Friday, November 23, 2012

A New Day

I used to blog on my own website, but I needed a way to write using mobile devices. So, here I am on Blogger! I'll tie all of this together so those who go to my website can see everything.

Being able to update my blog from any location has many advantages. I don't travel for business much anymore, but I do travel for pleasure more frequently and I'd like to share what I experience. Blog posts will likely cover a range of personally passionate subjects. If you like reading the rumblings of a frustrated writer who loves people, food, wine, physical challenge and herself then you've found a favorite here. I'll be blogging about whatever I like and hope you'll enjoy what you read and see.

For now this post just establishes the blog and allows me to learn how to use the app. Thanks for stopping by and look for more content in the near future.

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