Thursday, January 30, 2014

Days 202 and 203

Good Thursday evening!! It's been a nice day here in Central Texas and I have exciting news for everyone. I've made a decision to participate in the 28 day Engine 2 Challenge that my local Whole Foods is doing from February 3 - March 3. If you've never heard about the Engine 2 Diet, then you should read about it. Click here to visit the Engine 2 Diet website. I read the book several years ago and successfully lost over 100 lbs. following a modified version (mostly vegetarian, but I would eat a little fish now and then). Back then, I wasn't ready to be a Vegan (which is what Engine 2 is...a Vegan diet) but I am now. I should have done this a long time ago, but I haven't. Now that Whole Foods is putting on this challenge, I'd be crazy not to participate. They are holding lots of events and are offering up TONS of support, up to and including 1-on-1 time! I'm excited!!  I've never been more ready to make this lifestyle change than I am today. I'll update everyone as I go along. Although the official start is Monday, February 3, I will be starting on Saturday, February 1. I need the weekend to get myself going and preparing foods for the next week so that I don't sabotage myself by not being prepared.

Since yesterday was Wednesday, that means I skipped a great day to say, "Did you know...?" to everyone! I'd like to take this moment to make that right!! So, without further ado, Did you know that eating green bell peppers can keep your mind sharp? It seems that Luteolin, a plant compound found abundantly in green peppers can prevent inflammation in the brain linked with aging and diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. This according to researchers a the University of Illinois. It seems that scientists have studied the effects on human brain cells in a test tube and on mice, and in both cases there was decreased inflammation. Prevention magazine suggests dipping green bell pepper slices in hummus (my favorite way to eat raw bell pepper). It tastes good while it's keeping you sharp! Excellent!!

Today, being Thirsty Thursday, I have a beverage to discuss. This beverage will be a staple over the next month as I participate in the Engine 2 Challenge. That beverage? WATER! I need more of it and will be drinking lots. I hope you find a way to get more of this essential beverage into your own lovely body!!

That's it for today! I hope you've had a lovely couple of days. For me, it is always lovely when I face the day. I'm looking forward to Friday and the weekend. So, until tomorrow when I'll likely share something of a review, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 201

Good Tuesday evening! I love Tuesday because I get to talk makeup on Tuesdays. That's right, it's Office Essentials day and I love my office essentials. How could I get along without at least a lipstick or three? Today I only have 1 lipstick in my little essentials bag, but it was a lovely one. Here is what I carried and used today:

Kat Von D Lock-It Tattoo Powder Foundation in Light 49, blush in Peach Fusion No. 13 by Sephora, Clinique's High Impact Waterproof Mascara in 01 Black; Shine lipstick in #805 Kissable Pink by Revlon, Philosophy's lip gloss in Raspberry Sorbet and the scent for today was Euphoria by Calvin Klein. The powder foundation is full-coverage, which is not usually something I like, but with a light touch Kat Von D's is one of the best. Revlon is one of my favorite brands for lipstick, so it should surprise no one that I'm usually showing one of their bullets. The blush is more of a rosy color that peach, but Sephora didn't ask me to name it for them. I used a MAC paint pot for my eyes today (Antique Diamond) and the overall look was nicely special, just like a Tuesday should be!

The day started with ice falling from the sky and people driving like they don't care. There were 274 accidents in the city today by 5pm, attributed to the weather. That's just 4 short of what we had during our last ice event on Thursday of last week! Ice isn't fun on the ground anywhere, but where I live people suddenly go stupid and cause all kinds of mayhem! All is well now as the ice stopped falling by 10am and was mostly gone by 5pm. So, that's how it goes in Central Texas today!

I'm looking forward to the evening now and hope you've have a great time in your city. So, until tomorrow when I'll share something more about the world in which I live, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 200

Good Monday evening! Another day has been chipped off the block of my 365 day personal renovation. If this were a race, I'd have to characterize myself as the tortoise: slow, slower and slowest may be my speed, but steady wins the race. In life, I'm probably a mixture of the tortoise and the hare. At times, I'm fast and then there are the methodical, calculated slow moments. I have situational awareness and thus, can change approaches as needed.

I've really been thinking a lot about my eating issues and recent life experiences has led me to learn more about Diabetes. Don't worry, I'm not dealing with that, but I could in the future if I don't solve my problems now. To learn more about how people are successfully controlling this disease, I downloaded some material and a few recent issues of the magazine Diabetic Living. Everything I've read is very positive and there was lots of helpful information. Very simply, the eating plan is balanced and targets between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day. Some people use what is called exchanges to calculate how much they should eat, but honestly what I read just made me realize that the key is to eat a balance of quality protein, vegetables, fruit, whole grains and fats.  Since it's so simple, why can't I get it right? Why am I so hungry, or think I'm so hungry all the time? Why do I eat when I'm really not hungry at all? These are all questions I have to answer for myself. The other thing is exercise. I know what to do, but I'm not doing it. Why? Will any excuse do? This is not who I am! I want to get my exercise. So, what is preventing me from doing it? All questions I have to answer!

More than anything this is a Monday full of questions. Thankfully there is great information available. I am motivated, but obviously there needs to be more than that for me to be successful. As it is Monday, it's time for a few Nuggets from Nancy. Here are this week's installment:
  • The concept of right and wrong was not created for the so called 'inferior' man.
  • Nothing is ever truly simple.
  • Some of the best advice I ever got was to talk less and listen more.
  • No matter what happens during a relationship, it's being together at the end that really counts.
  • Life is what happens when you were planning to do something else.
That's it for today. Thanks for dropping by! It's time for me to get some rest and finish watching the classic movie Rope that I've been watching this evening. So, until tomorrow when I'll share my weekly Office Essentials, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 199

What a lovely Sunday! It was much like Saturday, weather wise, but since I don't generally leave home on Sundays for ANYTHING, I was able to enjoy the day outside. I love being outdoors most of all. It has always been that way for me. I don't know why, but it is where I am happiest of all.

During this lovely day I enjoyed watching the squirrels fight over the corn we leave for them. They have really been fun to watch. I took a short video and shared it on YouTube. Here it is:
That's right! I watched squirrels today. It was a great use of my Sunday morning; enjoying all that God has created. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know you probably don't believe in God. Well, I do and so that means I think he created everything. Yes, I know you think there was magic involved or voodoo or some other force. Nope, not me...all God...actually Jesus, but I won't try to explain. Read the Bible and you'll know the WHOLE truth.

The upcoming week will likely be busy. We should have more cold weather with possible freezing precipitation on Tuesday. I just take the days on at a time. So, until tomorrow when it will be time for nuggets again, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Days 197 and 198

Just when you thought I might be getting a little too perfect, I skip a day. Never fear! I will NOT EVER be perfect. I am perhaps the most imperfect person on earth. That being confessed, I didn't mean to skip blogging yesterday, but I did it nonetheless. See, not perfect. The last couple of days have been another roller coaster of weather. Starting Thursday night we began to get sleet, freezing rain and light snow; weather that is difficult for us to deal with here. I worked from home on Friday due to the poor weather conditions and I'm glad that I did. Between Thursday evening and Friday mid-day, there were 278 car accidents in the area! I could have easily been one of them, had I gotten out on the road. Here is what it looked like here early Friday morning:
As you can see, it doesn't really look bad, but that thin sheet of ice was pure treachery! Being a person capable of tripping over puffs of smoke and blades of grass, you can imagine how cautiously I approach slippery surfaces!

Yesterday being Friday, it is the day that I try to reflect on the success and failures of the week. I need to say that recently all my weeks are failures when it comes to my physical fitness and weight. I don't know why, but I can't seem to get a grip on myself. I'm not hungry, but I keep eating like I am. I have a plan for the next week though. One thing that seems to be an issue for me is the fact that I like to chew. No, I say that incorrectly. I LOVE to chew. I need to suppress that desire and one way I'm going to do it and shrink my stomach at the same time is to reduce some of my meals to a liquid form. (i.e. smoothy, soup, juice, broth, etc.) For the next week, I'm going to have a breakfast smoothy, broth for a morning snack, soup and sandwich for lunch with fruit, juice for an afternoon snack and soup and a smoothy for supper.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. I really do want to lose weight, but I now know I have to stop wanting to chew to make this a reality.

Today is the day that I share what I've done this week from the 52 Things list. This week my work was on:

     41.  Go through all of the linens and discard or repurpose worn out items.

There are several items that are so worn out that I can practically see through them. We'll call them well loved. Oddly enough, when a towel becomes very thin, it also becomes very useful for tying up my longish, wet hair. However, there does come a day when a towel ceases to be useful and there were several of these taking up space. Some have been made into cleaning cloths and some have simply become rubbish. I also retired some well loved bathroom rugs and other linens. 

So, these were the last couple of days. It has been an interesting week and I'm looking forward to the next one coming up. Now, it is time for me to get some rest. So, until tomorrow when I will share the fun that is laundry, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 196

Welcome to the final few hours of Thirsty Thursday! Yes, we are at another Thursday and I just can't believe how quickly January is flying by. I've been enjoying the cooler weather, but this evening we have sleet and freezing rain. Not my favorite, but it's different anyway and we like that!

On Thirsty Thursdays I want to talk beverages! The beverage I'd like to talk about today is one I'd describe as my favorite on earth. I love this beverage so much that I drink it daily, mostly iced, but will also have it hot when the temperatures are as they are right now: COLD! What's the beverage? Tea!! And not just any tea. The tea I speak of is special. A Super Ceylon Earl Grey blend called Do Ghazal Tea. The pictures below are of the package. One side is printed in English the other side is in Farsi. Hands down, this is the best tea on the face of the earth. I do not take this lightly. There is only one other tea that I will drink regularly and that is the Shaken Black Iced Tea from Starbucks.
Do Ghazal Tea is available in my area at a couple of Middle Eastern and Indian markets. Online I've seen the tea available on, along with its sister tea Alghazaleen. If you like tea that actually tastes like tea, you'll like this. Other teas, such as Lipton are insipid and not worth the effort it takes to brew. When I drink this I want it strong and iced with a little stevia for sweetness. Drinking it hot, I like a classic cream tea, again with a little stevia. Gosh! I'm thirsty!!

The day was interesting, busy and long. The week will wrap up tomorrow and no telling what the roads will be like with all this freezing rain falling at the moment. For now, it's time for bed and rest. So, until tomorrow when I'll attempt to charm you with a Friday capsule of words, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Days 194 and 195

Good Wednesday evening! I'm just a series of skipped days now. That's right...I'm an adult. So, Tuesday was skipped because it was a VERY hard day at work and I was so tired I fell asleep in the wing back recliner in my bedroom, even before I'd had supper. I was able to eat a little something later on and watched a little of the American Masters piece on PBS on J. D. Salinger, but I was very tired. I have never read any of J. D. Salinger's work. His book, The Catcher in the Rye was banned back when I was in High School. One day, I'll read the book, but honestly, from what I've heard, the central character is a whining teenager and since I have no patience for whining any-agers, I may just skip it. J. D.'s dead now, so he won't mind.

Tuesday was Office Essentials day and I enjoyed using the following to look my best all day. First, I
Nancy using the Office Essentials for January 21, 2014
used the Clinique Almost Powder in Light along with my favorite NYX Wonder Pencil in light to keep my skin looking even. Today was Revlon day and I used one of my favorite Sheer lipsticks in Pink Cognito along with lip gloss in Peach. To give my lips a little bit of a depth of interest, I also used NYX lipstick in Blush and this also serves as 'blush' for my cheeks on the go! My eyelashes are kept looking nice with Lancome Definicils Mascara in Black. Finally, what is a winter day in the office without hand cream? This small tube of L'Occitane Shea Butter hand cream is always in my handbag! My hair is really getting back to normal. Less and less of the dark color is visible (mostly in the back and on the ends) and my hair is finally slowing down its retreat from my head (read: It's stopped falling out so much!). At 54 years old, I may not be a beauty queen, but I'm happy with myself and as my little sister says, "I think I'm fantastic!" At the moment I'm working through clearing out the makeup that has gone past its usable date and am replacing some items with new. Powders I don't worry about so much, as I use clean makeup brushes and sponges and sanitize regularly. What I do have to let go of are liquid foundations and mascara that can easily cause problems when they are old. That means I get to buy replacements!! Yippie!!! More makeup!!! The foundation I used for the above look is the new Miracle Worker Foundation from Philosophy in Shade 5. Not bad, but not my favorite either. It seems to really settle and show off the lines that are forming in my face. Great!! My hooded eyes prevent you from really seeing the eye look, but I went old-school today and used the Shimmering Sands eyeshadow trio from Cover Girl! Pretty!!

On to Wednesday!! This day of the week is my "Did you know..." day. Last week I was focused on lowering blood pressure and that will continue to be something I think about. This week, I've been thinking about how I can tackle my cravings for sugar. I know that the more sugar I eat, the more I want. But it's a vicious circle trying to stop using sugar. The cravings are so strong and you get it out of one food, only to find it in something else. Sugar is in EVERYTHING these days! Did you know that drinking Club Soda with Bitters added to it can reduce your cravings for sugar? So says Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, the author of Life Is Your Best Medicine. In the recent edition of Prevention Magazine, she suggests shaking a few drops of Angostura bitters into either Club Soda or plain water to counteract the craving for sweets. I'm going to give it a try! Thanks, Dr. Low Dog!!

So, that's it for the last couple of days. I'm still working on me and I'm still meeting rocks in my path, daily. That's okay, because I'm not going anywhere and have nothing better to do than make a happy life for myself, so onward and upward is where I'm going!  Now it's time for me to eat some supper and do some resting. So, until tomorrow when it will once again be Thirsty Thursday, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 192 and 193

What a great weekend! I've skipped days again, but like I've said before, I'm a grown-up and can do that. Sunday was laundry day, as usual and it went just as expected. Today was a work holiday and an even better Monday than usual.

As is appropriate for Sunday it's a good time to review the previous week. I wish it had been better, but the week just got away from me in so many ways. Maybe it's a product of aging, but time seems to fly by for me. The plan last week was to exercise each evening. Since that didn't happen, this week the plan is to exercise before I allow myself to eat my lunch each day. We'll see how that goes.

Today was absolutely a stand-out, beautiful day. At a high of 82 degrees, I was able to enjoy a good portion outside. I ate my lunch on the deck and read for several hours in a comfortable place overlooking the park.  Being winter, all of the plants are dead, but I still love the look of the faded foliage. Here is what I viewed from my deck today:
The photos don't do the day justice. Yes, I look at cars in the driveway, but I see past all that to the beauty of the blue sky and spent a foliage. Really, a great day.  By the end of the week we may have freezing rain again, but for today I had a little bit of spring.

What would Monday be without a few of Nancy's Nuggets? So, here we go...
1. It's great to be strong, yet sad to have gained that strength at the hands of a bully.
2. There is nothing better than doing exactly what you want.
3. Thank God I haven't yet eaten the last piece of cheesecake on earth!
4. When you don't know what to do, sing until the answer is clear.
5. It's easy to be happy. Just decide it is so!

That's it for today.  So, until tomorrow, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 190 and 191

Good Saturday evening! Yes, I know...I skipped Friday. No problem!! I'm making up for it with this posting that covers both Friday and Saturday.

For Reflection Friday, all I can say is the week zipped past me at the speed of light. I was busy with work but I don't believe I would categorize the week as a success in the world of Personal Renovation. I had really wanted to enjoy a week of exercise every day and it just didn't happen. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble getting my walking sessions in. My schedule is really difficult, but only because I make it so. (I'd explain but it would make the blog posting WAY long.) I know it is me who has to figure this out, but the bottom line is: I need to exercise. My goal for the coming week is to put the exercise in the middle of the day before I allow myself to eat my lunch. I think this will work. I have a private office and can easily pop my video into my personal computer or use my iPad and walk for 20-30 minutes without a problem. We'll see how this works and I'll report on it next Friday.
Above is a 1 mile walk with Leslie Sansone that was on Exercise TV and is now on YouTube. I think Leslie has the best, easiest, no-excuses workouts ever! If you can't see the link above to the video, just go to YouTube and search for "Leslie Sansone" and you'll find may options to review.

Saturday is the day I update you on what I completed from the 52 things list. This week it was:

45.  Cook the meals for a full week on Saturday and package/freeze for the next week.

Last weekend I cooked three Persian Sauces for Rice and packed half for the refrigerator and half for the freezer. These were for supper each night. For lunches, I prepared and froze a dozen sandwiches which were easy to pop into my lunch bag with carrot sticks and an orange. For breakfast, I made breakfast tacos with sausage, eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions and peppers. I used corn tortillas and froze portioned packages with 2 tacos each. These worked perfectly for everyone. I'm actually one of those people who doesn't mind eating the same thing every day, as long as it's good and has a definite end date in the future. All of the meals were well received by the family, but my son was not happy with the Persian dishes (too much vegetables for him). So, although I'll be doing the same thing this week there will be a difference. Here is what I'm preparing for the this week:
  1. Breakfasts - Bean and Cheese Tacos in Flour Tortillas or Cereal and Milk (hot or cold).
  2. Lunch - Sandwiches (Ham and Manchago, Roast Beef and Butter-Kase or Lemon Pepper Chicken and Butter-Kase), Crackers and Fruit.
  3. Supper - Grilled Steak, Chicken Breasts or Hamburger Steaks and Salad.
After finding that my son didn't want to eat any of the suppers last week, I asked him what would make him happy and he said simply, "Can I just have some grilled meat and salad? Would that be okay?" Okay!?! Absolutely!!!  It's actually easier for me. I am pre-grilling the meat and freezing in portions. Then all anyone has to do is select their meat and warm it up, grab the salad, plate it up and Bob's Your Uncle (read: "There you go!").

Everyone can do what they like, but sandwiches are always available; already made in the freezer. Breakfast and supper are ready to go, too. Breakfast is in the freezer, but cereal is sometimes preferred and is available, as are fresh eggs if that's what is desired. The thing to know is that this is easy and portion controlled, which is a big deal for me.

So, the next week will focus on exercise at mid-day, continuing to take lunch to work and eating the great bounty that is in the freezer. I would really like to be able to show my cancer doctor that I'm making progress with my weight problem on my next check-in, February 28. It's been a busy Saturday with all of the errands. Supper of Pan-Broiled Salmon with Salad was really simple and delicious. I had a glass of Malbec along side and am very relaxed now. This is where I think I'll sit back and enjoy myself. So, until tomorrow when we'll start the new week off with a thrilling ride through the land of dirty laundry, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 189

Oh, boy! It's Thirsty Thursday! But before we get to the drink of the week, let me just say that I'm having a great week, but am bummed that my sister can't visit me this weekend. She has that nasty flu that is going around and thus will not be doing anything fun for a long time. That is, if she wants to ever be able to work again. What a mess!! I feel so bad for her and me being so far away, I can't even properly check on her except via phone. When you're sick, you don't really feel much like talking on the phone. Anyway, I send her all my best thoughts and prayers that she recovers very quickly and becomes well enough for when I go to visit her on February 21.

Now, on with the fun. This week, I thought I'd share a simple beverage that isn't wine. I'm not much of a drinker, but I've wanted to try some of these things for a long time. Although so far I've shared wine and now a cocktail, I will of course, share non-alcoholic drinks in the future, as well. Tonight I dedicate the blog to the humble Gin and Orange. Typically served in a
Rocks glass, the Gin and Orange is considered a 'light' party drink. The conversation I had about this drink tonight went a little like this:
Gin and Orange in the
wrong kind of glass with my
favorite Gin, Bombay Sapphire

He:  Isn't it just like a Screwdriver?
Me:  No, that has Vodka and Orange juice. This is Gin and Orange juice. So they call it a 'Gin and Orange.'
He:  That doesn't seem fair! Why should Vodka be special?
Me:  Well...that's what they call it.
He:  I think we should rename it. How about since the Vodka and Orange juice is a plain 'Screwdriver' we call the Gin and Orange juice a 'Phillips' after a phillips head screwdriver?
Me:  ...(Staring at him with the, "Why are we having this conversation?" look on my face)...

I'd still be staring at him but he stuck his lip out to one side and crossed his eyes and I started laughing and that was the end of that! To the right is my version of a Gin and Orange (mostly orange juice, mind you) made with my favorite Gin, Bombay Sapphire. If I'm going to have a cocktail, it probably will be one made with Gin. Oh, and by the way, as I'm quite unconventional, I'll likely shock you with the fact that I frequently put drinks in the wrong kind of glass. If this bothers you, please just remember that no blood was shed, the drink tasted the same and I'm an adult and can do whatever the heck I like with my Dollar Store goblet! Forgive me, I've had a cocktail!! *smile*

The day was a busy one and started at 4 AM with me getting ready and at work before 6 AM preparing for a 7 AM meeting. I had wanted to leave by 3 PM, but was delayed until 4 PM...12 hours after getting up I was on my way home and enjoying the ride. My car was serviced today so I had an alternate set of wheels. Now I'm home, have eaten supper and am drinking the cocktail (lightly ginned) you see above. Next I think I'll enjoy some mindless entertainment in the form of a movie or a book or something...we'll see. So, until tomorrow when I'll sum up the week on my planet, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 187 and 188

Hi Everyone! It's been a lovely Wednesday and I'm looking forward to a long holiday weekend. Yesterday was a skipped blog day due to...well, due to my personal decision to put it off for a day. I'm an adult. I can do that!

Yesterday, being Tuesday, is when I would share my office essentials for the week. This week I'm trying a more subdued makeup look with a brighter lip. My office essentials are Sample size Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Foundation Powder in shade #4, Lancome Definicils Mascara in Black, Maybelline Super Stay 14 Hour Lipstick in Ravishing Rouge #065, NYX Wonder Pencil in light, Sephora dinky makeup tools and case. The powder and mascara are both great dinky samples from Sephora. They come in so handy and take up very little room in my handbag. The wonder pencil really is just that, a wonder. If you haven't picked that up yet, please do! The red lips today were fun and I think this particular one is my favorite as it just stick with me through coffee and such. I think my next lip will be a fuchsia or purple...hmm...we'll see! So, the lipstick shade will change daily, but the rest will be the same.

Today, is "Did you know..." day and recently I have been thinking a lot about: High Blood Pressure.  Did you know that the safest most effective way to combat high blood pressure is by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, reducing stress and eating a low-sodium diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products? Sounds so simple. Normal blood pressure is less than 120 Systolic over 80 Diastolic. Be sure to check yours regularly and to learn about blood pressure in general visit and take advantage of the great information from the American Heart Association. 

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. I'm having a great time and my blood pressure isn't bad today! A little more exercise and a few more fruits and vegetables and I should be great! Have a lovely day. Until tomorrow when I'll share the beverage of the week, Godspeed, Voyagers!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 186

Good Monday evening! What a wild ride it was today. Nice weather and all, but I was so busy at work, I could only view the day from my office window. I actually love days like this, where I'm busy and the time files, but I'm hoping the rest of the week is just productive without being crazy.

Today is the last day this week that I'll just relax each evening. Since my sister arrives on Friday, I have cleaning to do each night in preparation for her arrival. Nothing big, but things need general tidying, dusting, vacuuming and such. That's what I'll be doing each evening. Don't you wish you were me?

This morning, I watched a YouTube video and recreated the makeup look for the office that I think everyone who loves makeup needs to try. I think the look was great for the office and was so easy to do. I adjusted slightly for my coloring, but I love the idea of minimal products and a pink or rosy finish. I'll most likely be doing a version of this every day this week. Lisa Eldridge is the makeup artist and she is my all time favorite. Check her out at
I could go on and on about why I think Lisa Eldridge is the most fantastic makeup artist ever born, but you should decide these things yourself. She seems so genuine to me and lovely. I'm certain she is great to work with. I know I'm no model, but I'd love to have my makeup done by her! Since that is unlikely to happen, I watch her videos on my iPad via YouTube while I'm putting on my makeup every morning. She's fantastic and I always learn something new. Thanks, Lisa!!

Being that it's Monday, that means its time for Nancy's Nuggets. Here is what I have to say this week:

  • It's amazing how a kind and genuine word of appreciation can lift up a person who is struggling with a decision that affects you personally.
  • A woman can face any problem as long as she's wearing a beautiful shade of lipstick.
  • Some of the best things I ever learned about life, I learned from movies made in 1939.
  • In the words of a minor character from one of my all-time favorite movies, "Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!" (It's a Wonderful Life, (1946))
  • Writers of television drama are always pulling a fast one on you and doing terrible things to characters you love. (i.e. Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 2) I'm having a bit of a fume over this episode right now.
Don't watch Downton Abbey? To each, his own!! I watch very little television and Downton Abbey is a favorite. I love everything about this program. The only thing I don't love is the waiting MONTHS for seasons and then only having 8 episodes. I'm fascinated by the early 20th century in general, since some of my favorite people of all times lived young lives then. Anyway, that's it for today. It's time for me to take off my face, freshen up and get to bed. Maybe I will sleep better tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll fascinate you with my Tuesday ramblings, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 185

Welcome to Sunday! The weather app that I use on my computer is Weather 5 Days + and it says that it is sunny right now and it isn't. Although it is a cool 63 degrees, it is by no means sunny and is in fact, raining! I checked all of my weather apps on my phone. All but two show the temperature higher and sunny!?! Really?? I don't think so. Android Weather and The Weather Channel apps are both very accurate. Guess who's going to get used and who's going to be deleted???

This week my goals are simple, move my a**! I'm liking the C3 Workouts that I see on the website. There is a 12 week program which works on different parts of the body each day. You workout 6 days per week and the routines don't appear to exceed an hour in length. My goal is to start the Week 1/Day 1 routine tonight at 6pm and have scheduled the sessions on my calendar for the 12 weeks. I'm not deluding myself into thinking that I can keep up with Coach Arial from day 1, but I do know that I will do my best and everyday I'll get better and stronger. Be sure to go check out

Most of today has been cooking and laundry. A friend of our son's dropped by with his parents and there was an incident. Life is just never easy, is it. Lets just say that dropping by, unannounced and then sliding a thumb drive into one of our computers without asking permission from Dad, is a mistake. Yes, the "friend" did this dastardly thing and now there is upset-ness everywhere and a son calling himself, "an idiot." Okay, this was a mistake, but after the scene Dad has made, son will never allow anyone within a hundred yards of his computer with a thumb drive again! The friend did it before our son realized that he had done it. Now we're trying to figure out exactly what he did do...from the command line...YIKES!! Please, PLEASE, do not EVER put a thumb drive into a computer that is not yours or that you do not have permission to do that with. There is a reason companies don't allow those stinking things around their computers!

The cooking ahead and sandwich ahead making that I did last week was very successful, so I've done it again. I made Persian dishes again that my husband likes and have frozen a bit of it now so there is some already in the freezer for later. The sandwiches worked so well, I made them a bit larger (added another slice of deli meat) and made not only HEB Ham, but Boar's Head Pastrami, as well. Also, this week, I'm not having the chips, but am substituting baby carrots instead and I'm having fruit instead of cupcakes. I'll do a picture of breakfast, lunch and supper tomorrow so you can see how it goes. Also, I made breakfast tacos with sausage, potatoes, peppers, onions, egg and cheese. I cooked until the egg was almost done and then made nice tacos using corn tortillas. I placed two tacos in sandwich zip-lock bags and froze those, as well. So, now I have tacos for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and Persian food for dinner, already made and ready to go for the week!! That makes me very happy!!

Now its getting close to time for exercise. Send me good thoughts as I get my a** moving!! I hope I can do the whole 40 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. So, until tomorrow when I'll share some nuggets from life in my sandbox, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 184

Good Saturday evening! I've had a wonderful day here in Central Texas with the clear blue skies, slight wind and 70 degree temperature! A BEAUTIFUL day. I hope you're having a great day wherever you are. I was taking a look at the forecast and the skies are staying clear and it will be mostly sunny for the next week. High temps will be in the 60's and lows in the upper 30's/lower 40's. That's winter for the most part in Central Texas. We have a day or so of really cold temps and then it turns off like this. I'll take it! Stick around though, I'm sure we're in for more of a bumpy ride ahead, weather wise.

Well, I was going to go out this afternoon and have some of my hair chopped off, but decided to wait until next week when my sister is here. That is, if she can still be here. She is sick, poor thing, with that awful flu that's going around. I'm real concerned for her. She is well taken care of, but I can't get to her very quickly and this flu is bad news; so I'm told. As for hair, I'm considering a longer shag haircut. My hair is quite thick and wavy or at least full of texture. At the moment it is all one length. When it dries it's like a wedge shaped mop on the top of my head. Since I'm losing lots of my color to my birth certificate (read: I'm old and grey headed) my hair is looking dull and just very unbecoming. Now, people (read: men) don't want me to cut my hair. I want it longer because I feel I can do more with it and at my current size, I need bit of hair to balance me out. Otherwise, I look like a pencil head! The last time I had my hair cut short the stylist cut it SO short that I looked ridiculous. Well, never again. I want a longer shag that I can wear down, but still have the ability to put some clips in if I want to put my hair somewhat up. I just need my hair to be less trouble and stop falling out!! I hope I can figure it out soon.

Today being Saturday, means it is 52 Things day! That's right!! You get to hear about what I completed off my list of 52 Things this week. The item I completed from the list this week is:

39.  Rethink my shoe and handbag storage.

There were pretty simple solutions for this. I had been using an over the door rack for shoes and that had become tiresome. I've moved all but three pairs to a new under bed storage container and that's working out great! Handbags had been on hooks in my closet and made it difficult for me to be in the closet along with the bags (my closet is kind of tiny). Now, they are tucked nicely into a fabric box on the shelf in my closet. All of the solutions were purchased from The Container Store and can be found online! The fabric box in my closet for handbags has a metal frame hidden inside and is decorated with a nice damask print. The top has a zipper on each side and a flap with velcro to keep things nicely closed. The under bed shoe storage container has a zippered top and clear plastic so I can easily see the shoes. I'm so glad I thought this through and took these steps to organize my bags and shoes. They are out of the way now, but I can get to everything easily. Here is what it all looks like!
I spent about $40 for the two pieces but both of them have really given me back a lot of space so they were well worth the investment. Plus, the shoe storage gave me room for more pairs of shoes and the bag storage is no where near full! So, I can have a new handbag (just bought a new Classic Mini The Sak bag) and new shoes (coming up next!). 

I'm committed to keeping up with the 52 Things list this year.  I just want to have a year where I get all 52 things done and I know this year I can do it! Writing the blog each Saturday keeps me on track. Now, what will I do next week? Hmmmm...I have to think about that...hmmmm. For now, I think I'll rush off and cook some supper (Steak and something on the side...salad maybe...we'll see) and do something productive. Who knows night maybe? I don't know. Have a lovely evening and join me back here on Sunday when I'll share a new YouTube video or web content that supports my goals. Until then, have a great Saturday night and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 183

Me today, hair down, taken
with LGMS769 phone
(oooh...soft focus nice!)
Hello and welcome to the end of the work week!! If you aren't saying, "Yippie!!" and doing a happy dance, then your week wasn't like mine. By the time I finished sifting through 9,594 lines of data trying to find a needle in the haystack, my brain was scrambled eggs! I must say though, I did find several needles and am well on my way to meeting my goals with that data before the end of the month. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Since this is Reflection Friday, I need to share how the week has gone for me in the area of personal renovation. My work this week was to become most consistent with taking my lunch to work and exercising. I did a pretty good job! I didn't share with you earlier, but I tried something this week that my mother used to do when I was a kid and I must say, it worked out pretty nicely. My challenge is that I need to take my breakfast and lunch with me to work and I need to be able to put it into my bag in 5 minutes in the morning. Also, I don't want to have to remember or find the time to prepare it each night. So, the solution I decided to try this week was to make my sandwiches (which I happen to love for lunch and even breakfast!) ahead and freeze them. You heard me right...I froze them...already made...well, to a point anyway. All I did was have the deli slice me 12 slices (these were big slices) of HEB Old Fashioned Ham, a bit on the thick side and 6 thin slices of Boar's Head Gold Metal Swiss Cheese (it's the size of two slices). Then I took a loaf of sandwich white and a loaf of sandwich wheat bread and I used a slice of bread from each loaf, one slice of ham folded over and a half slice of the cheese, to make a each sandwich. I wrapped each sandwich in plastic wrap and then slid 4 sandwiches into a large freezer Zip-Lock bag and put them into the freezer. Each morning I took out a sandwich and made a little container of mayo/mustard mixed, tossed them into my lunch bag with a pickle, a handful of lettuce, a lunch sized bag of chips and a banana. Most of the mornings I also took along a second sandwich to use as my breakfast. It worked perfectly! By lunch the sandwich was defrosted and I could easily eat right at my desk. The breakfast sandwich I took to the break room, put the bread portion in the toaster and heated the ham and cheese in the microwave for a couple of seconds and voila, I had a toasted ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast! It worked so great, I'm going to do it again this week with Pastrami. My husband and son both ate some of the sandwiches and although they were a bit skeptical, they both said they worked great for them, too! So, if you are looking for a way to make lunch ahead and would prefer something like a sandwich, just put it together and freeze. Just remember not to freeze the mayo! add it to the lunch bag in a little container and spread it on when ready to eat! Honestly, it worked great! I remember as a kid making the sandwiches and putting them into the freezer so that everyone could just grab and go on the way to school. Plus, the sandwiches stayed fresher and cold in our lockers since they started out the day frozen. Cool trick!! *wink*

The exercise part was better this week, but not perfect. I lost momentum about Wednesday. I'll be better next week. So this week I did Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. My goal for next week is to complete Sunday through Wednesday, at the very least. My stretch goal is to get through to Friday! Oh, we love those stretch goals!!

This is a good time to share my favorite song and video (for the moment). So, here it is,
"Happy" by Pharrell Williams
If you can't see the link above, go to YouTube and search for "Happy Pharrell" and play the video and be HAPPY!!

That is the best song on earth and is exactly how I feel. Thank you, Pharrell. I love you for writing and singing this song. You're my kind of guy! I'm happy and ain't nothin gonna bring me down!! Not health, fat, war nor pestilence! I'm happy because I decided it to be so. Really, it's that easy.

That's it for Reflection Friday this week! I hope you've had a great week and are ready for a beautiful weekend. It's time for me to start thinking about bed and rest. So, until tomorrow, when I'll share what I completed this week from the list of 52 Things, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 182

Good evening world! It is Thirsty Thursday!! I love the new themes I'm working my blogs around at the moment. Since I'm a Gemini born on the cusp (whatever that means) I'm likely to change my mind. Oddly enough, it's true! I am a bit capricious!! No matter...being Thirsty Thursday I have for you some information about a great wine being consumed in the HV household this week. The wine of choice is a Graffigna Centenario Malbec Estate Bottled Reserve vintage 2011. The wine is nothing less than superb.  I'm not a wine expert, but I can read and in his article, High-Wire Act: An Indian Summer Rescues Argenitina's Trying 2011 Vintage, in the December 15, 2013 issue of Wine Spectator, Nathan Wesley writes, "After a trying growing season, 2011 can now safely be called one of Argentina's best vintages in recent years. Overall, I rate the vintage 91 points on Wine Spectator's 100-point scale." After reading that article, I took Mr. Wesley at his word and purchased this bottle of wine:
I believe this was the best Malbec I've had to date and I have purchased additional bottles for the future. I'm not sure what would be considered 'regular' in the world or wine drinking, but I have less than one glass of wine per week. So, when I do choose to drink a glass of wine with dinner, I want it to be red and good. This Malbec is dry, but not overly so, with a taste of oak and fruit. I'm probably not describing it well, but take my word for it, it's a lovely thing. I paired this wine with Persian food and it was great. I'm not smart about wine terms, but this wine has legs and in my book that means it doesn't need a thing; it stands very nicely on it's own. Probably that term means something different, but I could care less. 

That's it for tonight. Projects are going well and tomorrow being Friday I'm hoping for a smooth close to the work week. For now, I'm off to prepare for bed. So, until tomorrow when I'll share more about life with The HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Days 180 and 181

Good evening!! Yes, yes, I know...I skipped a day again. I was going to try to avoid that in 2014, but hey! Life is what happens when you were planning to do something else. Tuesday was a good day, but cold. I just wanted to get home, change my clothes and do some exercise to get my body temperature up. Oh, yes, and I wanted to feel great! Exercise really does lift my spirits.

Office Essentials 01/07/14
Tuesday (day 180) was also Office Essentials day. That's where I share what I used that day to keep myself looking my best on the job Tuesday. All I can say is some days it takes a lot to keep me looking decent. On this particular day I used a sample of Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Foundation Powder to keep my base looking good. It tucks nicely into a mini tools pouch I have from Sephora (the large flat brush in that kit is so soft and ideal for applying the LM powder). I used a combination of Revlon's Super Lustrous Shine Lipstick in #805 Kissable Pink and NYX Butter Gloss in Creme Brûlée, on my lips. I touched up my bad spots with my new favorite touch-up wonder the NYX Wonder Pencil in light (if you haven't picked up this little gem you're falling down on the job!!) and kept myself blushing a sweet shade of pink all day with Sephora's blush in Rose Diaphane Pink Flush #07. Lancome Dfincils in Dark Brown is my favorite mascara and I wouldn't be caught dead without that. To top it all off I smelled delicious in Cartier's Declaration via a sample from the excellent folks at Sephora.  (Oh, yes...I love Sephora!) Some people think it takes a village to do different things. I think it takes great makeup!!

Wednesday, (day 181) which just happens to be today, is really, 'Did you know?' day! So, here keeping with the makeup theme...Did you know that you can freshen makeup without starting from scratch? Well, you can!! knew that!! I learned from Bobbie Brown that the best place to start is by removing excess oil and smoothing out foundation and eye shadow with an oil-blotting sheet (I keep some at my desk at work from Hello Kitty). Then spot apply stick foundation where ever your base has worn away (I prefer touching up with a powder foundation instead, but stick is also a good option depending on your skin type). To brighten the face, sweep a shimmery multi-tonal highlighting powder on your cheeks. Those kaleidoscopes of color contain light-reflecting pigments that boost radiance and make you look well rested! Who knew!?!  Your last step for vibrance: Slick on a medium-toned pink or berry lipstick. Voila!! You're gorgeous!!! Blow yourself a kiss! *wink, wink* I think Bobbie forgot the mascara, but I don't think she'll mind if we add that part in. Tote your favorite for best results.

I love freshening my makeup about mid way through the work day. It makes me feel good to know I'm putting my best face forward. For so many years I didn't wear makeup. I had my reasons, but I came to learn that when people see a woman without any makeup, they immediately think she doesn't care, which is the last thing I want people to think about me. I use a combination of drug store and high end makeup and I believe you should always just do whatever you like. It's your face, you should make it up however makes you happy.

Well, that's it for yesterday and today. I've had a great couple of days and now we're on the downward side of the week. I'm looking forward to the weekend. This is the last one before my sister Gena comes to visit and I CANNOT WAIT!! I'm so excited to see her. Here is a picture of her so you can know how fun she is!
First of all, she's GORGEOUS with a big smile and personality to match. Everyone she meets immediately falls in love with her. She's got zing like no other person on earth and she's my sister and best friend. In this shot, we were enjoying the down town area of Boulder City, Nevada. If you've never been there, you're really missing a great trip. When you go, be sure and get some of Grandma Daisy's candy and ride the pink poke-a-dotted cow! Oh, and by the way, be sure and take your best friend and if that's your sister, all the better!! Now, until tomorrow when I'll amaze you with my ability to translate life in to a blog, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 179 and Monday Nancy's Nuggets

The first thing to know about today is it was the coldest day of the season so far. It was a great day with lots of work and it started for me at 4:15 AM this morning. It will be a similar day tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it being about 20 degrees when I leave the house tomorrow morning. Brrrrrrr--frisky!!

The cold temperatures are making me want to write a list (okay...any excuse will do)! So here is my list of the top 10 things I experienced today:

10.  Enjoyed effortless food due to advance cooking, baking and good preparations.
  9.  Had a great walking exercise session using Leslie Sansone Walk-Away the Pounds video.
  8.  Worked at what I loved all day.
  7.  Was able to leave the office on time.
  6.  Experienced little traffic during all of my drives today.
  5.  Watched is cold...what can I say?
  4.  Decided that if I wanted to learn from the wisest a most wealth man who ever lived, then I need to
       study King Solomon via the Proverbs in the Bible.  I'll be doing that.
  3.  Learned that some people gain knowledge and improve their lot in life and some people never
  2.  Freedom.
  1.  The joy of family who really love me no matter how stupid I am.

So that was my day. My nuggets are included in the list above. The only thing I would add is that life is easy to love when you just decide that it is.  I'm off to bed so until tomorrow when God only knows what will happen, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 178 and Sunday Review

Good Sunday morning! I had a lovely day yesterday and now it's my domestic day. So far, I've started the cooking for the dinners next week. I may not have told you, but I am committed to making sure we have a balanced dinner at the ready for each night and the only way I can really do that for Monday through Friday is to cook ahead. Our family will use three main dishes which are full of vegetables and meat to take us through the week. This week I'm cooking Persian food:

Khoreshe Geimeh
(Meat with Yellow Split Pea Sauce)

Khoreshe Lubia Sabz
(Meat with Green Bean Sauce)

Khoreshe Bamieh
(Meat with Okra Sauce)

All three of these dishes are served with Cheo (Rice) and are absolutely delicious. I love the Geimeh (Yellow Split Peas) as it is mild and has roasted potatoes mixed into the sauce in the end and I love potatoes. The Lubia Sabz can also be made into a Polo (that's where the sauce is mixed in with the rice) and I love it that way too! I've been cooking Persian food for over 32 years now and I really do love the flavors. I'm not a huge fan of rice, but I do like and eat Persian rice. Everything freezes well and so most will be portioned out and put into the freezer and will be at the ready when someone is hungry.  Yum!!

Last night while I was watching a variety of content on Netflix sitting here at my desk, I completed my very first Duct Tape project. I made a Duct Tape Wallet for myself. I have been struggling with finding a wallet and have just been keeping my money and cards in a zipper pocket in my purse. This is okay, but it's very unorganized. I was completely floored by the prices of good wallets and so I haven't bought one. I guess I'm in official protest over the outrageous prices. Now, this being my first, it isn't perfect, but I will do more. It was so fun and if I'm going to watch "TV" or Netflix or the like, I have to have something else to do. I can't just sit and watch TV or a movie.  I just can't do it!! There is so much to be done around here that if I just sit and watch some TV or entertainment content, I really feel guilty about it. Anyway, here are some photos of the wallet I made:
I just happened to have a partial role of hot pink Duct Tape (yes, I love pink and if I'm going to have to do something with Duct Tape, it's going to have some pink in there) and so that's what I used. The ideas are now running rampant through my head and I will likely be making more Duct Tape creations in the near future. I had so much fun!!  Making the Duct Tape ruffles were especially fun. I think everything I make will likely sport ruffles.**smile**  I used a video I found on YouTube as my guide or sort of my guide.  I didn't follow this young lady completely, but my next one I'll follow her completely so my cards fit better.  Here's the video:

I messed up a little bit and didn't make the pockets quite big enough for my credit cards, so I made a little companion purse to hold the cards.  I didn't take its picture because it is a very plain little pouch. I'll add ruffles and then it will be smashing!! The YouTube channel for the young lady above is SoCraftastic. I learned to make the Duct Tape ruffles from the YouTuber at SimplyDuckDesigns. Here is her video for a Duct Tape Coin Purse with Ruffles (my next project!):
These are so much fun! I will also be making some tote bags that are lined with Duct Tape. I'll share as soon as I create my first one. It might take me awhile to get all of the supplies together.  It's a busy time around here! So, I would definitely suggest visiting YouTube and checking out the channels for SoCraftastic and SimplyDuckDesigns. Both of these young ladies are very clever and the videos are fun to watch. 

That's it for me for now.  I'm off to finish the cooking and baking (baking cookies and cupcakes for the week to keep everyone smiling) and have the laundry to do. I'll watch the bright, windy day through the front windows while I work and dream of my next weekend adventure. Until tomorrow, when I'll share nuggets, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 177 and 52 Things Saturday

This was an interesting Saturday. Not only is it the first Saturday of 2014, it was also the first Saturday in a LONG time that I only had one errand to complete for the day. Therefore, I enjoyed most of the day at home. The weather is weird...cold...I mean really cold at night, but it was almost 70 degrees during the day; a really lovely day!

The Saturday update of the 52 Things list is...

20.  Spend a week reviewing finances and budget and make adjustments for the coming year.

What this involved was mostly looking at savings, health savings and then making adjustments to increase these by a designated amount. What I do is Zero Based Budgeting. How this works is I set up categories (i.e. Utilities, Entertainment, Health Care, etc.) and then instead of designating a certain amount as a spending 'limit' I set the category at zero and I work to make the category as close to zero as I can each month. I compare the month's spending in a category to the previous month and the same month last year. If I spend less then I celebrate, if I spend zero, I WIN!!! To win just means I have more funds in the bank. After evaluating what I spent in 2013 on lunches out Monday-Friday and looking deeply at what I want to accomplish in 2014, I had to make a commitment to stop eating out so much. This means that my budget for eating out at lunch as been cut...officially cut! This just means that I have to come up with great, easy ways to get lunch together. I'll blog about how my ideas work out at the end of the month. Also, each week that I don't eat lunch out, I get to put $25 in my 'Mad Money' fund. That fund is where I get to dip in for fun times with my sister!

Today I completed a 30 minute interval walk/jog with my Son and it kind of kicked me in the a**!! I loved exercising with him, but I was huffing and puffing and he was barely breaking a sweat! Youth is a wonderful thing and I really miss it. 

Above is a great video from YouTube from the GREAT folks at This video is titled appropriately: Fit is Better Than Skinny. The video focuses on building upper body strength and also cardio.  The workout is not a short one, but at about 37 minutes, the workout is fully challenging. I love the FitnessBlender workouts and other great content. Be sure to check them out on the web!

That's it for today! I had a great Saturday and hope you had the same. Tomorrow will be full of cooking, housework and laundry. So until tomorrow when I will share more of life with The HumbleVoyager, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 176

Enhancements by:
Office Essentials
I am so glad that this week is over. It isn't that the week was hard. It just felt long. The day off in the middle was nice, but really seemed to extend the feeling that the week would never end! Things should be finally back to normal on Monday. Most, if not all, people will will back from holidays and work should start to flow more steadily.

As I worked today, I thought about how good I feel about my list of 52 things and contemplated how I should develop something similar for my work life. Maybe instead of 52 things, its more like 24 things, which would equate to 2 things to accomplish per month. I'm going to think about that completely this weekend and see if I can come up with anything. If I do, I'll post it here so you can read and laugh or cry, whichever seems most appropriate.

For 2014 there will be changes to the blog. I will continue to chronicle what I'm doing to become fit, but I will be standardizing some features. Also, I want to do more videos this year. Here is a list of some of the things I've been considering for the blog...

  1. Daily themes -- I've been thinking about these:
    1. Nancy's Nuggets on Mondays (I started that in 2013 and liked doing that.)
    2. Office Essentials Tuesdays -- I think I'll do a photograph at least once per week of the essentials I'm using for my business makeup look. (Example below...)
      This week's Office Essentials
    3. Did You Know Wednesdays -- The Wednesday blog might focus on a "Did You Know?" question that I've been thinking about, studied and found an answer to...sort of.
    4. Thirsty Thursdays -- Blogs could include my wine of choice for the week and what I think of it.
    5. Reflection Fridays -- Friday's blogs might include a recap of my success/failures over the previous 7 days in the area of fitness, eating and general work on my personal renovation.
    6. 52 Things Posting -- Perhaps a posting each week dedicated to how I accomplished the item I selected to complete that week from the 52 Things list. (This would be posted on Saturdays.)
    7. Discovery Sundays -- Post a review of a website, YouTube video or other web content that supports my goals.
  2. Outfit of the Month -- I've made a commitment to myself to purchase a new outfit for myself each month in 2014. The main focus will be either business or fun, but I'll have a posting dedicated to that each month.
  3. Favorites -- Include regular links to content that is helpful from around the web.
I'd like my blog to be more than just where I record my success/failures with my personal renovation. There is more to me than just weight loss challenges!

I put up an Office Essentials posting on Instagram and so I wanted to include that here. This week's Office Essentials were Creamy Lipstick by Tarte in the shade "Nude", Sephora+Pantone Universe Astral Lip Glaze in the shade "Brandied Melon" and Compact Mirror and Blotting Papers by Hello Kitty. The Wild Thing makeup mirror is my favorite and can be spotted frequently in my makeup bag and the blotting papers generally reside on my desk at the office. Although I have a love of dinky mascaras, I'm also becoming a HUGE fan of lip products and carry several around with me at all times. I may be a late makeup bloomer, but I'm working hard to catch up!

That's it for today. Thanks for checking in. Feel free to leave me comments and let me know if there is something you'd like to see me write about. Have a great evening and until tomorrow, when it will be time for me to write about what I did this week from the list of 52 things, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 175

Is everyone else's life as goofy as mine is? I mean honestly, after 54 years of up and down weight there has to be a place of rest for me on this earth where my BMI isn't rivaling the national debt!!  Okay, that was a mini rant of the rhetorical nature and requires nothing other than perhaps a pat on the cheek and a suggestion whispered in my ear about maybe taking a pill.  So, on to other things! Time stands still for no one, especially me! As you can see in my photo, I'm aging rapidly. The brown spots on my face are multiplying as if they were bunnies!! STOP!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!! Nope, that didn't work. I just saw another one pop-up out of nowhere. Back to the dermatologist for me!!

Today was literally the first day of the rest of my life. I cannot conquer food, this is clear, but I can surely conquer exercise. I actually am a member of that rare group of people who really like exercise. My problem is carving out time to do it. When I lost a bunch of weight back in 2008, I did it through eating a reduced calorie diet and exercise. I couldn't keep up the reduced calorie part forever and as soon as a few pounds came on me, I caved. Additionally, I started doing exercises that I couldn't keep up with (i.e. trying to learn to run and lifting weights). The weightlifting led to a ruptured hernia and before I knew it I was recovering from major emergency surgery and the weight FLEW back on me. Lesson learned:  Stick to what works; go slowly; eat a balance diet that doesn't deprive you; move your a**. This time, the weight will come off slower, but should stay off. I know what exercise works and I know what foods to limit to only a few times a year. I'll still have my cake, but I won't eat it every day.  *smile*  My exercise of choice is walking. For me, the Walk-Away the Pounds videos by Leslie Sansone, work great. I use her 3 Complete Workouts videos right now as there are 1, 2 and 3 mile options, which make it easy to work up to more miles as I become stronger and more fit. Here is what the DVD looks like:
Ms. Sansone has many other video options. I have others that are harder to do, but the 1 mile video in this collection is the best starting point for any beginner. Although I've done these videos and harder ones, I'm back to square one, so I did the 1 mile walk this evening at 6pm. Yippie!! It was great!!! At some point in my life I might change and do something else, but honestly I'm taking this a day at a time. With these videos there is no excuse for not completing at least a one mile walk every day. I feel so good, too!! These videos are easily available on Regardless of whether you use a video or just go outside for a walk, remember that the best way to lose weight, increase stamina, improve fitness and lift your spirits, is with exercise.

Now it's time for me to go and have some supper and get myself ready for the final work day of the week. I'm working a little later tomorrow, so I don't have to go in as early in the morning. That means I can stay up a little later tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll share more about a goofy life with Nancy, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 174 and The 2014 List of 52 Things!

Yippie!!  Happy New Year 2014!!! I did my favorite "New Year" thing this morning and that was to wake up to a clean house. I wouldn't call the house perfect, but it is nice and tidy; dusted and vacuumed and fresh. We live in this house, so it is unlikely to ever be spotless. If I were a stay-at-home Mom and had the opportunity to be here all the time, maybe, just maybe it would be spotless. I'm happy with just plain old clean! We still have too much stuff around here, but we're working on our collective (there are 3 of us living here) tendency to hold on to things. We're getting better.

Every year I put together a list of 52 things I'd like to make happen in the next year. Since I'm a person who believes that things get done or organized when you break them down into workable units, I've just taken that same approach with putting together a list of things to get done in the next year. With only one thing to focus on in a week, I'm more likely to get these done than if I hadn't made the list. I've never actually gotten all 52 things done in a year before, but this could be my year to finally make that happen. The list contains a mix of fun and productive things. I see the list as a way to ensure I'm productive, but also see about my personal enjoyment of life. Here is my 2014 list:

List of 52 Things - 2014!

  1. Take down the Christmas tree and decorations.  1/1/14
  2. Deep clean the living room.
  3. Deep clean the dining room.
  4. Deep clean the kitchen.
  5. Deep clean the master bedroom.
  6. Deep clean the master bathroom.
  7. Deep clean the laundry room.
  8. Detail the car (labor by me).
  9. Take a weekend trip to somewhere remote and just have peace and quiet. (i.e. a cabin somewhere.)
  10. Visit Enchanted Rock and blog about the experience.
  11. Take a day trip to Fredericksburg, Texas and blog about the experience.
  12. Clean out and reorganize my makeup area.
  13. Enjoy a James Bond movie watching week.
  14. Dream up a new recipe and blog about the creation.
  15. Select a new book and read it.
  16. Prepare a spring/summer wardrobe that is flexible for weight loss.
  17. Enjoy a week of 7 classic movies, one for each night.
  18. Select and install new outdoor lighting.
  19. Research new hairstyles and have my hair cut.
  20. Spend a week reviewing finances and budget and make adjustments for the coming year. 1/4/14
  21. Watch a week of favorite Christmas movies.
  22. Test drive a Corvette and a VW Beetle.
  23. Put up the Christmas tree and decorations.
  24. Have a picnic at Lake Georgetown in Georgetown, Texas.
  25. Recreate a magazine outfit for myself for $100 or less.
  26. Clean out the bedside table drawer.
  27. Select a cookbook and make supper from the book each night for a week.
  28. Go to a concert.
  29. Wear only black with a pop of color everyday for a week and blog about it.
  30. Plan and wear a fantastic Halloween costume.
  31. Visit the Cowgirl Hall of Fame museum in Fort Worth, Texas.
  32. Spend a week goal setting and working out a specific plan of action.
  33. Have a home spa week. (i.e. give myself a spa night in someway every night for a week!)
  34. Have my very first massage.
  35. Take a week of yoga lessons.
  36. Plan and hold a progressive dinner.
  37. Plan and enjoy a night out with dinner and a show.
  38. Reorganize all of the drawers in my dresser.
  39. Rethink my shoe and handbag storage. 01/11/14
  40. Take a long weekend trip to Ft. Lauderdale.
  41. Go through all of the linens and discard or repurpose worn out items.   01/25/14
  42. Complete a fall cleaning of the house.
  43. Spring clean my office.
  44. Work from home one week in the spring.
  45. Cook the meals for a full week on Saturday and package/freeze for the next week. 01/18/14
  46. Complete a full week of daily Walk-Away sessions.
  47. Sketch a picture of the scene from my front porch.
  48. Have a professional manicure.
  49. Have a professional pedicure.
  50. Buy myself a bottle of Chance by Chanel perfume. (I have to save up for this!!)
  51. Plan and take a trip to the Texas coast and enjoy the beach.
  52. Plan and take a trip to Palo Duro Canyon.
That's it!  Of course, these things don't have to be done in any certain order and I will update the list throughout the year with what I've gotten done. As I finish something I'll color it red and strike it through.  That's one of the many fun things about a good list. When you finish something you get to strike it off!  Ahhh...I feel better already. As you can see, I've already done the first thing on the list. That's customary, as I always take down the Christmas Decorations on January 1, each year!

The rest of today will likely take the form of resting, relaxing and just enjoying the nice, mid-week day off. I hope you're having a lovely January 1, 2014!! One thing that will change for 2014 is my blog closing. I think I'd like to change it each year. Why? I don't really know, but it probably is the same reason I keep moving the furniture in the house around. *smile* This means that you lovely readers will now have a new name (i.e. changing from "Sweeties" to what you see below) and a new wish (i.e. changing from "Sweet Dreams" to what you see below). So, until tomorrow when I'll likely share some crazy nonsense, Godspeed, Voyagers!!