Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 153

Have you ever had a moment where you thought to yourself, "What just happened here?" I have that particular thought lots lately. Usually the answer I have to give myself is, "You opened your big, fat mouth, Nancy. That's what happened!" Yes, I have a big mouth. I didn't know it was possible to get all of my two big feet into my mouth at the same time, but it is! Most of these situations start out as innocent questions from me (because I'm just stupidly curious) or just a moment of "sharing" as a woman will sometimes do. How was I supposed know that your Great Aunt Lucille was a contortionist when I shared that I thought all double-jointed people were freaks of nature? And, oh yeah, it I thought I had to share that? Somehow I get lulled into a false sense of security and open my BIG MOUTH!! No, that isn't exactly what I did, but close enough. Needless to say, I had an interesting day!

I've thought and thought about the food thing and I'm still working through this issue. I really don't think you want to read about my oatmeal everyday! So, what do you think if I just tell you what the total calorie count was? Let's try that! Remember, the daily goal is 1,500. For today it was:


I went a little over today, but I did really well the other days this week, so I'm okay with this. I am eating fresh fruits and veggies and I have me a moto:

Eat food, the kind your great grandmother would recognize as food;
Not too much;
Mostly plants!

I think I read that in a book somewhere, but it fits me and is EXACTLY what I have to do! Yes, I need to keep up with what I'm eating, but really if I don't over fill myself, eat mostly "whole" foods that are really food and not pretend food made in some laboratory, I should be good. Also, I need to exercise as much as possible and drink water. This week, I'm striving for every other day; doing a 1 mile walk using Leslie Sansone Walk-Away The Pounds videos. Just like everyone else, I have to work into the routine and make sure I don't injure myself again. That sciatica giant needs to keep sleeping. Therefore, I take it slowly. I will weigh myself and post my weight each Sunday and if I start to go the wrong direction, I'll go back to posting exactly what I ate...boring!!! I don't want to be boring, I just want to be NORMAL!!

We are moving ever closer to my annual list of 52 things that I want to get done in the new year. No, this isn't a list of 52 resolutions, it is simply a list of 52 small things that I would like to do in the next year. I have never once gotten all 52 done in a year, but by making the list and doing just one thing a week, I feel I get WAY more done each year when I have the list. On top of that, IT'S A LIST!!!  Who doesn't love a good list? If you'd like to check-up on the 2013 list of 52 things, click here to reach that blog posting. Some of the things that didn't get done in 2013 will undoubtedly show up on the list for 2014, but usually I like to look at what I got done and try to refocus myself where I need to be. Sometimes, I need to be more productive at home, but other times, I need to do more fun or relaxing things. I don't know exactly where I want to focus this year, but it would not be a new year for me without my list of 52 things! My cousin, who is also my sister-in-law (go figure that one out and tap me on the shoulder when you think you've got it all worked out...I'll bet you'll be wrong) turned me on to this 'list' idea about a hundred years ago. Okay, not really a hundred years, but at least 30 years ago. I've been doing it ever since. It started out on both sides of a piece of notebook paper and now I make it a blog posting. I love the list of 52 things!

Well, it's time for me to clean up and get ready for bed. I will be on vacation tomorrow and will sleep in a bit for a change. We are moving ever closer to Christmas and preparations have to be made for gift giving and special meals. That means errands and house cleaning this weekend! Yippie!! So, until tomorrow when we will see if Nancy can keep her size 9's out of her mouth, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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