Saturday, June 21, 2014

Days 343 - 346

Welcome to the longest day of the year! At 5:51A.M. CDT, summer began. We are looking forward to 100+ degrees in our not too distant future. I can't stand to be in the direct sunlight too much, but I do enjoy summer in general.

There was much discussion today between me and certain members of my family, about being 'mentioned' in my blog postings. There are people in my life who do not wish to be mentioned in my blog any longer. I'll be going through the old postings and removing or blocking text that includes them. I don't mention names too much, but one particular close family member is upset by my mentions of him and I will honor his desire to not be discussed or referenced in any way. It may take me awhile to make the changes to the existing blog posts, but I'll do my best to get that work done right away. I'm always sorry if I offend anyone. That is never my intention. I think I'm too blunt sometimes or maybe too honest. Please don't really like to hear (or in this case, read) about themselves. Hearing that I've hurt someone is a very humbling thing.

Things growing around me here in Central Texas!
I'm still working on what my next 365 day series will be about. It's pretty clear that no one cares about this but me, but I write this blog for myself mostly so I'm okay with that. If there is one thing I've learned in this life, it's do what makes yourself happy. Writing is happiness to me, so onward and upward. I'm enjoying what goes on with a 365 day focus. This time around I want to focus on enjoying myself rather than make changes to my life. Those happen all the time without any help from me!

If you are a regular reader of my blog, please let me know what you'd most like to see me write about. Would you like to hear about what goes on in my kitchen? How about the short stories that are running around in my head? Would you like to read those? Or is it pictures of the days of my life here in Central Texas that you'd like to see? Let me know by answering my blog poll!

Thanks for stopping by today. I'm catching up on a few errands and doing the best I can not to upset people. I hope you're having a great day wherever you are! Until next time when I'm likely to share something that will offend someone, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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