Thursday, June 26, 2014

Days 349 - 351

The days are marching on and so are the plans for the next series. I've narrowed the focus of the next 365 day series down to the two things I love best: food and writing. So, either I'm going to target recipes with stories or just stories, in general. Yes, I will continue to work on me, but it's time for a year of real, focused fun for the HumbleVoyager!

The last few days I've just been working hard and trying to write recipes as I cook. This is going to take some organization if I'm going to make this a series starting in July. It's all in the preparations and I know that.

Be sure to check out the Chili Pie recipe added today and make some for yourself, if you dare! I didn't say it was healthy, but it is a comforting food from my youth.
Thanks for stopping by to see how it's going. I'll be back soon with more of life with The HumbleVoyager. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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