Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 151

Hello!  I watched a YouTube video today during lunch where a YouTuber ranted on about things that have been over done on YouTube and in blogs. She says that showing you pictures of or talking to you about food is bad and that it's over done and that I need to stop doing it. All I want to know is,  who made her the expert? I checked and as I understand it, I can put whatever the heck I like in a blog posting or in a video. You have the right to not read or view the content if you don't want to! Great arrangement!! I really want people to read my blog, but I have a greater need to write than I do for you to read. I've thought about my unstoppable desire to write and I believe that I just enjoy it so much that it doesn't matter how many people sign up or view my pages. Yes, I get excited when I see that someone has been on my page and I hope they found something helpful or entertaining, but really, I write for me. Clearly I'm not an expert at anything except, Nancy Hemati! I know everything there is to know about her and at this time, I'm trying to rebuild her from the ground up. By the way, she's fantastic and I love her...er...me!

At the risk of making some blog reader or YouTuber freak out! Here is what I ate today (just being transparent so you know what I'm up to with the food...remember...I can't be trusted!):
  • Breakfast - Irish Oatmeal with Golden Raisins, Brown Sugar, Roasted Walnuts and Half&Half
    • total calories = 327
  • Lunch - Lean Cuisine Cheddar, Potatoes and Broccoli with carrots
    • total calories = 255
  • Snack - Celery and Peanut Butter
    • total calories = 190
  • Supper - Zucchini Lasagna, 1 small glass of Malbec, 1 pickle and carrots
    • total calories = 380
  • Snack - 1 tortilla with 1 thin slice of Gouda and a banana
    • total calories = 260
  • Total Calories = 1,412
Again, I didn't do anything special except eat thoughtfully and sensibly. So easy, but for a person like me, not so much! I would have loved to have worked out tonight, but it was Parent University at my son's school and I wanted to participate in that, since the subject was, "How to Raise Successful Children." You'll have to check back with me to see if I've wrecked my son or not. (i.e. Will Nancy over or under parent? Will Sloan be a contributing member of society? and etc. Stay tuned!!) The presentation was good, but it was over an hour and with cooking supper and all the other things that need to be done, I have no time tonight. Today just became my exercise 'skip' day. Okay, so be it!

The rest of the day was very busy and I loved it. Tomorrow will be much the same. I need to get on with getting ready for bed. So, until tomorrow when I'm sure I will frustrate some 'expert' somewhere by talking about the food and eating, as if you care, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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