Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Foundation: YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat

Over the years I've heard or read about how drug store personal care products are just as good as high-end products.  Well, my personal experience is that they are not.  Makeup foundation is a good case with which to make my point.  If you've read other blogs, then you know about my trial of Maybelline's Fit Me liquid and most recently, L'Oreal's True Match Compact foundations.  Both were less than ideal experiences and although I can make the Fit Me work in a pinch, the True Match was a true disaster.  Now we come to the good stuff, Yves Saint Laurent's Le Teint Touche Eclat Illuminating Foundation SPF 19.  This is the best, really THE BEST foundation I have ever used.  Here is my test for your review:

I started the day with clean, treated (I have Rosacea) and moisturized skin.

As you can see, I have lots of spots and baggy eyes (my eyeballs are HUGE and stick way out from my eye sockets which causes my old baggy eyes to look even more baggy!  I bet it's just going to get worse!!).  Sorry, for the short rant, but really, I wish I could wake up one morning with 20 year-old skin again.  I really, really miss my 20's.  Any way, I digress.  After priming my face with Sephora's Illuminating face primer I applied two pumps of the YSL foundation using a foundation brush.

My shade is B30 and as you can see it is looks light but that is because it has done such a great job of covering my spots and evening out my skin tone.  This is before concealing!  I did do a little bit of concealing and then completed my regular routine with eyes, cheeks and lips.  Here is the finished face ready to take on the day:
Now a beauty, I am not, but you have to admit, this YSL foundation is fantastic.   It looks very natural, covers well and I do not break out in any nasty rashes by the end of the day.  The foundation blends well and can be built up if you need extra coverage in spots.  Here is another angle:
That is what I looked like for work today.  I think my skin looks the best that it can look with this foundation and I feel I'm taking better care of it by using the YSL. I never really noticed it before, but I have HUGE ears as well as HUGE pokey-out eyes.  Oh, and not be out done is my GIGANTIC nose.  I could be the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood!  You know, "Grandma!  What big eyes you have!!  The better to see you with, my dear."  Of course I don't recall LRRH saying anything about Grandma's HUGE nose, but she probably would have if the wolf hadn't jumped out the bed and tried to eat her!  Man, talk about getting off subject!!

Here is my list of good/bad about the YSL foundation:
  1. Goes on smoothly with fingers or foundation brush (I haven't tried a sponge yet).
  2. Lots of shades (16 to be exact!)
  3. Never looks cakey.
  4. Blends better than any other foundation I've ever used.
  5. Can be built up if needed.
  6. Doesn't have a scent (at least that I could detect).
  7. Great coverage.
  8. Sits beautifully on the skin.
  9. Pricey.
  10. The bottle is quite heavy so carrying it in your handbag for touch-ups is not easy.

Yes, even with numbers 9 and 10, this is my favorite foundation.  At $55 a bottle I have to make it last, but if I have to buy a bottle every three months that's $225 per year for foundation and I'm worth the investment.

Just in case you haven't seen my YouTube video on the Fit Me foundation trial, here it is:
As you can see in this video, there is absolutely NO comparison to be made between Maybelline and Yves Saint Laurent!!  Believe me, NONE!

That's it for now!  Thanks for stopping by.  I haven't decided what I'll be blogging about next, but I'll try to make it fun.  That is my goal in life; have some fun.  You get but one spin on this earth and I want mine to be good no matter what else is happening around me.  See you next time and until then, keep your chin (or if you're like me, chins) up, Sweeties!