Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When Life Seems Fleeting...Make a List...or Two...or...

I know that time passes at exactly the same pace as it has forever, but it seems like it's racing forward uncontrollably at the moment. I understand that at age 5, one year was 1/5 of my life and at age 53 a year is well, 1/53. You don't have to be a math wizard to figure out that 1/5 is WAY bigger than 1/53! As my father-in-law would say (if he were still with us, that is) I'm feeling the effects of my birth certificate.

Life is probably crazy for everyone. It's hard to know what it's like for others when you're so busy just handling what comes your way in your own life. I hope that I have many more days on this earth, but I can't stop thinking about what I've let slip through my fingers. So, I've been taking stock. In the world of Nancy Hemati, HumbleVoyager of planet earth, that means making a list...okay...several lists. Here is what I came up with:

What I Missed List

  • Pre-Teen - Learning how to roller skate/ice skate (broke my ankle as a teen because of this!)
  • Teen - Going to high school dances (I'm Baptist, you see...dancing is apparently EVIL!!)
  • 20's - College (I decided to flee home and be grown up and WORK...like there wasn't time for that later.)
  • 30's - There were some thirties in there? I think I just missed all of that decade. RATS!!
  • 40's - Dang! I just missed my thirties!! Okay, so I spent my 40's working like I was 20 and craving the 30's I just missed!! Wait, wait, WAIT...kids are supposed to be grown and now I'm supposed to be traveling or something like that, right? NOT! Child born at 39...I'm missing anything that doesn't include my wee gift from God. (I'm not lamenting this...my baby is my precious gift!)
  • 50's - Okay, my baby will start driving and I still have 7 years (or there about) to be completely surrounded by NOT MISSING ANYTHING!

What I Experienced List

(A general, quick list of what I've experienced in the past 53 years...Read on if you dare!!)

  • Real, honest to God, food hatred.
  • Multiple wounds from falling down, off of bicycles, onto broken bottles...you name it. My father always introduced me like this, "This is my daughter Nancy, who trips over puffs of smoke, blades of grass and dust bunnies."
  • Growing up at age 9 when my mother returned to the workforce on a night shift with a one year-old at home. I became little "mom" and I was really, REALLY horrible at it. I had to learn to cook, clean and do anything needed for my little sister. I'm surprised she's still speaking to me.
  • Divorce of my parents and all of the glorious relationship demonstrations leading up to that event and following it. Their nonsense messed me up but bad!
  • Love. Enough said.
  • Kindness.
  • Scary people.
  • Lovely people.
  • School that made me confused and no one to help me figure it out.  (See above...remember, parents a MESS!)
  • Falling hopelessly in love with food. (What the heck happened? I had a good thing going only to have my parents mess it up by making me eat every morsel of food on my plate. I can't win!)
  • No guidance about taking care of myself.
  • Marriage.
  • Home.
  • Financial crises.  (Is that how you express multiples of this type of event?)
  • Children.  (Okay, child.  God gave me but one...I guess I couldn't handle more. Bless His heart!)
  • Hernias.  (Yes, there were three of these monsters. Apparently I'm delicate!  Who knew?)
  • Cancer.  Really, enough said.
  • Weight gain.
  • Weight loss.
  • Learning the proper care and feeding of me, because I really, finally care.
There is so much more, but that will do for now. The list for what I've experienced is way longer than what I could think of that I missed. Really, what have I missed? Not much! My life is what I make of it and I'm thankful for every minute. I just don't want to waste what years I may have left here before I go to see Jesus. I'm a miserable example of His beautiful creation, but I love this life and want to have as much of it as possible. Since having cancer people have asked me if I have a "bucket" list. I have many lists in my life (Really??) but none of these are for me to complete before I meet my maker! I don't want to limit myself.

Here are the top three things I wanted to get done today:
  1. Officially start a new project writing training material at work.
  2. Spend time on me (i.e. skin, nails, clothes, whatever).
  3. Take a walk.
Here are the top three things I actually accomplished today:
  1. Officially started the new project writing training material at work.
  2. Spent time on me.
  3. Figured out a new schedule for getting my walk in at work! (No more missing it just because it's dark!!)
Time to wrap this day up.  Sweet dreams!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

A New Day

I used to blog on my own website, but I needed a way to write using mobile devices. So, here I am on Blogger! I'll tie all of this together so those who go to my website can see everything.

Being able to update my blog from any location has many advantages. I don't travel for business much anymore, but I do travel for pleasure more frequently and I'd like to share what I experience. Blog posts will likely cover a range of personally passionate subjects. If you like reading the rumblings of a frustrated writer who loves people, food, wine, physical challenge and herself then you've found a favorite here. I'll be blogging about whatever I like and hope you'll enjoy what you read and see.

For now this post just establishes the blog and allows me to learn how to use the app. Thanks for stopping by and look for more content in the near future.