Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 152

I'm sick of tracking my food already! What is a confirmed nincompoop about weight loss supposed to do? I know this works, but I HATE doing it!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! (That was me screaming...just in case you could hear it.) There are so many great things I could be doing, but no, I'm over here writing about the food that I ate today and thinking, "Who the heck cares whether I had celery or cheesecake for supper tonight?" I could lie down on the floor and hold my breath and kick my know, throw a fit, but I hope I'm beyond that. Nope, instead I'll just do what I know has to be done and calculate my calories here in this blog. Today I had...

  • Breakfast - Egg, turkey sausage and cheese breakfast sandwich
    • total calories = 370
  • Snack - Pop Chips (Sweet Potato)
    • total calories = 110
  • Lunch - Homemade Chili, carrots and plain non-fat greek yogurt
    • total calories = 340
  • Snack - Celery and Almond Butter
    • total calories = 190
  • Supper - Zucchini Lasagna (leftovers) with carrots, pickles and a slice of toast
    • total calories = 380
  • Total Calories = 1,390
There...I've done it. I'm doing it, but I don't like doing it. Please, God, please let the weight come off me so I can stop doing this!  PLEASE!!! Yes, I'm whining and begging...don't's not pretty.

I'll be donning my sneakers here in a few minutes so that I can Walk-Away the pounds with Leslie Sansone. I have some of her DVDs, but there are workouts also available on YouTube. Here is one that might be good to try...
Basically, someone just shot a video of Leslie's video playing on the TV.  Kind of crazy, but there you go! I suggest going onto and buying her DVDs. Her workouts are easy to follow, progressively challenging if you move up the scale adding more miles and they work. I really did lose 107 lbs. counting calories and walking to Leslie's videos and I'm going to do it again!  Apparently I will complain the whole way, but you can kick me in the ass if I don't make good on this promise! Hey! Stop that lining up to kick me thing!!

Now, I want to get on with doing my walk and getting myself then ready for a big day tomorrow. So, until tomorrow when yes, again you will have to hear about what I ate and all of that, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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