Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 327 - 332

This is my Rescue and Recovery Face
Practically a whole week has gone by again. Time just slips through my fingers right now, but I'm enjoying myself for the most part, so I guess I shouldn't mind. I had planned on working from home on Friday of this week, but it didn't actually work out for me the way I'd hoped. Here's my story:

Friday morning, I woke as usual, took my shower but instead of making my breakfast and lunch and driving to work, I went to work in my living room. All it took was for me to sit down with my tea and breakfast and start the process of working, only to find my computer booting up in Rescue and Recovery mode! What the heck!! I spent about 30 minutes trying to get it to work and eventually packed it all up and drove to the office. As soon as I handed the computer to the IT technician I knew the SOB (computer, not technician) would make a liar out of me. Rats!! It booted right up for him!! So, I trotted off to my office and plugged in the computer and decided to work from there. It did do the same thing for me as soon as I plugged it in and the IT guy came in and confirmed that I'm not crazy, but they determined that my external hard drive is going out and that's the problem. I will go buy a new one of those on Monday. I will again attempt to work from home as many days as I can next week. We'll see how it goes. Oh, the trials and tribulations of solving those remote work issues!

On the home front, I'm still working to lower our cost of living around here. I've been reading up on tips for lowering utility costs, food and other necessities of life. We're not big spenders over here, but I'd like to retire with good habits in place, some day, and with as much savings as possible. In my humble opinion, there are four keys to building savings:

  1. Know exactly how much money is coming in and going out, at all times.
  2. Know what you're spending your money on and why, at all times.
  3. Do NOT acquire any debt!
  4. Spend less than what is coming in, AT ALL TIMES!!
Regardless of whether you bring home $1,500USD or $15,000USD per month, the principles are the same. Know exactly what the amount is before you spend a cent of it. Don't sign up for classes at the school of credit and spend! If you can't afford something, you can't afford it. I'd love to have a Rolls Royce automobile, but I can't afford it. Would someone lend me the money for it? Maybe, but I STILL cannot afford that car!! Borrowed money will never make you more able to afford things; it just makes you indebted to whomever lent you the money. Be happy with what you have and enjoy finding ways to make life beautiful despite how little money you think you have. Remember, you're not alone. If you're jealous of the wealth of others, study up on how to create more wealth and get off your behind and WORK!

Wow! This posting took a turn down the deep, deep drive of finances. I'm full of advice about finances. If you're interested in learning to be happy with your income and how to live an abundant life no matter what you make, I'll be happy to coach you. Just contact me via comments below!

So, that's it for today. Be sure to check out my new recipe for Lemon Turkey that I posted in my recipe pages. I hope you've had a great week!! Until later when there will be more news from hot and humid Central Texas, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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