Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 80

Good-bye day 80! It is a sad bye-bye here. I had a great day. Beautiful weather, for one. Maybe it could have been a little cooler, but I thought it was great. I love my work, blue sky, friends and family...not necessarily in that order! I had it all today. I'm confident I'll get it again tomorrow.

I was in a position today to have a 'fast-food' lunch and was a little apprehensive about it. I left the choice up to a coworker and they chose Chick-fil-A. Okay, my immediate thought was, "Okay, I guess I'm having a Diet Coke for lunch." When we arrived in the drive-thru (we were having a picnic) I noticed that #1, they had the calories on the menu AND they have a chicken wrap sandwich that is 330 calories! No need to look any further, I ordered that without any sauce added. Let me just say that it was actually very good. It was big enough that I was satisfied after half, so I kept half for my afternoon snack. Now that is progress on my part. I was happy! The calories on the menu made it really easy for me and that is exactly what I needed at the moment. Thank you, Chick-fil-A! When you go to Chick-fil-A next time, try the Grilled Chicken Cool Wrap. The only thing I'll change next time is I'll ask them to leave the cheese off.  It didn't need that. Otherwise, a great choice!

Exercise today will be the treadmill again. I'll do that at about 8:30pm. Otherwise it's just your normal Monday with the twist that things are a-happ-nin! Since you're reading my blog, you know that I write on a daily basis (or as close as possible) but what you may not know is that I have been wanting to write a book for a long time. I have a story that I am passionate about and I've decided that I'm going to publish the story one chapter at a time on this website! I'm very excited!!! Besides writing the story I'm going to offer audio downloads of the book read by the author, me!! I'm also trying to get my son to do some illustrations for the story and maybe even some animations! This is a project that will ultimately involve the whole family because my husband fancies himself an excellent audiobook critic. I do voiceovers for my company and he is my best critic. So, the way this will happen is you'll see a tab at the top of the home page of the blog labeled "Serial Stories" or something like that. I'll post the chapters there as I have them written. The audio versions will come after the written version has been up for awhile. I want to really live my dreams and this is just another way to make it happen. I dream of writing, so I write. The internet gives me the ability to get my content out to you, the readers. I love doing voiceovers, so I'll do them of my own content as well as for my company when they want me! I love all of the art my family creates and I want to get us all out here, living our dreams!! Go, do, make life happen for yourself on purpose. Only you stop you from living your dreams! So, cut it out and go DO IT, whatever IT is!

Wow! I really sounded like a mom there. So, I should, I am one. Just call me mom if that helps, but really unless your dreams are to do bodily harm to yourself or someone else (please, don't do that) go and make your dreams happen. I bet if you let yourself think about it, you'll find a new way of getting what you want, done. Take me for example, I thought the only way to be a writer was to publish in traditional ways, but I was wrong! There are thousands of ways to make this happen. All I had to do is open my mind to the possibilities and here we go!! I just hope you'll enjoy my first story. If you don't, that's okay! There will be other stories that you'll love!

So, I want to do a little editing on the story tonight before I walk. That means it's time for me to get going. Have a lovely evening and remember your dreams are great and I know you can have whatever you want. Go make it happen! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 79

Weekends are beautiful things. It would be nice if they were just the tinniest bit longer, though. I take what I can get. In my world I can really work whatever schedule I want, but I don't like to take too many liberties...don't want to appear like an 'advantage taker!' My sister works 4 days on/2 days off, which means her two days off are different every week. She has gotten used to it, but I remember when they announced the change at her hospital. It wasn't a big hit with the staff!

Schedules can be the source of problems for people. When I first went to work for my company we were not guaranteed any kind of particular schedule except that we'd have 2 days off in a row. Now, they don't even guarantee that! When you start at the bottom you generally get the worst schedules. The way I dealt with that was I decided very quickly that whatever schedule I got, I would treat it like it was the best schedule on earth! Sounds silly, but it worked great!! My very first schedule with my company was 2pm - 10:30pm Monday/Tuesday off. It wasn't as late as it could have been, but it also didn't give me weekends off either. So, what I did was tell myself, "Now you have the mornings to do some things you want to do and you have the worst day at the office, off! Monday was the busiest day and I had it off every week! Sweet!! Well, back then we didn't say 'sweet' we probably said something like, 'radical' or something just as silly.  Anyway, the point was I made it great by how I thought about it. This is the basis of what I keep talking about. I believe that ultimately, we make things as easy or as difficult on ourselves as we like. I choose how I think about something and how I think, affects how I feel and what my life experience is like. I've worked nights, over-nights, days, weekends, the works! I haven't had to work 24 on/24 off and I haven't had to do what my sister does, but the point is, whatever schedule you have make sure to help yourself enjoy the it by thinking about it in positive ways. If you can't figure out how to do that for yourself, then maybe you're in the wrong place. Hmmm??

Here's some music/YouTube video to help you think about this great life!
The 5th Dimension was such a fantastic group.  Go visit Google Play or your favorite music seller and get some 5th Dimension sounds going for yourself. They were and still are one of my very favorite singing groups. Their songs were beautifully written and sung. I loved the 60's and 70's. I'm afraid I wasted that time of my life, but I was young and didn't realize that what I had wouldn't last forever.

So, it's a great life and when I say to people, "Have a GREAT day!" I really believe it is possible to have that every day. Yes, illness will come. Pain is everywhere and some of it lives inside my body, but that can't be the basis of my life. I have God's beautiful creation to look at, lovely people to talk to, music to listen to, new places to go and I honestly can't wait for what tomorrow will bring.

I'm excited to see what the results of eating properly and getting proper exercise is like. So far, it's good. I like what I feel and what I see, but I'm not deluded. I know the mirror and my clothes are saying I have LOTS to do. That's okay! I can do whatever I want here and I want to be normal; be a normal size; be a normal eater. I keep saying normal and you may be saying, "What does that look like, Nancy?" I'll work on defining that with pictures or something. Maybe a picture would work better than words. Keep in mind that normal for me, may have nothing to do with normal for you. Please define normal for yourself and remember that the word itself, opens us up to all kinds of possibilities.

I'm off to do the laundry, eat some lunch, enjoy outdoors and all the other things I like to do on a Sunday. Have fun and remember to make it a GREAT day! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 78

Do you have a dream? I do! I have lots of dreams. My son calls himself a dreamer and if he is, he should actually call himself, 'Son of Dreamer,' as I was here first! To me, life is the pursuit of whatever I dream. To a degree I am living part of my dreams now. When I first left home at the age of 18, my dream was to just be able to take care of myself on my own, without the need of family help or roommates or anything like that. The fact is, I did that. We won't be comparing the level of success I had, but facts are facts, I took good care of myself and could do it again if I had to. Who knows! Someday I might have to again! So, the dream back then was purely a financial one. I wanted to be able to make enough money to pay my expenses, live where I wanted to live and do the things I wanted to do. For the most part, I was able to do that. Sure, there have always been things I couldn't do or have because there wasn't enough money, but that just made me either work harder to get it, or reconsider the want.

Dreams now are a bit beyond financial. Yes, I still want to make the money needed to run my family, but my dreams now are about experiences. I want experiences that I haven't had before. I dream about 'things' that could happen or that I could make happen. One of them is writing. This blog is more than just Nancy rambling about her personal renovation. It is a way for me to 'be' a writer every day. Now when people ask me what I 'do' (they mean for a living, but I'm not defined by my money making ability) I say, "I'm a writer who solves problems and encourages people." And that is exactly what I am. The writer part is a dream that I get to live and it is just a matter of me doing it. The 'solves problems and encourages people' part are simply my nature. I can solve problems because I don't encumber my mind with thoughts of 'I can't...' or other negative thinking. I don't predispose myself to thinking something can't be done. Therefore, my mind is open to all the possibilities, no matter how outrageous. It is sometimes when we are being outrageous that the best solutions bubble up! I can encourage people because I love people, all people. You may not know it, but I read my bible and I believe every word that it says. I know, I have a nasty mind and a foul mouth, but I never claimed to be perfect. I only claim to be forgiven. Anyway, the bible says that people are what God loves most and that we are to love them regardless of whether they are lovely or lovable or not. However, I also understood from the bible that if I would just do my best to be lovely that people would respond and...well...I don't know how to explain myself here. I can tell when someone is suffering without a solution, or needs an loving word, or whatever and all I do is try to find the right way to give them what they need...that's all.  As much as I want more experiences I also have lived 54 years, have been in business for more than 35 years, have been a wife for 32 years and a mother for 15 years. I have some experience in these areas. I've had money and I've been penniless. I've been well thought of and loathed. You name it, I've probably been there. I've had a share of hardship, illness, injury and loss. Not everything goes my way nor should it, but I am in charge of me and I make the decisions about how I think and act. My choice is simple: Make happiness and if it spills over on someone else, then all the better!

So, what are some of my other dreams? Well, a girl has to have some secrets! :) My sister is probably proud of me right now, because my nature is to 'tell all' and I'm trying to learn to keep some things closer to my heart. Anyway, there are some places that I'd like to see. There are some people that I'd love to meet and there are some experiences (work and otherwise) that I'd love to have and I'm doing my best to set up my life so that I can make these things happen. First, I have to be healthy and a normal size. Sadly, people don't listen to or take seriously the words of a fat person. No, don't try to tell me it isn't true! I'm a fat person and I know, what I know. After I get this in order, the SKY is the limit. No telling what you will see. For now, I write and work on my personal renovation. What about you? What are your dreams?

Here's a little music/YouTube video while you think about your dreams...

I hope you're having a great Day 78 in this journey. I've been running errands and have probably one more to complete. It has poured on me this afternoon at the grocery store. The water was coming down so quickly that it couldn't run-off properly. When I got to my car the water in the parking lot was over my shoes! I was soaked!! Good thing I love being out in the rain. I just wish it hadn't have made all my groceries wet! Luckily for me, I won't melt! Food is good and exercise is even better so, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 77

Have you ever felt like there is a hole in your life? You have a great job with a great company or maybe you've even built a successful business. You're married, have kids, you have a home and the possessions that you desire and yet, something is missing. It is probably a common thing and Marie Forleo of made a video about this very subject, where she provides help to all of us for getting past this feeling and I want to share it with you. Marie actually made this video about 6 months ago and I missed it...don't know how I missed it, but I did. This is some GREAT insight and advice about this little anomaly that happens to a good number of us.  Watch and learn...
Isn't she great!?! Cute as a button and quotes John Wayne, too!! I really love her videos, website and email updates. Please consider going to her website and signing up for her email updates. She shares lots of great stuff and she reminds you always that the world needs that special something only you bring to the planet and she's right. Where would we be without you?

So, it's Friday night and I'm sitting here listening to K.C. and the Sunshine Band sing about shaking my booty. It makes me think back on a time when that's exactly what I did on a Friday night. For a very short time in about 1978, I thought it was fun to go to the disco and shake my booty. The fun ended rather abruptly and I abandoned the idea of becoming a disco queen. Instead I did what most 19 year-old people did back in the day who did not go to college, I worked. I'm still doing that, but today it's different. I know more and am enjoying my work.

This Friday was quiet at work and I kept myself busy solving problems and building relationships. I think I did a good job of it today and am ready for the weekend. I would like to do something tonight, but I don't know what. Movie, like last week? My family hates to eat out, so no dinner out. Shopping?? No, I don't like shopping like my sister does. I only do that when I have to or if she's here. Then it becomes FUN! I guess I'll just read, walk on the treadmill and look at some writing projects I have going on. It's all good! Don't know what I'm having for dinner, but it will be light. I drank a glass of milk a little while ago and it really filled me up. See, I still have the problem where I think I can consume more than I really can! Will this madness ever end?

Well, I want everyone to listen to Marie, so I'll make this the end until Day 78. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 76

Good evening world! Nancy here with her daily take on life as she renovates herself. First, let me say that it really stinks when you've worked extra hard to take care of your nails and grow them long and then you break one. For me, that means they all have to go. So, here is what they have looked like up to today:
Yep, these are my own nails and as you can probably tell, the art is homemade. I am hard on nails, but I've been babying these for the past 6 weeks and I was so proud of them, until today. Actually, it all started last night. I made a stupid move and shoved my hand into the brace that I wear on my left knee when I walk on the treadmill, to remove it last night and bent my middle finger nail on my right hand, back. It seemed to have taken the hit, but I knew it was weak.  I put another layer of topcoat and hoped for the best. This morning, as I was getting out of my car at the office, I jammed that same nail into the side of my computer backpack and successfully broke the nail WAY down into the quick. I did this so well that it started bleeding like mad. Now, if you know me, you know that I have a thing...okay problem, with seeing blood. Long story short (too late, Nancy) the nails are going to have to go and the middle finger nail of my right hand will probably have to wear a bandage to protect it while the break grows out. Here is what the nail looks like at the moment:
It may be hard to see, but that crack down into the quick is the break (I cleaned up the blood for you, thank you!) oh, and the chip in the nail art on the corner was thanks to my computer bag, as well. So, the long and short of it (sorry...pun intended!) is the long nails will now become short nails. I'll do a picture of the design when I get over the trimming event. Since nail real estate is quite tiny on my nails when they are short, it is likely to be a rather plain design. Nails are one of my creative outlets. My family doesn't like them, but I do, so although I don't like disappointing people, I paint my nails. I have to.

The day was a good one for my plan. I didn't have to invoke the filtering question about eating or exercising today! I judge good vs. bad days by how many times I have to ask myself the question. The more I have to ask the worse the day is. My sister told me a story today about how she's been dealing with herself in this regard. She said that her husband had a bag of mini Butterfinger candies in the house. She was coming up on her day off and would be alone in the house with that candy while her husband was at work. So, she told him the night before, "When you leave early tomorrow morning for work, please take that bag of candy with you. If you don't, I will be at least tempted to eat every one of them!" When she woke up the next morning, there on his pillow was a single Butterfinger mini candy with a note that said, "Surely you can have one!" She took care of business that day, looked up the calorie count of the candy piece (about 35 calories) and happily turned it into 2 bites and enjoyed every bit of it! That is the way to do it!  Know yourself and find solutions to your particular problem and then enjoy life properly. She got to have her candy and still be right where she wants to be. Bravo, Sister!!

Me? Since I'm my sister's sister, I have similar problems. I tell myself I can eat food that isn't right or good for me in amounts that are outrageous. Why? I don't know, but that's my problem. But I know how to approach my problem and keep myself focused on solutions that work. If you are new to the blog try searching for 'filtering question' to learn what I do. Just keep things simple.

I'm waving good-bye to day 76 of this renovation and I'm feeling really good about the progress. I wish I were already done, but I know I'll get there and when I do, it will be a true personal accomplishment. Since I'm a dreamer, I often dream about what it will be like when I believe I've done the hard work and can say to myself, "I'm right where I want to be." The best thing will be that, from that moment on, anyone new that I meet, will never even have to know that I've been on this journey. It will be our little secret! Thanks for reading the ramblings of a frustrated writer and woman who just wants to be the best Nancy there is for the people who love her. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 75

This week is going by quickly, as usual. I'm focused on getting our son working well in his new virtual school. Honestly, he's doing just fine, I simply want to make sure he is the happiest son in the whole wide world. He is already the best one! Work is good and today I even took a little break and had a 15 minute walk in the sunshine at about 11am. It was getting hot, but I didn't care. It is just so nice to enjoy even a little snippet of the day. I love being outside.

I was extra hungry for meals today, but I stuck to my plan. I had a larger breakfast, but I didn't go overboard. It would be SO easy for me to do that. I'll walk on the treadmill in a little while and that will make me feel like I really completed the day. I know it doesn't sound right, but I really like to take that walk and I miss it when something keeps me from it.

When I got home from work today I found I had a new desk! Yippie!!! The old desk was going to be the death of me...or at least my knees. I would crack my knee (usually my bad one) regularly on the old metal desk that we'd had for over 30 years. The last time I did that, which was earlier this week, I actually saw stars. It hurt so bad I had to excuse myself from the room and cry. Well, someone went to Sam's last night and bought me a new desk (contemporary design...nice) and today while I was at work he put it together for me and set it all up! I was so surprised and so happy to see it. NO MORE KNEE CRACKING!!  Ahhhhh....Here's the new desk!
Look Ma! No knee cracking surfaces!!
So that's it for today! I've worked, loved the day and the people in it and I have a new desk that will no longer make me hurt. For what more could I possibly ask?!? Well...I hate to be a greedy Gertrude, but there are a few things on my personal 'wish' list. (**wink, wink**) I'll keep all that to myself. Don't want to risk TMI happening! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 74

Days go up, they go down and sometimes they just go sideways. I think we can classify today as a 'sideways' day. It was one of those days you just want to see be over so the madness stops. When I say madness, I mean MADNESS! Wow!! I love my work, the company I work for and the people I work with, but tested us all. I look forward to tomorrow and will relish another opportunity to see it be better, but please, God, nothing like today! What a mess!! On the other hand, it was a lesson on what can happen to foul up a perfectly good business day. When I write my book someday about my life, this day may show up in the business case study section labeled, "Don't Let This Happen To You!"

So, tonight was a parent meeting for our son's school.  Don't be jealous, but since his school is virtual, so are all the meetings I have to go to.  Yep! Meeting was in my living room and I think I got more out of it because I was comfortable and could easily take notes. Very good! Right before I attended the meeting, I did my nails. A white-on-white design of a sponged pearly white back ground with impressionistic white roses painted on top with acrylic paint and then topped with a shimmery sheer white top coat. Pretty!
Photo taken with the LG Optimus L9 smart phone...not bad!
The nails look pretty in person, but the photo isn't bad either.  I'm sporting really long nails at the moment and they aren't going to hold out for long. Before you know it, I'll be back to dinky, short nails again. I love nail art, but my nail bed is so small that when my nails are short, there just isn't enough nail real estate for me to be creative. I'm limited on what I can do when the nails are short. These were fun to paint and I got them done lickety-split before my meeting! Wow, Nancy can you say, "lickety-split," three times fast, please? Wait, while I get my camera!! Now, if the nails will just hold out the rest of the week for me that would be great!

I'm doing great in the eating and exercising department. I won't get to walk today because of the meeting tonight, but I will walk at work tomorrow. I have a meeting early in the morning with one of my favorite teams, so off to bed I must go. The meeting is at 7am and I have a rule about meetings: Never be loath; never be late! So, that means I need to be in the building, at my desk and preparing for the meeting by 6am. Translated: I need to leave the house at 5:30am to meet my personal expectations. That means I need to be up and in the shower by TO BED, NANCY!!  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 73

Another day bites the dust! Smash!! To the ground it went in a blaze of glory. Although it was a fine work day and the weather was nice, I didn't like this day.  May I have another, please? I want a do over. There is always something I want to do differently...better...special...or maybe not at all. This day was like that. Also, when I drove home today from work the news radio channel I was listening to announced 8 working major/injury/fatality automobile accidents in the area at the time. Yes, all the crazy drivers were out with me! I just need to get home in one piece please. There is so much I want to do in this life and I feel like I'm racing against time. If you're young and reading this, please listen up. An old person is about to give you some important, unsolicited advice now. Here you go: Look before you leap, Sweetie! If you ever feel pressured to make a decision, remember you have the right to say, "I need time to think this through." If the person asking for a decision doesn't want to give you that time, then the answer is automatically, No! Cultivate good decision making skills, which will help you create exactly the life you want for yourself. This is something I know I didn't learn early enough at all in this life. There! Enough about my life as "Decision Disaster Girl." Yes, I have gotten some things right, but I frequently picture God up in his beautiful heaven looking down on me, regularly slapping the side of his face in amazement at my stupidity. Dear God, I wish I could do some things over and get them right!

Do you ever sit and wonder how God decided to do or make this or that? I do that all the time. Being a dreamer, I'm always thinking about things like, "How did God decide to put me together and wire me like he did?" I think God is perfect and so I know I'm just exactly what he intended, but since we have the effects of my rotten decisions at work over the last 54 years, I often wonder what I was supposed to be like. I mean really! Did God really build me the way I am, with the desires that I have and stick me in a physically unappealing body for the fun of it? Was I supposed to have other feelings and desires than I actually have? Did something go terribly wrong along the way and make me want things that I was never going to be able to have??? I'm so baffled by my design! One day, I'll understand it all. For now, I'm just over here...being baffled.

As we all know, Nancy wants to be normal. I'm never going to be what I would call fabulous. I don't think it's in me to be physically fabulous, but I want to be healthy and normal. Those who love me and you know who you are, don't care what I look like and I adore you for that.  But I want, more than anything else on this earth, to be not noticed for my fat. I want to move with grace and feel healthy. Those who know me and don't love me and you too know who you are, are maybe waiting for me to fail. Wasn't it Robert Schuller (the minister) who once said, "Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you haven't succeeded yet." Well, I want success and to the distress of my enemies, I will have it...if it's the LAST thing I do!!

Now it's time to walk on the treadmill and take those steps towards success. Tomorrow will be another day, but I look forward to Wednesday...hump day...and maybe then I'll feel better about things. Until then, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Days 71 and 72

My how the days do pile up on me! This has been a nice weekend, but busy. Yesterday we finally ventured into the land of Smart Phones and I spent the entire day in a local cell phone center setting up the family with 'smart' rather than 'dumb' phones. We shall see how long that lasts. We are changing our landline home phone to a cell and that is taking a bit longer, but we all have our phones in hand. Apparently cell phones are a BIG deal and I just didn't know it! So my excuse today for the one-day back-up is I was so tired from standing for HOURS in the cell phone store that I fell asleep before I wrote the blog.

I'm glad to say that the weather over the past few days has been gorgeous! We had rain (finally) and now clear blue skies for the first day of fall with a cool breeze and hearty sunshine. A lovely day! I'm doing fine with exercise and eating. I think I'm finally in a groove. I like my egg sandwich for breakfast with some fruit, a light lunch, a snack at around 4pm and a balanced dinner. I'm still not 'cooking' but I'm not opposed to scrambling an egg or sautéing some greens to go with dinner. I just have to continue to stay out of the kitchen as much as possible. I have discovered that a hamburger patty larger than about 3 oz. is too big for me. There aren't many small burgers around, so I've been trying to scope out some options. The best thing I've found so far, is a Turkey Sausage patty made by Great Value (Walmart) that not only works for breakfast, but is the perfect size for a 'burger' patty for me! It tastes good and I like to warm it up (they come pre-cooked) cut it in half and tuck the halves into romaine lettuce leaves. Add your favorite toppings and you have a GREAT burger! I may have one of those for lunch tomorrow!

I've been quietly working some of the troublesome foods out of my diet for now. Some may come back on a limited basis and some...maybe not at all. Here is a list of the foods/techniques I'm slowly pushing to the sidelines:

  1. Sugar - Now this ingredient is in lots of foods and of course, it's in fruit. No, what I'm talking about here is sugar that I might add (refined) or the obviously 'sugary' treats. These days we have options for handling 'sweetening' tea and such, so I'm good with this leaving.
  2. Bread - Bread is a hard thing for me to leave behind. It is so woven into my meals that I find it hard to move it out completely, but I'm doing my best here. I've taken up putting sandwich stuff into lettuce and I actually like it better than bread, but that's not because I don't like bread. If eating bread (or cheese) were an Olympic event, I'd win GOLD for the U.S.! Finding options for  the other ways I eat bread are proving difficult. Not to worry! I'm committed to finding a solution!
  3. Cheese - Could I be more in trouble? I love two of the worst foods for the human body. Full of fat and calories, but oh, so, delicious, cheese is being moved to the 'treat' section of my eating, where it belongs! I would rather have a great hunk of cheese than a piece of cake!
  4. Frying - This is a no brainer! If it's fried, it's out...plain and simple. I don't even care.
  5. Cream Based - I'm working to move the 'sauces' out completely. Yes, they are delicious, but they are killing me and really, they just mask the flavor of the food.
Short list, but I don't want to bog myself down in work. I'm not trying to be low-carb or anything like that, but honestly the refined flour stuff makes it harder for me to lose the weight and it really isn't a friend, nor does it help me achieve my goals, so out it goes! The real hardship continues to be the struggles with portion size. Even my husband is having this trouble. For instance, he always has the Jalapeño Cheese Burger from Whataburger when they have hamburgers. This burger is HUGE! Two patties that are each big, two slices of cheese and then all the toppings and he has mayo, too!  The burger with mustard is 970 calories and with mayo it would be more...I'm thinking at least 1,000 calories! Last night he decided that instead of this burger he wanted to try the Southern Chicken Sandwich from McDonalds which has 420 calories. He told me after dinner that when he saw it he thought, "Hum...kind of small." However, after eating the meal, he said, "It was really just right!" So, we Americans are MESSED UP about portion size...all of us! Maybe there are some people who are okay and can tell the difference between the right amount of food and food that should feed you for SEVERAL MEALS, but I don't know any of these people. So, here is my advice (yes, I know you didn't ask for my advice, but your getting it anyway):

"Treat food like you would makeup. Add small amounts because you can always add more later if you need it, but once it's there, it's hard to take away!"

Okay, so that's my world for today. By sitting here writing, I'm missing the beautiful afternoon...soon to be evening outside! So, until tomorrow (I promise!!), sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 70

Wow! 70 days along which means I have 295 days to get my major renovation as complete as possible. Between you, me and the fence post, I think I'll be needing more time, but I have my goals and I'm sticking to them. No matter what happens, I'm in for the whole fight and this is a fight. I battle myself every single day. For instance today. I took a day off so that I could meet 1-on-1 with each of our son's teachers. This meant that I had extra time on my hands for doing things like surfing the web between meetings. I ordered a new bag for my computer and a graphing calculator for our son and etc. I had fun! While surfing I noticed that an IMAX theater near my home began showing a remastered 3D version of the Wizard of Oz (one of my favorite movies of all times) today and that it would only be in the theatre for a week. So, I decided to take myself to the movies tonight! My family doesn't like this kind of thing, so I took myself. I no more get inside the theatre entrance that I don't start thinking, "What harm could a little popcorn do?" Really??? I immediately invoked the filtering question and I was able to pass along from the lobby to my seat. As the movie finished (it was great!!  Spoiler Alert:  The wicked witches East and West don't fare well! :)) I get to my car and think, "How about a light supper?" Okay, there are all kinds of restaurants and fast food places. I had to convince myself that the small cup of Hot and Sour soup would be better than a hamburger.  Really squared????  I know all of this, yet I had to have almost a physical fight with myself over it. What the heck is wrong with me???  Don't answer that. I'm afraid to know.

So, besides the meetings and constant battles with my stupid self it was a fun day. I ordered a new bag and such, listened to music, watched videos, laughed with my son and did what I do best in life: encouraged people. It was fun watching the people at the movie theatre as well. I realized that I hadn't been to the actual movie theatre in a number of years. They've changed a lot! I'll have to take myself to the movies more often! I saw lots of kids, families and of course the couples. When I exited the theatre into the lobby there was a particular couple that caught my eye and made me smile all the way to my car. The young man was about 20 and the girl was maybe a little younger. He was starched and pressed in his best jeans and cowboy shirt and had a tight hold on her little hand and was guiding her out of that theatre just as quickly as he could. I'm sure they have serious necking to do tonight! :) Ah, young love! I actually do remember what that was like. Do you think that if I wear ruby slippers, close my eyes, click my heals together three times and say, "There's nothing like young love!" that I can go back and have young love again??  No??? Okay... :(

Well, that was day 70! Fun and a movie with singing, dancing and a little fear of Lions, Tigers and Bears! OH MY! :)  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 69

It was a quiet day, as I suspected it would be, which is good. I have a hectic day planned for day 70 and this was a perfect wrap up for the week. We have been busily updating devises with the new Apple OS today! It kind of takes awhile to do the update and when completed, everything looks kidding. Some of the stuff that happened when we updated didn't make sense to me, but there you go! Technology doesn't always make sense to me!

It is still HOT here and the mosquitos chewed me up tonight. I can't stand those little buggers, but if you're going to live in Texas you're going to have to put up with them. As you know, I love being outside, but in the evening time, if you don't cover up, you'll be a target for sure! So, yes, I sat outside for supper.  It was lovely!

Tomorrow I will be off (took the day off) so that I can have short meetings, 1-on-1, with each of our son's teachers. I've done Biology and now I'll get the rest. So, there are meetings scheduled starting at 10:30am with a break at 12:30 for 30 minutes and then from 1-5pm. What a day it will be. Let's hope it all goes well!

Nothing much else to report. I do my best with food, sticking to pre-portioned food and steering clear of sugar and refined flour. Neither of those help me so I just say, "NO!" If you aren't going to help me achieve my goals, you're OUT! (filtering question in use!) So, until tomorrow and day 70, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 68

Day over? I'm so glad! It was a day...that's all I'm prepared to say. Tomorrow will be a better one, I'm sure. I love feeling you get when you are talking to a group of people and you suddenly realize that they need what you know; not just interested.  They need your knowledge! When those time happen you get to be this great guy or girl that knows everything and is needed. The only problem with that is it sucks the energy right out of you; giving all of what you know to people. Today was my day to give all. I'm tired now and going to bed. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 67

Wow! That was a great September 17th. Our son turned 15 and I'm feeling blessed. I had a treat for supper, but successfully skipped the birthday cake by purchasing only 2 slices of his favorite cake from Whole Foods (1 each for dad and son). This made it possible for me to select an 'appropriate' treat for myself and feel good about having something special. So, here is what I did. While at the Whole Foods, I selected a couple of cheeses that sounded good and purchased just a couple of ounces each. Then, I selected a few items from the olive bar and made myself an anti-pasta plate (there was actually enough for two plates) and they had a boiled shrimp cocktail that looked awesome, so I got that. I had some of the shrimp, olives, peppers, roasted garlic, a quarter of an artichoke heart, onions and cheese for my supper and enjoyed it very much. I didn't miss the cake and oh, by the way, the cake still exists and I can have some when I've learned how to have only a bite and be happy. Since I'm not there yet, it's best to not indulge.

one of the things that I haven't done is take pictures of myself 'scantily' clad. I've avoided this, but I really think I need to do it so that I can really have something that will make me put the breaks on when tempted to overeat or indulge inappropriately. I saw a picture on YouTube of a girl that I thought was really a good idea. She put on a bikini (clearly not something I've got around here) and had someone take a picture of her from side view, with her back against a wall and with her hands up in the air. The photo was from about the chin to her mid-thigh. The before and after phones were very telling indeed. That's next for me. I will be having my husband take such a picture of me (in skivvies, of course) this weekend and it will surely make me stop dead in my tracks should I suddenly think I can have cake. :) Then, I'll take an update picture on the next 5 benchmarks. You, of course, will NEVER see these photos. Just be thankful!

I've begun the teacher meetings officially to see if we can help our son improve on school work. He is in virtual high school (it's public school, but he takes all his courses from his computer in his bedroom...he loves it!) and there are technology challenges along with the normal challenges of school for a 15 year-old. He's a great person, so I know he'll be fine, but I'm not one to just let things happen. I believe it will be better if I'm involved and the teachers hopefully don't mind all my questions. We had a conversation this evening with the Biology teacher and she gave advice that I had already given to my son, so that was really good. The rest of the meetings are all on Friday, which mean's I'm taking the day off!

It's time again for me to walk. I wouldn't miss that for the world! I'll be listening to the Come Away With Me album (first album) by Nora Jones.  Love her! Check her out on iTunes and take a walk. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Days 65 and 66

Skipped days keep happening! It's like I keep forgetting who I am and what my life purpose is. Silly I know, but the other excuses are worse. The day I skipped (#65) was a Sunday for heaven's sake! That's my most quiet of days and yet I let it pass without even a 'how-do-you-do' to the blog! So, my excuse: I was busy. Doing what? I hear you asking...okay, if I'm honest I wasn't doing anything of substance, the day just got away from me. Sunday is that day where I try to get outside, listen to music, eat my meals outside, do the laundry and REST...mostly my brain, but all of me gets rest on Sunday. Sometimes I do workout on Sunday, but I don't require it of myself.

Today I started walking for about 15 minutes before lunch at work. The day was overcast so it was easier to accomplish. Summer is so hot here that doing that from July through September is not easy. But, I know the walk helps me clear my mind and reduce stress. The day wasn't particularly stressful, but the walk was a welcome break anyway. There are days where something happens that's so good, the rest of the day couldn't possibly disappoint you. Today was one of those days. Something happened at work that honestly, the car could have broken down on the way home, I could have been in a major storm and gotten soaked or the roof could have caved in and none of that would have dampened my excellent feelings. Since it's work related, I can't talk about it hear, but just know that I think my work is GREAT and the people I get to work with are tops in my book!

Eating was good. As long as I stick to pre-portioned food, get my exercise and lots of water, I'm making progress. Nope, I don't have a clue what I weigh. I really would like to start working my upper body, but I haven't found the right routine. Sadly, I'm not good at putting these things together, but I'm GREAT at following someone else. I used to follow a routine designed by Reebok and I had good results, but I'd have to bring the weight bench back in the house to do that routine and I just don't have anywhere to put it! Besides, it's in the garage holding up a bunch of...well...stuff (aka: 'Cra*').
#Clutter #PackRatHusband #Don'tGetMeStarted
No, I want a routine that uses your own body weight (sadly, I have lifting limits) and not a bunch of equipment. I found FitnessBlender on YouTube and they say some of their videos are for beginners. When I watched a few I realized I am a sub-beginner! Oh, MG! Are they kidding me!?! I'll be dead before most of the routines are done. They really need someone like me to show that a real beginner can do the exercises. Well, maybe not. That would then be comedy exercise routines and nobody needs that! :)

The last two days have been good. The biggest challenge this week will be tomorrow. On September 17, we will celebrate our son's 15th Birthday! Of course, there will be cake. So, the big question is:  "Can Nancy really just eat a small (I mean VERY small) piece of Birthday cake? We shall see! **sigh** So, until tomorrow when we see how successful I was, sweet dreams, sweeties!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Days 63 and 64

Yesterday my family made a short visit to a family member's home here in town and those few hours really threw me off my game. I had to make a choice between writing the blog posting or getting in my exercise. I chose the exercise. It was the right choice, but it caused day-backup here in the blog. It was nice to see family, but relations have been strained recently and I'm just not interested in the drama anymore. My family is related on two levels. My cousin is married to my husbands brother. So, when I see in-laws I also see my own family a little bit. Different I know, but you'll get your head around it one day. The drama doesn't really come from them, but what there is of it is beyond my interest anymore. In the words of Tracy Chapman, "I'm too old to go chasing around; wasting my precious energy."

Today was about errands and trying to find a bag for the new laptop. I wasn't successful, so I guess I'll be ordering one from the Apple website. I did buy one today that looked perfect, but the computer was a tight squeeze into the bag and that wasn't what I'd planned, so back it went. I've been out most of the day running around, but that's okay since I like to drive. Someday, I'll be able to drive the car and want and really enjoy the trips! Until that day, I just go and do and be happy.

So, that's about it. I'm off to enjoy the rest of the evening and surf the web. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 62

What an interesting Thursday! It was the 30th anniversary of the opening of my office. The theme of the day was the 80's. Everyone, or just about everyone, did something to remind us of what it was like when the office opened. We had a lovely catered lunch and there were toasts with non-alcholoic sparkling wine. As a part of the leadership team, I had an opportunity to give my toast, which was as follows:

Lift your glass to the [can't name my company here...sorry] office and it's wonderful people! May your competitors respect you. Trouble neglect you. The angels protect you and heaven accept you. Cheers!!

My outfit for the day was black leggings with a short black skirt over that and lots of layered tops with lots of lace. I had one black lace glove with the fingers cut out, hair in a Madonna-esk side ponytail and the brightest neon colored makeup I could produce. I did an electric blue cut-crease with lids of neon yellow, orange and pink and lower lash line of neon purple and green and bright fuchsia lips. My eye makeup was radical, man! I love funky makeup and it as great fun to do makeup like that for the day. I don't go out much at night and this was really an 80's nightlife look, but I couldn't for the life of me remember how I dressed in the 80's. Jeans and tops with sneakers mostly, I think. I guess I'm just timeless! Or is that just plain boring? Whatever it is, I'm that!

Two days into the second goal segment and I'm starting to feel like I need a change. Really what I think is going on is I need more time outside. It is so hot that I really have a hard time finding it possible to get out and exercise out there. I can enjoy the little deck and sip beverages, listen to music and read, but I want to explore away from the deck and it's just too hot. Please send cold weather soon!!
#BurningUp    #SickofSummer     #GetMeOutOfHere 
Really, I wish I could explain what I really need in this blog, but I need some secrets in this life! Speaking of secrets, did you know that a desire to be open and above board can get you into trouble? Well, it can! Who knew!! That's all I'll say about that. Just know that I'm notorious for causing my own problems. That's right! If trouble doesn't exist, Nancy can sure make some up for herself!!

So, yesterday was the anniversary of one of the most horrific days of my life. I kept myself focused on the day's tasks, but I couldn't help but think back on September 11, 2001 and remember how much my life changed personally because of the lily-livered, spineless acts of people who were just like me, only in the fact that they were human beings. How could someone become so angry and unloving that they could take the lives of innocent people like they did? Where does that kind of hate come from? My feelings can become hurt and I may distance myself from people because it just isn't good for me to be around them, but I would never harbor hatred for someone like this. These people who changed my life so much that day want me to believe that their god made them do it; demanded it of them? What?!? My God is the creator and protector of all creation. Their made up god, standing on tip toe, on the highest peak on this earth is still too low to touch the hem of the garment of the creator, grantor and protector of all life. I know my God would NEVER tell me to do such a thing. But we don't all follow the same guiding lights. I'm no saint, but I have a still small voice called "Conscience" and what it says is, "Life is precious." That means ALL life, not just mine but everyone's. So, please enjoy life and never forget that there are people who will want to deprive you of it in many different ways. They may seek to end your very existence, but they may also desire a life of misery for you. For me, I wish only a life of joy for you and all people. God loves people more than anything and so do I. So, until tomorrow when I let go about something else in life, sweet dreams, Sweeties!
Nancy, remembering 9/11 on 9/11/13.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 61

Today is the start of goal segment 2 of 6. By my calculations day 61 of goal segment 2 is on November 10. The actual day count on that day will be 121. Each of the remaining 5 goal segments are 61 days in length. That takes me safely to the 365 day mark and hopefully as close to my final goal as possible. Not that anything changes after day 365, but I have my goals and they help me stay focused. I'll have new goals for the time after day 365, I promise!

The day was full of productive work, conversations, problem solving, family and friends. I've had a great walk tonight and listened to some good music. My walking play list tonight was:

  • Unbelievable by Schubert Dip - EMF
  • Strength of a Woman by Geri Halliwell
  • Wo Do You Think You Are by the Spice Girls
  • Wannabe by The Spice Girls
  • Get On Your Feet by Gloria Estefan
  • Leap Frog by Les Brown
  • Jump, Jive, an' Wail by Louis Prima
  • Dig That Crazy Chick by Sam Butera & The Witnesses
  • Saturday Night Divas by The Spice Girls
  • French Poodle by Sam Butera & The Witnesses
This list was a bit longer than 30 minutes, but that's okay. I enjoy the walk and extra minutes are just treated as cool down time. Call me weird, but I liked The Spice Girls!

So, not much else to say about today except it was great!  Until tomorrow and day 62, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 60

The first 60 days has passed and the wait for the first set of results is over. Yes, I made progress, but please understand, I'm still a very FAT girl! I feel so much better, but I'm not nearly finished yet. Funny how the mind will make you believe you are smaller than you are. Even the mirror doesn't tell you as much as a picture. However, remembering that this is only one-sixth of the what it's going to take to get me even close to where I should be, keeps me grounded. So, first of all, here is a set of images comparing me 60 days ago to me today (the top row images are 'before' and bottom row is 'after'):
I can tell a difference, but can you? I hope you can!! No, I have not weighed, but I can say that I believe the total lost is between 35 and 40 lbs. Everything about me is better; face, neck, gut, legs, you name it! I am smaller, but WOW, I'm a BIG girl and it will be that way for awhile longer. 

The ultimate goal was to get into my little (HA!) black dress and yes, I did it with room to spare. This dress is a size 22 and I was wearing a size 26/28, so you do the math:

To have completed the task and fully achieved my goal, I had to wear the dress out somewhere. So, I wore the dress to the local HEB and picked up a serving of sushi for myself for supper. It was delicious! This means I fully accomplished my 60 day goal! I can't remember what the reward was, but honestly, just being some pounds lighter, with more stamina and fitness is reward enough!

I'm thankful to have the first 60 days past and for there to be progress. That means I can settle down now into the routine of controlling my appetite (which seems to be endless) and increasing my exercise. I also continue to work on improving my skin, teeth and thinking. When all is said and done, next July I want to be a very different, physically and mentally changed human being. For that reason the work continues.

Now it's time to get a walk in and get ready for bed. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 59

This is the last day of the first goal segment (60 days long). As you may recall, there are 6 goal segments of 60 days each (well, segment 1 is 60 days and all the others are 61) which takes us from 1-365 days. The personal renovation I'm doing won't be completed in 365 days (most likely) but we'll be well on our way to success in a year. I'll set additional goals once I get closer to the 365th day. The first goal segment is dedicated to getting me into my little black dress (I say little with my tongue in my cheek, as it is anything but little). It is the largest sized clothing item in my closet that is at least 2 sizes smaller than what I was wearing, that I'd like to be able to wear for awhile. So, the goal is to be able to fit into a successively smaller outfit of clothing that I already own until I am unable to wear any of the items because they are too big! I am NOT a clothes hound, so these are items that are either somewhat classic in nature or have simply been held in order to demonstrate weight loss. So, when the dress is no longer flattering because it is too big, it will be donated and leave the closet forever, opening up space for something new. This is something else you may not know about me: I do not allow myself to have more items of clothing than will fit comfortably into my closet or dresser. This goes for shoes, purses and accessories, too. I have a finite number of hangers and when those are full, that's it! No more clothing items can come into the closet. And yes, I know exactly how many hangers there are!! (My sister can't stand that I do this, but this is how I like it, so she understands.) So, when I get home from work, I'll put on the outfit that I had picture taken in originally and my husband will take pictures. Then, I'll put on the dress and he'll take pictures of me in that. If I have been successful and the dress actually can be worn out, I will take myself out to have sushi! I guess I'm saying all this to get you ready for tomorrow when you'll be overwhelmed with pictures! I'm really looking forward to the event of putting on these clothes. You see, I'm not weighing myself, so this is how I know I'm actually losing the weight; current clothes are loose and clothes I haven't been able to wear will fit! Yes, I'm very excited!

Although I have lost weight before, this is the first time I'm truly enjoying myself while I do it. The last time I was very successful, but it was HARD, because I made it so and I didn't learn to enjoy the experience. Now just because I want to enjoy the experience, that does not mean I EVER want to do this again. I DO NOT ever want to have to go through this again. My filtering question will have to change as I move along, but I suppose I'll always have to ask myself if my food choice, intake and level of activity is right for the lifestyle I wish to lead. For so long I made food more important than anything else. That was wrong of me and now I put my life experience above anything else. There is so much I want to do and I need health and fitness before being able to have those quality experiences.

So, this being the last night of goal segment 1, I bid the 60 days of learning and losing, farewell! Time passes at a fast pace for me these days. For today, it has been great and now it's time for me to walk and enjoy my personal time to think and enjoy some sweat! Until day 60 and a view of how I'm doing, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Days 56, 57 and 58

So, we have day back-up yet again. I went to an after-work event on Friday night and that threw me off my game. Then, Saturday I fell asleep in the easy chair in my bedroom with this blog half written.  Stayed there until 3am this morning! All it means is that you have to hear about three days in one blog posting.

I have to consider Friday as a 'cheat' day, because the after-work event was at a local pub and there was pub food. None of it would ever be considered 'good' for you and I did try some of all of it...well, I shouldn't say that. There were some things that I passed on. No, I did not drink. Work people and alcohol don't mix in my book. I didn't stay much past 6pm, so I was able to get exercise in, which means I am walking every day now, for at least 30 minutes. I really do feel good doing that. It will be even better when I can go outside and do it, but it's still too hot until it is then too dark.

I want to add some light weight lifting to my day to start to increase muscle mass and improve my strength. It should also help with bone health, which at my age is more important. So, today I'm working on putting together the best routine and do just 15 minutes per day for awhile and see how it goes. I have lifting limits placed on me by various doctors (who just think they know everything) so I have to work within the scope of that, but I can do that! I know from experience that any amount of strength training will be of benefit. So, Nancy, "If you have experience with the great benefits of exercise, why did you ever walk away from it?" I hear you asking. This is one of life's mysteries that has lots of reasons behind it. The reasons would make a nice list, but I don't want to do a list right now. What I want to say is that exercise is not the evil thing you may have been lead to believe. It is also something that most anyone can do. Also, your body is very forgiving and will respond well to exercise. Talk with your doctor and give it a try! You'll be so amazed and happy with the results.

Wow! We're only a day away from taking the first benchmark pictures. As you may recall, benchmark number 1 is my Black Dress. I have to get into it, have pictures snapped and wear the item out of the house. Since that is Tuesday, my plan is to come home from work and put on the dress and have my picture made. Then I'll go out and pick up Sushi for supper wearing the dress. When I have done that, I'll be satisfied that I've accomplished my first benchmark goal! I can't remember what I had planned as a reward for my accomplishment, but I'll check the blog where I posted the list and make sure I take advantage of the opportunity to reward myself.

This being Sunday is one of my favorite days for doing whatever I like. Since I love to be outside, that's what I'm doing...anything I can, outside. Below is a snap of the statue on my front porch that I call The Guardian. I spent the morning contemplating him. (Really hard work that!)
The snap above is of a bit of the yard. What you may not be able to tell is that there is a birdbath hanging from the Crape Myrtle tree and in the tree my husband has built a platform out of PVC pipe for the squirrels to use to get to the water. Mr. Squirrel or maybe Miss, is sitting there getting ready to drink! I love outside!!!

Stop by and visit. If I'm not on the front porch when you get here, just take a seat and I'll be out soon! If you can't show up, I understand. You'll be here in spirit! So, until I see you on the porch or in this blog, keep fighting the good fight and sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 55

I was trying to remember when I purchased the current iMac that I use (love Apple!) and discovered that I bought this workhorse in 2007! I've burned up a hard drive (which Apple replaced at NO COST past the warranty date, mind you! Apple) and now the CD/DVD drive is dead, but yet the computer keeps on ticking! However, I've decided to move on to a more mobile version and have ordered myself a new MacBook Pro! I initially thought I'd get a MacBook Air, but nope.  I need storage space and the Air ain't gonna give it to me. So, I decided on the 13" (smaller is better for me) MacBook Pro upgraded with a 1T drive. Along with the 1T external drive I have, this should cover me for awhile. I got the shipping notice today, but it is currently sitting in Hong Kong! I'm very excited to get it all set up and start using it.

Since it is getting closer and closer to goal day, I find myself being very focused and excited on that. Work keeps me busy and I'm glad of that, but really, there is little of interest to me at the moment besides achieving my goal. So, I'll put this to rest for the day. I will walk at about 8:30pm to a Podcast I have saved from called "Call2Action" it is 31 minutes 39 seconds long and is my favorite non-copywright music. All of the other play lists I describe make me want to sing along, which I do sometimes, but this is music that lets me think and tonight I want to think. I am solving a problem (personal one) and I'll be dreaming up my list (Ahhhh...a  list...oh, sorry!) of possible solutions and hopefully decide on a course of action. This is my way and the music will help tonight. So, until tomorrow when I'll have only 3 more blogs to write before the BIG one, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 54

Wow! The never-ending days keep rockin' on. This one was GREAT, but 12 hours at work is not good for a healthy Nancy. So, tomorrow will have to be shorter. I have the dentist in the morning and I'm expecting there to be great glee expressed at the improved condition of my teeth and gums. As you may recall (or not if this is the first blog you're reading) I have a goal this year to increase my overall health and teeth are specifically mentioned (see the posting titled:  Documenting Progress and Celebrating Success for more details). The dentist is likely to be impressed (I hope) and she should be, this is hard work, but I love the improved condition of my teeth. I have good, strong teeth, but just didn't do a good job brushing/flossing. Once I had better tools and had learned better technique, it was a synch! My teeth are unlikely to ever be sparkling white. I don't have those kind of teeth, but they are lovely clean and with healthy looking and feeling gums.  I'm thrilled with the results.

I'm gearing up for day 60 when I'll try on smaller clothes and take photographs. Maybe people will give me some feedback on how it looks, but honestly what matters most is what I think. As a friend wrote to me recently, "I don't think God meant us to live unhappy." I fully believe this to be true and I'm the one that needs to be happy here. As selfish as that may sound, I'm not doing this for anyone else but me.

So, I have to relay a story about what happened today during a fire drill at work. The drill(s) (there were two of them) went perfectly and I was proud of my office, but that's not the amazing part. Here is what happened. Being in leadership it just goes with the job that you make sure others are safe before yourself, so I watched for others and made my way out of the building towards the end. After finishing the stay in the meeting area, we were allowed to return. I stayed again to the back of the pack to make sure there were no stragglers or people who were suddenly struck down by fresh-air sickness and fainted under a tree or something (ha,ha,ha,ha...). As I was waiting, I got a call on my cell phone from a customer that I work with regularly and I ended up standing there for about 3 minutes talking with him. At the end, I just turned around and soared up the stairs to the back doors. When I reached the top I was suddenly struck by the fact that I just whizzed up these stairs without holding onto a rail, my knee or huffing and puffing.  I was not winded, tired, aching, paining, or anything-ing!!  OMG!!!  My body is HAPPY!!! On the inside (inside of me) I actually started singing Pharrel Williams' song, "Happy!" From that moment on (10am) there was nothing that would have wrecked my HAPPY feeling. I am TOTALLY amazed at how forgiving my body is being. I had worked hard to get myself in to better physical condition, only to give it up to laziness. I don't ever want to feel differently than I felt today. Just AMAZING!

There are definitely problems to solve and issues to deal with, but I couldn't be bothered with these today. I want to have my walk (obviously, this is not being skipped) relax a bit before taking my leave. I just got some work that will have to be completed tonight before I go to bed, but it will have to wait until our web issues at work are resolved. So, off to walk I go. The walking play list or tonight is:

  1. Dizzy by Tommy Roe
  2. Reminiscing by Little River Band
  3. Incense and Peppermints by Strawberry Alarm Clock
  4. Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
  5. Let's Dance by Benny Goodman
  6. Confusion by ELO
  7. The  Rain, The Park and Other Things by The Cowsills
  8. Midnight Confessions by The Grass Roots
  9. Love Will Keep Us Together by The Captain and Teneal
  10. Crystal Blue Persuasion by Tommy James and The Shondells
Walk and it will change your life. Walk with purpose and you'll get somewhere at the same time. I'm walking with purpose; to get this body where it should be! Join me!! So we can all be HAPPY!!! So, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 53

Have you ever had one of those days where you thought, "Will this day never end?" That was today. The day of unending stuff! (Me at 7am this morning trying to get my hair to dry...a job believe me!)
I got in at 7am and it did not stop until 6pm and then I FLED! What a wild ride it was. I like to be busy, but this day was nuts! I thought a class, went to meetings, coached leaders, updated systems, solved problems and handled calls from very dear customers.  In the end, it took 11 hours to get me here. That's not good. I tell leaders all the time that if it's taking you more than 8 hours to do your work in a day, you're doing something wrong. Either I'm not scheduling properly or I'm taking on too much. I'll be working through a solution to make sure this ends ASAP!

I'm at least feeling GREAT! I am at the point where I'm adding the walking (on the treadmill right now) to every day. I was doing Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but I feel so much better with it, I want it every day now. The best time for me to do it is at about 8:30pm. I'm currently doing 30 minutes, but will be working to get it up to 1 hour. I really love the time exercising. It's my private time. I can think whatever I like, do whatever I like. For the moment walking is best. It gets my heart rate up and I make sure I sweat. I didn't always look upon exercise with the fondness that I do today. My family was not an "exercising" group. I do remember watching my mother following Jack Lalanne on TV once in the 1960's and thinking, "What is she doing?" Believe me, it lasted about 10 seconds. She was not interested in sweating. It would have been nice if she had taught me a thing or two about being fit, but that did not happen. That is why I'm 50X years old and just now getting it right! Shocking, I know, but true.

Only 7 more days to new pictures. Are you as excited as I am to see the 60 day results? Well, hold on it's just around the corner. Lets hope it's not one BIG let down.  Now it is about 15 minutes until I go and get my fun walking in. Join me if you like. I'll be listening to the playlist below today:
  1. I Only Have Eyes for You by Art Garfunkel
  2. What Is Life by George Harrison
  3. Dramophone by Caravan Palace (love this!)
  4. Happy by Pharrel Williams (double love this)
  5. Lovely 2 C U by Goldfrapp
  6. Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
  7. Strict Machine by Goldfrapp
  8. Rumor Has It by Adele
  9. Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers
Happy walking everyone and until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Days 51 and 52

Warning: When I travel I probably won't blog, which means we will be experiencing "Day Backup" on a regular basis. Thanks! I just like to get the warning and stuff out of the way first. I took a quick trip to Dallas to visit my sister yesterday, hence the "Day Backup" we have just had. A "Day Backup" will cause me to have more than one day's blog information contained within one actual blog. I know, I know...I don't really have to explain this, but I've gotten into it now!

Yes, in case you were wondering, the trip to Dallas was a last-minute affair. I had this long weekend and thought, "Gee...I could go play with Gena for a day and have GREAT fun!" Being my sister of great importance and excellence, I always have fun with her. She is my best-girfriend, after all. I know it has nothing to do with my trip, but here is the opening theme and skyline clip from the 2012 Dallas series shown on TNT. Why? Because I love my beautiful hometown, Dallas and so do you! Don't shake your head, you know you do! Watch, listen and wish you were from Dallas!
The day we enjoyed together (Sunday, September 1) was great! We started as we always do, with coffee (for her) and tea (for me) and a hot breakfast sandwich at the Starbucks located on the corner of Gaston and Bryan Avenues in Dallas, Texas. Generally, we're there by 9am on the morning I arrive and we stay until as get too hot to be outside. We eat, drink, watch people and ambulances (the Starbucks is near Baylor Hospital) and admire the contrasts that exist in the urban landscape that is Dallas. After that it is generally anyone's guess where we'll go and what we'll do. We may have a pedicure, go shopping (not my favorite, but okay), eat some lunch, etc.  Twice a year we go to all the family graves in the area (we were raised in Dallas) and put flowers out, tidy up everything and talk to the to speak. Lately, we talk about them to each other and just wonder...if you met our family, you'd understand.

I learned a valid Nancy lesson during this trip. I made it a point to prepare myself for my day with Gena so that we could enjoy a meal at a restaurant. I ate very frugally on day 50 and made my largest meal my lunch with her on Sunday, day 51. Now, here's the lesson: Just because I ate skimpy and didn't over do it the day before and the rest of that day, doesn't mean my stomach can handle a regular sized meal any longer. Although I didn't go overboard on the food choice, I did go a bit overboard on the portion size. (Surprised?) So, my lunch of Wedge Salad, Steak and Corn just about did me in. I was so full it hurt and I DID NOT LIKE THE FEELING AT ALL! Well, Hallelujah!! Can we all just take a moment and hear this? Nancy DID NOT like how she felt after eating too much food. This is truly a breakthrough! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the food, it was just really too much for me. I wish I could have had a plate with 1/4 of the meat, 1/2 the salad and a couple of spoons of corn. It would be nice, but restaurants don't make it work that way. What a neat concept though; select your item and the portion size. Next time I'm there, we're going to eat sushi.  She promised!

Anyway, the trip was over this morning by 8:15am as I was back home by then (left Dallas at 5am...I love driving and I especially love it at night). I've had the rest of the day at home just doing what I love here. This is good for me, since work is heating up (also good) and should keep me extra busy for the rest of the year. I find the busier I am, either with work or play, the better off I am. Less time to think about problems. (And yes, I have a few of those to resolve.)

The end of Day 52 means that there are 8 more days, just over a week before new picture will be made.  The outfit I have to get into is my black dress. I'm nervous about what the results will be, but I am what I am and it will either be a day of celebration or one of encouragement to continue the good fight. I'm hoping for celebration, myself!

I wanted to take a moment to thank God for getting me to Dallas and home again in good shape. He always knows what's best for me and even when I mess up (which is frequently...okay, all the time, but who's counting!) He is not above pulling my ASS out of difficulty. I'm not perfect (filthy mouthed and unclean brained that I am) and not a saint, but still I know from where all blessings flow. Thank you, God for loving me beyond my massive faults and for watching my back.

After an uneventful trip, we find that the vehicle I took to Dallas, now has a window in the down position and no working motor with which to bring it back up again. I DIDN'T DO IT!! It worked perfectly fine for me while I was away and was safely put in the up position when I got home. No, this time my husband has the distinction for having been the one who did this (yes, I've done this before on other cars...power windows and unpowered windows). Usually, if there is something to go wrong with a vehicle I'm the one it happens to. You might ask, "Why is this, Nancy?" And I can tell you! It is because I'm always the one driving! Unfortunately, I've also run out of gas several times! Not pleasant in my house when I do that. I've also locked the keys in the car with the car running and me standing on the outside in the rain before, too. Yes, it is an interesting life, isn't it!

So, I've rambled on and on about life and its silliness and all you want to do is FLEE! So, have a lovely rest of the day and until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!