Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 142

Hello and happy Sunday to you! I LOVE Sunday for a whole host of reasons, but most of all, because it is the one day that I do not leave my home unless I absolutely need to for some reason. Believe me, I limit the 'need' whenever possible. I was calculating recently the number of hours I actually get to enjoy my home. During the week, assuming I sleep 8 hours, I actually get to be at home and awake a measly 6 hours a day. On the weekend, I'm out running errands most of Saturday, so Sunday is my only day to really just enjoy all that I work so hard to fund. I suppose that's just like everyone else, so I'm not complaining. I just quietly wish I had more hours at home. (Okay...that wasn't so quiet, but you know what I mean.)

Yesterday I did bake the ham I was planning to prepare and it turned out great. It was served with roasted baby gold potatoes and broccolini last night.
This was about an 8 lb. ham. I roasted it with a glaze made with brown sugar, mustard and a shot of brandy. It's delicious. I love a good ham. I carved the ham completely and used the bone to cook with my pinto beans today. Then I used a portion of the pinto beans to make chili. So, when you add it all up, we have ham, beans and chili to get us through the week. The ham will make great breakfast ham and eggs, hot ham and cheese sandwiches and ham dinner of you like. The chili will probably be frozen for use when we run low on food and the Beans will be eaten up in no time as this family loves pinto beans. With the ham inside the beans, a bowl is a whole meal! I also baked a pumpkin pie and there was enough filling for me to make myself a couple of servings of pumpkin custard (without the crust). I LOVE Pumpkin pie/custard. I'll really enjoy that this week.

Yes, cooking is really kind of heaven for me. I don't know why, but it is. Actually, it probably comes from my desire, at a young age, to be just like my Mamaw. Although my mother could cook, she was a terrible homemaker. It was Mamaw who was queen of the homemakers. Honestly, down deep inside, I always wanted to be married, with a little family and a little house, just like Mamaw. I did make that happen, but what I hadn't planned on is that I'd also be the main source of income, working outside the home. Funny how life goes, isn't it! Anyway, Mamaw wasn't impressed by the outside world; never worked outside her home.  She was loving to everyone and her house was the best place on earth. It was so clean you could eat off the floors (bless me Father, for I have sinned, my floors need mopping RIGHT NOW) and her smiling face was the shear joy. I miss her every day. It's sad that I didn't figure out how to make my life like hers, but I've done my best to be as like her as I could be. To me, she was perfect. I'm a terrible replica of Mamaw, but she inspires me still today.

Eating is more like one long snack today. We will have steak for supper tonight, except for Sloan, who loves hamburgers more. Bijan and I will have steak, leftover potatoes and broccolini and some beans. Yes, I'm still in the business of making sure everyone has at least something they like at a meal. Of course, I will eat pumpkin pie with fresh whipped cream. Oh, yes, and I'll LOVE it!

Before I end today, I wanted to share a video with you from Julia Graf. I subscribe to her on YouTube and she is going to be doing a video practically ever other day though out December! She's calling it her 'Holidaze' series. Her videos are great fun and since she's in Switzerland, she sometimes speaks in German, which is so wonderful! I'm learning lots from her. She is such an inspiration with weight loss and very creative. Be sure to enjoy the video and go subscribe to her videos on YouTube. (Not viewable on an iPhone/iPad...go to a computer!)

Isn't she just the prettiest thing ever? She's not a religious person and I respect that, but I still wish her a Merry Christmas, just like I wish the same for all of you!! It's time for me to get on with the beautiful chores of life and enjoy the rest of a wonderful Sunday. Thanks for dropping by and until tomorrow when I'll share the mysteries of another Monday in paradise, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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