Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

It is unfortunate that political correctness has no tolerance for individualism. I speak here of the apparent inappropriateness of the seasonal wish, "Merry Christmas" which many individuals, such as myself, desire offering to all those who engage us. I'm so sorry you don't like the phrase, but as a free living citizen of the greatest nation in the world (who doesn't think their nation is the greatest?), I will continue to exercise my right to say, "Merry Christmas" any time I like. In fact, I may say it all year long now just to make my point clearly understood. In my opinion it is politically incorrect to limit the words of ANY person. Say what you like, as it is you and only you who are responsible for those words.
I am a Christian who celebrates this holiday as I like. I don't ask you to join me, like it, Facebook it, Tweet it or approve it. In fact, you can do your thing, your way and I'll do my thing, my way. The idea that a good wish offered in good faith is somehow wrong, is just preposterous! The whole "Happy Holidays" thing is now fatiguing me!!!

My final words on this subject: Get over it!!! Now accept it or don't, I don't care. Nevertheless, Merry Christmas!

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