Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Days 290 - 293

As I inch ever closer to the close of my year, I'm trying so hard to use the rest of the time in the year to be better prepared to get it right in the next year. Isn't that what life is all about? Working to make each day better than the one before. In order to do that, I need knowledge. So, I'm asking lots of questions of myself and looking deep at what is getting in my way or leading to such failure.

First of all, I think the most important thing going on is that I have not been very clear about what I want. I have to KNOW exactly what it is I'm trying to achieve; what end results I want. Without something specific identified, I can't really be sure that the actions I'm taking are correct. Identifying this is harder than one would think! It's actually hard to stop being afraid of what I'm doing. When I've looked back over the years at my successes, I've noticed that I was very focused on a specific result, that I had pre-planned how I would handle situations where people did things like offer me cake (i.e. the standard answer? "No, thank you!") and kept myself honest by documenting the actions I was taking to get me to my end results.

So, why did things fall apart? I don't want to rehash old stuff, but illness in my family and my own serious issues, really devastated me. Never underestimate the effect life can have on your plans. Thankfully, I'm better and from the ashes of my failure, I can still spot the important teaching moments and can use all of the knowledge to help me in the future.

What's next? I'll let you know. For now, I walk every day except Sunday for up to 30 minutes. Call it a goal or whatever you like, the point is I just do it. The idea for now is that I'm just working to build the exercise habit back into my day. I like walking in the evening after everything is done, and so that's what I'm doing. I set an alarm on my phone and so far, that's helping me stay on track. The treadmill is best for me, since there are less excuses to get in the way of getting the walk in. Just so you know, I really do love this exercise and I really cannot explain why I have been letting life squeeze it out of my day!

That's it for now! Be sure to check back to see what's going on as I work to recreate myself. This is major work and I'm really enjoying every minute of it!  Until tomorrow when I'll do my best to share helpful information and more spring (like below), Godspeed, Voyagers!!
The climbing rose

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Laundry: Sorting Out Life, One Load At A Time

Good afternoon! If you are like me, eventually you will have dirty laundry and need to either have it cleaned, clean it yourself or throw it away. Now, being average, I'm not so flush with cash that I can afford to have the laundry "done" for me. It would be too costly. Also, throwing clothes away just because they need cleaning is just...well...silly. So, laundry is something I and many like me must do. In fact, it's so much a part of my life that I devote an entire day to the care of laundry, most weeks! I'm hoping someone will take over this job for me in the near future. So, here is a basic course on doing the laundry that anyone, **smile** can follow! I even made a YouTube video (2 minutes 39 seconds of laundry appetite whetting) to entertain you...okay, maybe not entertain so much as inform. Here is my offering on: How to Do The Laundry!


General laundry products...use what you like!
Step 1:

Make sure you have all of the products needed to do the laundry -

  • Detergent - At least one, but I use one for whites and colors (All w/OXI) and a different one for darks (Cheer)
  • Fabric Softener - Liquid (Downy Ultra)
  • Bleach - Chlorine for whites (Clorox) and color-safe for everything else (Clorox2 (not pictured))
  • Spot Treatment - I like a gel formula with a scrubber top (Shout Advanced)
Step 2:

Sort the laundry into 4 different groups. While sorting, look for stained items and keep them where you can pre-treat the stains before they are washed.
  • Darks - Black, grey and any other dark color that you want to stay dark
  • Whites - White and mostly white or very light cottons that can be bleached
  • Bright Colors - These are any bright colors like pink, light blue, mint green and etc. Including clothes that are black/grey/white combinations where white is dominant
  • Towels/Sheets - This includes dish towels, napkins, canvas shopping bags and etc.

Step 3:

Selecting the first group, treat any stains with the Shout Advanced spot treatment (or whatever spot treatment product preferred) and then add all of the load to the washing machine. The machine examples shown are of a front-loader. Once the machine is loaded with the clothes, close the door and add the necessary products in the designated locations. In the case of a "dark" load, the only products are detergent (specifically made for dark fabrics) and fabric softener.

Step 4:

Set the machine. In my experience, the 'normal' setting is good for most loads. So, for this load my setting steps would be:
  • Press the button to turn the machine on
  • Turn the knob to 'normal'
  • Press the water temperature button until 'cold' is selected
  • Press the spin button (if adjusting the spin intensity is necessary...I usually don't adjust this)
  • Press the soil button to select one level above normal (designating a slightly longer wash cycle...I usually adjust this, but it isn't required)
  • Press the start button
This machine weighs the load to determine how much water is needed. If a top-loader machine is being used, the steps might be slightly different, but the idea is to do the following:
  1. Sort the laundry.
  2. Treat the spots.
  3. Load the machine with one load of sorted laundry.
  4. Add the right products for the load, to the machine.
  5. Close the doors.
  6. Select the appropriate settings for the load.
  7. Press the start button.
If everything has been done correctly, the laundry will come out fresh and clean!! Now, it's time to move on to Drying!


Not every article of clothing should be tumbled in the dryer. Nor is an automatic dryer necessarily the only solution to the issue of drying the freshly laundered clothes. I would much prefer the laundry to be line-dried, but my neighborhood has "restrictive covenants" which disallow any form of clotheslines on the property. It would be a good energy-saver, but no, we're not allowed. So, we'll talk about the two options available here:  indoor hanging and automatic dryer. Here is a short list of the items I DO NOT put into the automatic dryer and instead hang these in the laundry room to dry:
  • Bras
  • All non-T-shirt tops or blouses
  • Dress clothes of any kind
  • Things that specifically state to 'hang' them for drying
Follow these steps for proper transfer from washer to drying method.

Step 1:

When the washer completes its cycle, it will most likely sound an alert. Remove the clothes from the washer, shaking each item before either placing it into the automatic dryer or hanging it onto a hanger appropriate for the item.

Step 2:

If using an automatic dryer, check the lint trap and make sure it is free of debris from the previous dry cycle.

Step 3:

If using a dryer sheet, place that into the automatic dryer now and close the door.

Step 4:

Press the button to turn on the dryer and make any adjustments to the settings to match the needs of the load. For example:
  • Most loads should just use the 'normal' setting and adjust the cycle length for heavier loads
  • Use the 'towels' setting for towels/sheets and add time if needed
Step 5:

Press the start button.

Fold and Put Away

This is to be done to your taste. Everyone likes their laundry folded a certain way, but the point here is FOLD IT and PUT IT AWAY!! It is not acceptable to just leave it lying around getting all wrinkled. Yes, everyone has done the 'leave it in the dryer' thing and that can be okay with maybe some towels, but never, ever leave clothing in the dryer to get all wrinkled. It just makes more work later for the iron and ironing board slave!


Here are my final words on the laundry in the form of a few quick tips and thoughts:
  • Always sort the laundry, making sure to keep darks, whites/lights and bright colors separate
  • Use products that do a good job of cleaning, while preserving color and fabric qualities
  • Limit the use of the automatic dryer to things that won't shrink, wear or become damaged in the cycle (if it looks delicate or like it would not fare well in the dryer, hang it instead)
  • Spot treat any laundry demons with Shout or similar product to ensure stains are removed
  • Remove clothes from the dryer, fold and put them away as swiftly as possible
  • Keep up with regular maintenance items on machines (i.e. drain, run cleaning cycles, etc.)
  • Find something to enjoy about doing the laundry (i.e. quiet time, fresh clothes, accomplishment, etc.)
  • Use any system you like, such as the Single Day or the One Load a Day method (I'm currently using the single day method, which just means I do all of the laundry in one day)

Thanks for stopping by to learn about the laundry. We have loads of fun here in HumbleVoyager land on laundry day and maybe soon, hvh (HumbleVoyager Husband) will take over this little (okay, not so little) task. Until later when I'll share the events of the last couple of days in my count-down to health, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Days 288 and 289

Howdy folks! So, I'm using Runkeeper on my cell phone (an app) to track my exercise now. It's helpful, but it crashes frequently and is one of those apps where they want you to buy 'monthly/annual' services in order to use all the tools. Okay, so I'm not interested in purchasing services.  Although I'll probably use the app to get my general stats, I'm now also adding them to my own walking spreadsheet log. I've been walking and tracking things for about a week now and building up slowly, so as not to cause myself any mischief. I'm breakable, you know! So, here are the results so far:

Yes, this is just one week, but it's a measure of consistency that shows some steady improvements. The current plan is to walk 6 days per week (Monday-Saturday). Each week the goals will be slightly different. The past week I wanted to complete at least 3 miles and I've already done 3.70 miles with one more day to go in the week! I'm glad I was able to meet the challenge of exercising with purpose again. I don't want to stop and will need all of God's help to keep well and not miss out on training. That's what this is: Training! I'm in training to save my life. At almost 300 lbs. I'll die if I don't get fit and I've got no time for death!! I have a son of 15. I'm not ready to be dead and have people standing over my coffin saying things like, "It was all her fault..." Actually, I'd prefer to be raptured!

That's it for today. I'm breathing easier about the exercise, but I CANNOT ever become complacent about daily exercise, ever again. It's necessary and I know that. Thanks for stopping by to see what's going on in the HumbleVoyager world. Here's a song from Mr. Harry Connick, Jr. that I found on YouTube to give you an idea of how I look at things in general (tune by Charlie Chaplin, Lyrics by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons)...enjoy...

...and SMILE! Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 287

I learned today that if you delete photos from your phone you WILL be deleting them from your blog, as well! I thought I was making room on my phone for more stuff, but what I was doing was deleting all of the photos in my blog postings. Holy COW!! Thank the Lord above, Google has a "restore" feature just for people like me!! Thank you, Google!!

Everyday I read about people who have found some way to win the battle over weight, but what I don't read are articles about people who battle to just be healthy. I too want to lose weight, but that isn't my focus. I've come full circle on this subject (yes, I'm a project). I've lost weight before and I know that I have the ability to do that, but I've learned that what I really want is to be fit, healthy and comfortable in my own skin. I'll be 55 years old soon and it's about time that I actually figured myself out! I'll NEVER be a size 6 and I am no longer fixated that kind of result or number. I stand here today, finally, focused on how I feel and the life I want to experience.
The first climbing rose of
the season, just because
I love it!!

Over the past year I've been working on 5 different things, but underneath it all, I've been trying to figure out the one thing that I really want. Why? Because I'm all over the place trying to fix 55 years of bad decisions...and that's what it is: BAD DECISIONS! I believe that if I could just nail down the one thing I really want, all of the decisions I need to make will be easier and make more sense.

So, the work goes on to figure me out and nail down the one thing I want so I can focus on that. Thanks for dropping by to check out the progress. Until tomorrow when I hope to share some more from the world of Nancy! Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 286

Another day in Nancy-land and although I don't like feeling this way, I was glad to see it go. I woke in not the best of shape this morning and actually had a hard time getting out the door, but out the door, I did get! Work being that...work...I put in my time, did my best, but just wasn't anything remarkable. It was, however, proof that sometimes if you're not feeling well, but you get up and just get going, you will be okay and make something of the day.

Today I walked on the treadmill and learned about a new standing abs workout from FitnessBlender.com. I'm going to add this to my week and do this set (about 10 minutes worth of core strengthening exercises) about 3 times per week. Here is a link to the video!
The RunKeeper app is continuing to help me along. It sends me email messages and encourages me as well as updates me on my stats. I like that as I am interested in seeing progress on all levels.
Tonight I cooked the famous and well loved Skillet Pasta and Meatballs for supper. Be sure to click the link and check out this great, time-saving way of cooking pasta. It makes 8 nice servings so there's plenty for everyone!
As I arrived home from work this afternoon, I was greeted with growth in the garden. It made me so happy to see God's handy work. As I shared in my last posting the potted plants are new, but the roses are all in the ground since the last season. The hot pink roses get as big as your hand! This will be the first year for the climbing roses to bloom and it was a huge surprise to learn they are yellow! I love spring!  

I'll share snaps in a collage later this week, but to the left is a good photo of the hot pink roses, with it's dozen buds and blossoms just beginning to show. That's it for today! Thanks for dropping by and checking out the blog. Until later when you're likely to find me cooking, exercising and living life to its fullest, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 279 - 285

So, apparently I am at a point where I can blog about once a week. That's not the plan, but it's life! I don't know who said it first, but life is what happens when I was planning to do something else. In fact, that's a great way to think of this past year.

I am currently 80 days away from the end of the 365 day renovation of me that I started blogging about last year. During the past 285 days, I think I've renovated my thinking more than anything. At the start, I stated I wanted to work on 5 things:

  • Skin
  • Teeth
  • Thinking
  • Diet
  • Exercise
I was satisfied in February when my dentist rated all of my teeth at 2s and 3s (all I know is that it's good and means that I improved my gum health from where it was with 3s, 4s, 5s and a couple of 6s...YIKES). I'm happy with the health, but I'm still working on the whitening. I'll report back on that at the 365 day blog. My skin is better. I'm taking medication that really helps me control my Rosacea. Also, I had a skin growth that was on my face removed and it makes a huge difference to me, although my family says they never even noticed it! As I said above, thinking has changed. Over the last year, I've become more realistic in my thinking about what I can achieve and more accepting of any results, regardless of the amount. Exercise and Diet have, once again, been the hardest to improve. I've actually been all over the place with these. I've lost weight counting calories, not counting calories and eating a vegan diet. I've gained weight just eating whatever I want and suffered every day because I just want to be normal. And what about exercise? Again, I just want normality. I like exercise, but have had a difficult time motivating myself to just put the time into it, making it important and non-negotiable. To combat this, I've added an app to my smart phone called RunKeeper and it really is helping me stay on track and helps me track improvement. The biggest challenge is to schedule the time and not let anything squeeze exercise out of my day.

So, all that to say I still have 80 days to make improvements and at least stop being all over the place and settle into what should just feel normal for me. With skin, teeth and thinking where I'm more comfortable it's just diet and exercise. For now, I believe in 80 days I can do three things I'll call Start-Stop-Continue:
  • Start - exercising regularly using the RunKeeper to help me stay on track and motivated.
  • Stop - over eating. that's it, just cease the madness eating and just eat normal portions and healthy.
  • Continue - being open to all of the possibilities and how there is something to learn about me every day!
Now finally, when you take the time to walk outside and enjoy your surroundings, you might pass a rose bush in a public area and you should always pick yourself a flower as a reward for walking...like I did today...
This lovely little rose was on a bush as I took my walk at 9am this morning near my office. I had never even noticed the stand of bushes in the middle of a walkway near my office. So, when I took my walk, I picked a prize and put it on my desk at the office and had a reminder all day that I took my walk at 9am and enjoyed every minute of it.

That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by and checking in on my progress. I'll do my best to work in an update in a few days and share my exercise progress. Until then, have a great week and Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 278

Hello Monday! Yes, I'm enjoying a Monday off from work and found out that Monday morning at 10am is THE best time to go buy groceries.  Oh, My, WORD, it was fantastic in the local HEB today. The shelves were stocked. Someone in just about every department walked up and asked me if they could help me find something particular. You know why? Because I was the only person in the store...practically. Yes, there were a few people, but not many. I'd give my EYE TEETH (okay...not really, but you know what I mean) to be able to shop for groceries like that every week. The only way I can do it on the weekend is to be there by 7am on Saturday.

This week I'm planning to eat my own cooking all week. No eating out for lunch even this week. I'm hungry for soup and not the kind out of a can either. So here is what I'm making this week that will serve us supper and leave leftovers for my lunch the next day:

  • Monday Night - Cheater Chicken and Dumplings (they are cooking now and smell heavenly)
  • Tuesday Night - Salisbury Steak with Mushrooms and Seasoned Sugar Snap Peas
  • Wednesday Night - Slow Cooker Italian Sausage Soup with Rolls
  • Thursday Night - Spaghetti with Vodka Sauce and Tiny Meatballs
  • Friday Night - World Famous Hamburger Vegetable Soup and Finger Sandwiches
It's been a while since I planned the meals in advance for the week. I've wanted to cook, but just haven't had the heart for it. The other day when I tried to cook a meal, I ended up cutting my finger badly, spilling hot olive oil all over the stove, knocking over a fresh and very hot pot of tea with loose leaves and hot tea everywhere! I felt like a disaster area. All I was trying to do was make a simple and easy skillet version of Chicken and Rice.  It was good, but what a mess the kitchen was in at the end and my finger is still not healed from the disaster! I'm a mess sometimes.

This week will be different. I'm trying to make more soup because I think soup will make a better meal for me to have at lunch. I also will be using the slow cooker this week to help me keep going. Besides the above dishes, I'll also be making:
These three soups are my own inventions and will go into the freezer for me to use next week for lunch. I love stuffed peppers, but they are just a hassle to cook. So, I deconstructed my recipe and added beef stock and make it into a soup. It cooks nicely in the slow cooker.  The same goes for Spaghetti and Meatball Soup; deconstructed and beef stock makes a great soup! Vegetable Soup is just whatever vegetables are around with some beans (canned), pasta (whatever shape is available) and a tomato base. Add some great seasonings and you've got good food that is PERFECT with a cheese sandwich!  Yummy!! Are you hungry yet?  I hope so.

Okay, so I'll update this posting as I move along with the recipes and such. I do love to cook and just need to slow down and do it! Thanks for checking in on me! Until tomorrow when I'm sure I'll share more nonsense, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Days 275 - 277

Here we are on Sunday with Friday and Saturday only memories now. My how they flew by! I enjoyed Saturday with my sister so very much. It was a long day of driving, but the 9 hours with her were really fun (3 hours there/3 hours back/9 hours in-between...it sounds like a nursery rhyme...you know...like Peas Porridge! Never mind!!). We made firm plans for time together in May, when she will visit us here. Her turn to drive!! As usual, we shopped and I did purchase some warm weather casual wear to allow me to toss out some very worn out items that I've been holding onto. I was able to stay within budget and thus, I'm happy with my purchases.

As you've read in previous postings, I'm learning to become a bit more selective in my activities to allow me the ability to comfortably accomplish exercise, daily. I'm a person who really likes to be busy and I have many interests, which makes it doubly hard to do what I tend to put off to the very last thing: Exercise. Here is the short list (oh, goody!) of the three questions I'm asking myself about activities these days, before I launch into action:

  1. Will there be bloodshed, loss of life or life difficulties if the activity is not completed?
    1. No.  The activity is officially off my plate. Game over!!
    2. Yes. Okay on to the next question!
  2. Could the activity be completed on my behalf, by another person?
    1. Yes. Find that person and get them on it!!  Game over!!
    2. No.  Okay on to the next question!
  3. Is there a more efficient way of completing the activity?
    1. There is no 'yes/no' here, only me opening my mind to the idea that there are options and possibilities for getting every task completed!  Get on it and GAME OVER!!
I'm taping video and making still shots of the laundry process, which will all go into the lesson discussed above. The rest of the day will be devoted to laundry and making my grocery list. Since I took tomorrow (Monday) off, I've shifted my usual Saturday grocery shopping to that day. There should be fewer people in the store, which makes for a much more enjoyable shopping experience. The rest of this day (Sunday) will be spent relaxing and getting ready for the week ahead. I hope you're having a fun time living your life! Check back soon for more about life with The HumbleVoyager. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 274

Hey there! Another day in the world of Nancy has come and gone. Oh yes, and in your world, too! It was lovely working through another day. I finished a project and did some coaching via email today, which is not my favorite way to work with someone, however when I'm solidly booked and someone wants time I can't carve out of my day, email at least allows me to ask some questions and get them thinking. I have rules that I like to follow when it comes to coaching someone. Since I'm feeling the need to write a list, let me share my coaching ground rules...

Nancy's Rules of Engagement:  Life Coaching
(AKA: Have Ideas, Will Travel Call Nancy)

  1. I do not offer coaching to anyone. You have to want me as a coach and seek me out.
  2. The person being coached is responsible for setting up meetings.
  3. One missed meeting, we discuss what happened and move on. The second missed meeting, we're done.
  4. I will answer email questions, but I do not initiate conversations via email with people I coach, as email cannot take the place of meetings (in person or via FaceTime).
  5. The person being coached defines how frequently we meet and what coaching they desire. (i.e.  leadership skills, general problem solving, life passion discovery, financial stewardship and etc.)
  6. Coaching only works when the person being coached is completely honest with the coach. If I detect I'm being told things that aren't true and the person knows they aren't true, we're done.
  7. Coaching is always very specific and based usually on a problem the person is trying to solve.
  8. The person being coached will be asked to establish a time limit we will work within. (i.e. 6 months, 4 weeks, 10 days or etc.)
  9. Every person leaves my coaching understanding that they have all of the answers inside themselves and that I'm simply here to help them discover the hiding place.
  10. I reserve the right to end coaching for any reason.
I do not charge for coaching (at this time, anyway) and so therefore, I feel completely free to exercise #10. In the last year I mentored/coached a very nice young woman whom I could tell within just a few meetings, she was not being honest with herself or me. I sent her on her way with my best wishes, as there is no way I can help someone who won't tell me or themselves the truth. I want to help, but my time is valuable to me and I'll not waste it with someone who's not sincere.

Wow! I always feel better when I make a list. Ahhhh!! I'm not a professional life coach, but I have lived a great life so far and am always willing to share what I know (to a degree...) with anyone who believes I can be of service. I suppose you grasp that I couldn't possibly share everything I know with anyone. In the words of one of my favorite authors of all times, "Never tell all that you know. Not even to those you know best." Agatha Christie, The Secret Adversary. Really what I do is help people find a path to what they want to achieve in life. God made me an encourager and he gave me 54 (almost 55) years of life experience. The best I can do is share some of what I've learned and help people find what they want.

That's it for today. I plan on being back here tomorrow with more about life. It will be Friday and I'm really looking forward to that. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 273

I've been thinking a lot lately about 'passion.' People around me seem to have passion for interesting things and something I've noticed is their passion, for the most part, doesn't change. I'm a little unnerved by this because my life experience has been marked by a set of passions, one after another. For example, I have been a passionate musician, singer, cook, lover, wife, mother, list maker, organizer, film maker, nail artist, writer, manager and coach. I've been passionate in the past about eating right and had a love and passion for exercise. Yet, here I am, in 2014, 54 years-old, almost 55, and what is my passion? If I am honest with myself, my current passion is for eating whatever I want and sitting on my ass! And no, that isn't going to remain my passion forever!

So, all that to say this, I am passionate about life. What you 'do' is the reflection of your passion and what I 'do' is live. We won't compare lives because I don't need my life 'validated' in any way to know that it's good. I don't have anything to prove. I just want to live, love and be loved by the people in my life. Interestingly enough, I believe I am loved by people who know me and that's good enough for me.

As a manager with 27 years with my company and over 35 years of business experience, I am frequently called upon to mentor or coach developing leaders. This is a passion that I really never thought I'd enjoy. For the most part, I probably learn more from coaching/mentoring people than they learn from me, but what I have noticed is those who are focused and know what they want out of life seem to enjoy a level path to the results they desire. People like me; those who are all over the place, may struggle to feel successful. I know now that there are many reasons why a person may lack focus; fear, ego and depression are top of the list. So, I'm leaning to take a cue from the success stories around me and narrow my focus. Although I don't deal with depression, I am a person with many fears and yes, an ego, just like other human beings. I'm still all of the things that I listed in the first paragraph of this blog posting, but I'm learning to become more focused on what really matters, right now and that it's okay when my life demands an adjustment.

It is sometimes difficult to be honest with myself, so writing this blog is helpful, regardless of whether anyone reads it or not. I'm all about the stories of life and this blog helps me remember that I'm living something unique and special every day. Thanks for checking up on me. I will be back tomorrow and maybe I'll have great news about a new passion for exercise. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Days 256 - 272

Do you remember back in the 1990's a TV show on PBS called "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Well, then you may be old and then again you just may be asking that about Nancy -- "Where have you been, Nancy?" (The video linked below is to a piece I found on YouTube of Rockapella doing the theme song for the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" show. I love that the video creator shows still shots of all the places and things mentioned in the song. Fun to watch!!) It's been over 15 days since I've recorded life in the blog. Honestly, I'm just all over the place. I'm supposed to be changing my life and becoming healthier and quite frankly, I am not. "Why not?" I hear you asking...don't look at me, I'm standing here with my shoulders up, head tilted to one side and eyebrows elevated with that dumb, "You're asking me?" look on my face. Really...I don't know. I am a person who is never happy with status quo. I'm always changing something (which is a source of contention with my husband who likes everything to be the same...also known as 'good' so when I change something this is frequently known as 'bad'). It's okay if something is really working out for me, but rarely do I look at a situation, space, habit or process and not think, "I wonder if this is the best way to do this?" I drive people crazy, I know that I do, but I cannot help it.

Over the last 15 days I've been trying to re-motivate myself into eating correctly, getting exercise and just feeling good. I've not been successful, but this is all down to me. I'm not successful because I'm the problem. However, I'm also the optimist so I know I'll resolve my issues and emerge victorious or I'll just die and thats the end to it. Let's hope that I can, indeed, get it right before one of us here dies!

I just wanted to catch up and share the link to the theme song. Enjoy Rockapella and remember where you were from 1991 through 1995 when the show was running on PBS. I was in my 30s back then and had no kids, but I still watched the show when I had the chance. I'll write about my issues and how I'm resolving them, soon. Thanks for checking in on me!! So, until the next time when I'm likely to write something useless and on the cusp of being silly, Godspeed, Voyagers!!