Sunday, December 15, 2013

Days 154, 155 and 156

Last Sunday = 280.2  Today = 276.2  Down 4 lbs.

Good Sunday morning! I can say that because of the above (don't tell me you didn't notice!!). No, it's not a HUGE loss, but for me, any amount of pounds down is great! I feel pretty good, although I'm having a bit of a headache today. As it is Sunday, I will most likely stay indoors, complete domestic tasks and take head pain reliever. *smile*

Last night was the first night of the luminaries in for my neighborhood. I took a video, but I don't know how much of it really makes sense. So, let me explain just a little. Every year, my neighborhood association sponsors luminaries (white bags with sand and little lit candles in the bottom) being placed all along the walking trails of the neighborhood.  There are over 30 miles of trails in the area, so this is no small task! The park part, is right across the street from my house. The event goes on for two nights around Christmas and the second night is tonight. Here is the video I shot last night:
Keep in mind that I shot this video with my iPhone5 and clearly I don't know how to use the camera on that phone well, yet. I'll get better, but you have to watch the videos and give me pointers. Yes, there is homework with this blog! Now, get moving and leave me tips!!

The plan for this week is to share the calorie count I reached each day and whether I was able to workout or not that day. Over the past two days I had a calorie count of 1,550 to 1,700 per day. Yes, I was a little over, but remember, I'm not a machine and neither are you! My goal is 1,500 and I will stay as close to that as I can, but God gave me a big huge appetite! I'm hungry, no kidding, all the time! Some days I will be under the calorie count and others I will not. It all evens out and I'm going to be just fine. The exercise is KEY. I have to get that in most days.

I'll share with you that today, I am not counting the calories. I won't be going out for any HUGE meals (restaurant portions are tremendous, you know!) but I also will not count anything today...except for maybe headache pill as my head is splitting wide open now.

So, I'm off to do something else. Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the wonderful life going on around you. There's only one shot at today, so make it right for you! Until tomorrow when I'll share 5 of Nancy's prime nuggets for the day, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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