Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 144

Have I explained about my issue with being overwhelmed by things? This is a problem and it seems to be getting worse as I move along through life. I'm not complaining, mind you, but I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by some things and I may need some help. First of all, Pinterest. I'm still not sure why I need Pinterest and what it's supposed to do for me. We won't even start the subject of how it works! For now, we'll stick to the reason I can't get my head around it. The bottom line...it's overwhelming. The first time I opened it up I thought, "Oh no! No, no, no, no, NO!! This is not for me." I shut it down and immediately walked away. Then a blogger I follow did something sneaky. She and her buddies decided to do this online "Christmas Party" thing and to play you had to subscribe to everyone's Pinterest channel...board...thingy...whatever! So, I joined and subscribed and the party is tonight and I'm going to go and play along, but all those pictures and stuff and emails!! I'm REALLY overwhelmed by it all. The images make my head spin; there are so many of them! I'm thrilled all these women have so much time on their hands to do all this stuff, but I'm real limited on what I can do here. So, we'll see how it goes, but I'm not confident Pinterest is staying around. So far, I'm okay with Instagram. I'll give an update tomorrow as the party on Pinterest is from 8-9:30pm...starts in about a half hour.

Today was busy at work. Things are heating up and I have lots of little things that I'm doing to wrap up the year. Little projects, but all good stuff. I even had some time to help out a coworker with proof reading the holiday newsletter. Yes, I was in heaven for about 15 minutes. Would love all the writing/editing they would give me. Maybe I'll get more of that for Christmas! **smile**

Today some department visiting our office from headquarters catered in barbecue for the whole office. When I left this evening I was starving for some real Texas barbecue. When Gena gets here we're having some of that! I skipped it today as I had brought my own lunch and I really hate throwing away food just because something is available that's better. It sure smelled good in there. I guess it was good for me to skip something that smelled that good. Character building...that's it...**sign**

Tonight will be the continuation of getting my house ready for company. There is always so much to do. The weather was GREAT today. As I drove home my cell phone said it was sunny and 82 degrees F. Lovely!! Friday the high will be 40 degrees and raining.  Payback is tough!! For now we'll just enjoy what we have and feel fortunate. Short blog today and not much to share, but be sure and let me know what you think about Pinterest. I need to figure it out fast or else...bye, bye Pinterest!! Until tomorrow when hopefully I will have LOTS more to share, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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