Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 150

A beautiful day in Central Texas! Drizzle mixed with poor drivers and lots of stop lights flashing RED, made for an interesting drive to the office this morning. I just took my time and listened to talk radio, well, talk!  Since I love my work, it's all good. I had a lovely day catching up from Friday's vacation day and tomorrow will be even better. This was my second day of tracking my food and here is what I had today:
Lunch and Snack at my desk!!

  • Breakfast - a Special K Breakfast Sandwich (the veggie one) w/ 1 slice of Turkey Sausage
    • total calories = 300
  • Lunch - Homemade Chili w/ 1 cup of Rice and Baby Carrots
    • total calories = 574
  • Snack - Celery and Peanut Butter
    • total calories = 190
  • Supper - 1/2 cup Lemon Turkey w/ 1/2 cup Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Baby Carrots and some pickles
    • total calories = 250
  • Snack - Glass of low-fat buttermilk
    • total calories = 90
  • Total Calories = 1,404
I've done well again today and stayed below the 1,500 calorie goal. I know that it is going to be a challenge overall to keep up with everything, but I can do it! I know that I can. In my opinion it's never too late to do the right thing. That's what I'm doing now; the right thing.

Exercise today has not been completed yet, but is right after this blog posting. With the drizzle I'm going to do a one mile walk with Leslie Sansone (Walk-Away The Pounds video) indoors. I think that will be fun and will take me about 20 minutes. I'll set myself up right here in front of this computer and enjoy the walk. Wish you were here with me! ;)

Nancy's Nuggets (5 things that were true about my Monday):

  1. Everyone I met had value and contributed something to my story.
  2. I wish I were 15 years-old again.
  3. Memories are more valuable than dollars.
  4. My years of experience have value only if I use them to help me learn something new today.
  5. I forgive myself for being 280 lbs. today.
So, we have two weeks in a row with Nancy's Nuggets! A trend!!  We'll see if it sticks around. I'll try to be good about taking a picture of one of my meals each day. You can see I was not great at putting together the shot above and that's because I was SO hungry. I made the lunch portion a little too large and hence the large calorie count for lunch today. I made supper smaller, in order to compensate and it all works out fine. Now it's time for me to go change my clothes and get ready to walk in about 30 minutes. Until tomorrow when I'll share more of my road to renovation, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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