Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Days 157, 158 and 159

Cairn Terrier Puppy - Photo by Onesojourner via Wikipedia
I want a dog. If you didn't know that, then you know it now. It isn't the right time in my life for a dog, but I still want one. The thing is, I want a specific kind of dog and I'm just going to have to wait to have it. If you're not a dog person you'll never understand, but I love animals. The problem is, I'm not at home enough to care for a dog. Like most people I work and dogs need attention. I know that when I retire, that will be the time to enjoy a pet, but I'm nowhere near retirement! (Or so I like to tell myself...clearly I'm about 12 years away from it! Not long!!!) What kind of dog, I hear you asking? I want a Cairn Terrier. I have it all planned out. The dog will be male, black and I'll name him: Paladin. That's right...I love the character Paladin, played by Richard Boone in the TV show, Have Gun-Will Travel. You might not have the opinion that Richard Boone was handsome, but he is definitely on my list of strikingly dark attractive men. As with dogs, I like my men dark and handsome. Listen to me! Like I've got dark handsome men lined up for a whirl with me!! HA!!!

Every so often I get this desire for a will pass.

I'm afraid that today's calorie count along with the last few days was WAY out of the park. Celebrations are going on for the holidays and it has just been useless to try to count the calories. I had a hamburger today that's called, "The Big Ass" burger for lunch and I'll tell you what...I can't decide if it is so called because it is as big as your ass or if it just will likely lead to such an ass. I'm not really sure...maybe both! The burger was huge! I keep testing the old rule of not eating things that are bigger than my head!

Every day this week I've had the need to be at my office very early in order to be ready for some special project or for a meeting or some such thing. Tomorrow is my last day to work this week and I'm looking forward to a more normal day. Now, it's time for me to get myself to bed and dream. Until tomorrow when I'll attempt to get back on track where I belong, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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