family. My parents, bless their hearts, were impossible money managers. My father's nick name given to him by some business men he knew was "Easy Money." I cringed the first time I heard a man call him that. His head was completely filled with easy and quick riches. Sadly, he died at the age of 50, penniless. My mother was hopelessly unrealistic about money and how to manage it. She returned to work when I was 9 years old and to me she never seemed to get that although the work she did outside the home was important, if she didn't manage the resulting funds well, it was quite literally, a waste of time! I learned NOTHING of importance about financial responsibility from them; other than what not to do. So, don't be surprised that I'm very cautious about money and the management of it. I've had times in my life when I had money and times of very meager means. Having money was clearly easier, but I have always been happy, regardless of my financial situation. So, no, I don't have to have money to be happy, but it is nicer when you don't have to be concerned about it either.

But what about passion? Where in all this is the passion of life. Well, that's a really good question! I do have passion about some things. First of all, I have passion for my little family. I want, very much, for the members of my family to be happy in their lives. I am an encourager in this life. That is one of the talents that God gave to me; the ability to freely give encouragement. I'm good at discerning when that encouragement is needed. Again, I believe that the gift is given by God and I'm thankful I have this ability. It is not only a passion, I'm compelled to encourage people. Next, I'm a problem solver. When people ask me what I do for my company I usually say, "I solve problems and encourage people." It's the truth!! My title makes people open their eyes wide and say things like, "What's that?" or "They pay people to do that?" So, I have a natural passion for solving problems of all kinds. I have a passion for all kinds of art. I am a creative person and I love being able to express myself with my art. I've done nail art, makeup, sketch drawing and writing. I'm not very good at any of it, but I love it all! I love to cook for people who love to eat. The only problem with that is I too, love to eat...which is I can't cook...too much...really. I have a passion for making films. In the end, if I was going to have to choose a passion to get more involve with I'd have to say...I don't know. For now until my son is safely grown my passion is he and his father. They truly deserve all of my passion.

So, that was a long blog about nothing of interest to you, perhaps. I made a list and melted down a little about goals and passions, but in the end I do know what my true passion in life is. Maybe other real people don't have to do all this writing to find their passion, but this is simply who I am. Now it's time for me to find my way to bed. Have a lovely evening! Until tomorrow, when I'll share the news from my bi-annual cancer check-up, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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